Maria's Space: Mellow Yellow Monday - A Cute Loss

Monday, October 04, 2010

Mellow Yellow Monday - A Cute Loss

Ok, so Handsome's team didn't win. No biggie, it was the first game and I wanted to get a picture of him coming off the field.

"Hold on honey, I want to get your picture before you take off your vest!"

Goddess, can't let a photo go by without being in it so, here is the shot. It's the face of the defeated but I know the team will win and they will all be happy. Loser, Winner, Handsome still looks adorable to me. Yes, my friends, bestow the most adorable loser face I have ever seen.

Sept 18, 2010 (79)


  1. Looks like he's saying, "Yeah, they won THIS time, but next time...we'll get em!"

  2. I agree with Renee, he looks so ready for the next game! Great shot!


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