Maria's Space: Mommy And Me Monday - 2003

Monday, January 17, 2011

Mommy And Me Monday - 2003


September 30, 2003

Here is Handsome at almost 4 months old.  His daddy is a Devil and Giant fan and I dressed him in a lot of sports clothes. He was my little boy and didn't feel think baby blue with trains, planes, teddys and other "boyish" stuff was the route I wanted to take.  I looked for boy clothes that looked like "big boy" clothes. He was so cute and fun. I love his round head!

If my eyes look a bit red it is because I was sporting a horrific eye infection that took 3 months to get rid of. I was on heavy meds and at the eye doctor weekly. Looks like I was always crying. I was but not because of my eyes. It was because I was sooooo in love with my boys. My husband and my son!

The Devils clothing that Handsome is wearing now rests on one of his stuffed animals. There are some pieces of clothing I just can't get rid of and this set is included in that. At least it fits a stuffed animal and isn't sitting in a bin like the other baby clothes that I couldn't part with.


  1. Your little boy is just adorable. Hope your eye is feeling better soon!

  2. I think it's cute when stuffed animals sport some of the clothes the kids wore. My mom-in-law makes homemade dolls (well she did, she hasn't for about a year now because of some vision problems), and they ended up wearing some vintage clothes she had from when she was little.
    Very cute and a fun way to maybe even pass down clothes to grandchildren way in the future.

  3. I love the look on Handsome's face! lol

  4. Handsome is indeed handsome!!! you both look sooo lovely! and oh... I love your hair!!! =) Hope your eyes get better soon.
    Here's my first Mommy and Me Monday entry... Hope you can drop by...


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