Maria's Space: The Soccer Field Poop Episode

Monday, October 04, 2010

The Soccer Field Poop Episode

Well, the boys were sitting together just having a chat, talking about things 6 and 7 year old boys talk about.

I took the picture because Handsome looked so happy and the boys all looked so cute just sitting in a circle smiling. My heart was swelling watching Handsome being so comfortable in his element with his "friends".

Sept 18, 2010 (3)Boys

Then, one of the boys noticed that he had sat his ball on poop. Damn the people who come to the games with their dogs and don't scoop.
Sept 18, 2010 (2)
So, what's a boy to do? Pour water on it and see what happens. Let's all inspect it. There were loads of "gross" and "ills"
Sept 18, 2010 (1)

Then my absolute favorite photo, this little guy just couldn't stop looking. Long after the boys were back to sitting and laughing, he was still saying "gross". Love it. Look at his face. Can't you just hear him? So cute!

Sept 18, 2010 (4)

Then after all the hoopla, Handsome just had to inspect his shoes.

Sept 18, 2010 (9)

Thank goodness, there was nothing there. Yuck! Little boys are so funny.


  1. I'm still LOL'ing. Great photo story!

  2. HA! Poor kid! Too bad for him but lucky for us because that was too funny!


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