Maria's Space: Giddy Up Science - Make Your Own Bath Fizzers Kit

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Giddy Up Science - Make Your Own Bath Fizzers Kit

Thanks to Child's Play Communication Goddess and I were able to check out a fun "football Sunday" project for just us girls.

Goddess is 5 but since she was 2 has always loved to do crafty type things and is interested in Science and how things work. So when I saw the Scientific Explorer Bath Fizzers
I was excited to check it out. She saw it sitting on my side table for two weeks and every day held it up stating "I wish we could do this now." Mommy knows best and I was saving it for a "Goddess needs a project" moment. This is usually when she just doesn't know how to not get herself in trouble. How could my little Angel possibly get in trouble? Well, she doesn't know how to speak softly and she never shuts up which means....we are constantly telling her to "be quiet", "lower your voice", "speak in your inside voice", "shut up" or some other derivative of. Football Sunday is one of those days when she could find herself in a world of trouble so, this Sunday I pulled it out.

What I Can Tell You:
The kit comes with everything you need.
Picture 317

Goddess enjoyed the experiment on chemistry
Picture 331
She was excited do mixing and pouring
Picture 324
It was fun to work together to create something that she was so excited and serious about.
Picture 333
The Activity Guide is set out perfectly with fun facts, supply lists, Science tidbits and more. We read it from cover to cover.

Maybe it was the mixing or the amount of water drops she added (you are supposed to add 10), but our fizzers fizzed all over the counter we had them sitting on to harden overnight. Hopefully the next batch will be great but at we really enjoyed our science experiment and the counter does smell great. 


  1. Anonymous5:22 PM

    She looks so focused!! Very cute.

  2. I'm glad you had a great time with Goddess, she looks like she is really enjoying it. I know she is going to do great things with her life.


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