Maria's Space: Safety Tat Gives You Peace of Mind, Even If It Is Only Temporary

Monday, August 09, 2010

Safety Tat Gives You Peace of Mind, Even If It Is Only Temporary

If you know me in "real life", you know that I am a "hover mom", "neurotic mom", "tight leash mom" and "psycho mom". Yup, I am all those things. Letting go of my children's hands even for school is very hard for me. So when I was approached by a company called Safety Tat, my interest was more than peaked.

Since it is probably illegal to have my phone number permanently tattooed on Handsome and Goddess, this is the perfect alternative.

Safety Tat is a company after this mom's heart. I wish I had come up with this brilliant idea.

Kids love tattoos and we love our kids.

What I Can Tell You: My kids loved the tattoos and wanted them on right away.  I gave Goddess the one that has my phone number on it, and Handsome has a tat kiss, this one says, Mommy Loves You (they have them from Daddy and just kisses too).
Ok, Goddess' tat doesn't really doesn't have pink circles and black stars on it, that is a phone number.

The Tattoos last for 3 days before fading. It has been on since August 4th and the number can 
Still be seen.
Everyone I showed it to in town, at the library, my girlfriends at the park loved it and think it is a fantastic idea.

As my husband always says, "we spend tons of money on things that don't matter, these are worth it."

With school starting in a few weeks around here; I think these are a necessity!


  1. These are awesome! Kids will be excited to get a tattoo, and this is one tattoo parents can get excited about.
    Too bad you took out the number, I coulda called.... LOL... kidding.
    Great idea to slash it from the post.

  2. Anonymous2:29 PM

    That is a great idea. This comes in handy when we go to water parks.

  3. We used these on our trip to Disney. I would recommend them to ANYONE with kids. Easy to use, durable, and very practical if your kid wanders away. We put the tattoo under our daughter's shirt sleeve and taught her to raise her sleeve and show another mommy with kids if she got lost.


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