Maria's Space: Spells by Aprilynne Pike - Young Adult Book Review

Thursday, September 02, 2010

Spells by Aprilynne Pike - Young Adult Book Review

What I Can Tell You: 
Unfortunately, I never read Wings the prequel to Spells so I was at a bit of a disadvantage. I really wish I had read Wings first and I seriously have to get it and read it, than re-read Spells. Re-reading Spells will not be a problem at all. I absolutely loved it. Aprilynne has created a very interesting and original fantasy world. This is a bit of Harry Porter mixed with Urban fairies.

Fall Fairy Laurel travels between her two worlds, Avalon and the Human world she was raised in. At times she appears torn between her human boyfriend David and her fairy friend Tamani who understands her fairy side. 

While back in the Human world, Laurel faces Trolls who want to harm her and meets Klea who says she wants to help her. Laurel isn't sure who she can trust and to be honest neither do I.

From what I read, there are two more books in this series and I will devour all of them. Very original  enjoyable ride! Great for anyone done with Vampires.

Great young adult book! 13 - 18 years old!


  1. Great review, though I would have to read the first one.

  2. Anonymous8:23 PM

    Great review


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