Maria's Space: The Boy Who Changed The World by Andy Andrews

Tuesday, September 07, 2010

The Boy Who Changed The World by Andy Andrews

What I Can Tell You:
This is the perfect message for just about anybody. Everything you do, big or small has a trickle effect. The smallest gesture can alter someone else's world.

I love the pictures and the way Andy Andrews used real people to get his message across. Showing real results hits the ball out of the park.

The book is written for 4-8 year olds, however after reading it to my 5 year old, I can tell you that I had to be very animated to get her interested in the story. I think it is more for 7-10 year olds.

I really appreciated the Readers Guide which asks some great questions. They were fun to build on to see what my daughter will say.  "Only God knows why we are here because he put us here" was her answer to Do you think we were put on this earth for a reason?

When I asked her what her dreams were for herself she said, 'I just wish I had my own pet store."
I can't wait to see what she says to these questions in 4 years. 


  1. I almost grabbed this book, then changed my mind for Immanuel's Veins. I'm glad I read it, but this one looks really cute, and one I would have loved to review then give to my great niece.
    Fabulous review!

  2. Anonymous8:07 PM

    I might have to borrow that book to read it to my daughters class.

    Sounds good.


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