Maria's Space: My Birthday Celebration

Monday, August 16, 2010

My Birthday Celebration

Here are the few pictures I took on Friday, August 13th which was my 44th Birthday!

My husband came home bearing, a card which Goddess decorated beautifully and they all signed. He also had my favorite dinner of Steak (which he hates but always gets me a great one for the BBQ), Sweet Potatoes, red wine and this amazing cake.


It was awesome. The soft pieces of cake with the crisp layers of the chocolate. Ummm..Goddess and I shared the white chocolate pieces on the top of the cake


Even though it is blurry, I love this picture.

Umm....who is blowing out my candle? Not me!

Having to relight the candle from my 40th birthday (link to my 40th birthday party luau)because everyone needed a chance to blow it out alone. Accept me!



  1. Some great moments shared! So glad you had a nice day! You totally deserve it momma!

  2. I love the picture of all three of them blowing out the candle. And that cake looks AWESOME!!!! Did they get any pictures of you? It was YOUR birthday, right? lol


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