Maria's Space: This Way Thursway - The Snake

Thursday, September 02, 2010

This Way Thursway - The Snake

Head over to Freda's This Way Thurs Way to play along.

These pictures are from Turtle Back Zoo from last week. We headed into the reptilian house and took these pics of the kids looking at a massive snake.

Obviously the kid wasn't in the tank but I love the way the hand reflection looks like he is holding the snake down.

Goddess checking out the massive Python



  1. Awesome shots! It really does look like one kid has the upper hand... groovy! Thanks for linking up!

  2. Crystal5:33 PM

    Hi Maria
    Great pics..looks like a fun day!
    haha would you believe me if i told you i share my house with the exact same looking snake?! Well three to be exact,oh ya they even took over our bedroom.
    crazy snake love!

  3. Anonymous8:23 PM

    OMG Crystal!! Good for you.

    I hate snakes.


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