Maria's Space: Camera Critters - The Wolf

Friday, September 17, 2010

Camera Critters - The Wolf

While at the zoo with the kids last month I snapped this wolf picture. It was hard to get him because I was trying to capture his beauty with one eye and keep my eye on my kids in a crowd. I am surprised this came out as well as it did.


  1. What a majestic creature! we have 3 white tigers in our zoo, and they are a big favorite among the visitors. We have a few wolves there but not in white.

  2. That is a decent shot! I love the softness of the wolf when we all know how strong he really is. Great shot!

  3. What a beautiful wolf. You did it justice in taking it's picture even with your hands full watching over you little ones.

  4. If you hadn't told us it was in a zoo I would have thought you had taken it in the wild. Great framing of the subject well done.

  5. Great shot, the wolf is a cool looking critter.

  6. Anonymous10:26 AM

    Wolves are so freaking beautiful! Eventhough they are dangerous. lol Great shot

  7. He's beautiful--very "Twilight"!


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