What I Can Tell You: Aurora Fee is the 1st book written by17 year old Megan Barnes.
There is something different about Aurora. She is actually over 600 years old living in the life of a 16 year old shape shifter. Aurora is part human, part cat and can shape shift at will or depending on the stimuli she receives. Claws when she is mad, whiskers when she is shy, tail when she is happy, etc. She moves often because as a teenager full of hormones she falls in love quickly. However, loving a human always brings heartbreak and she has had her fill.
As Aurora starts her newest school in New York, she meets and falls in love with devastatingly handsome Kartik who loves her too. Unfortunately like most teenage girls, she also loves Zane which is the reason she left her last school. Only one problem. Zane has followed her to this school and when he saves her one night and brings her to his place, he unknowingly kisses her at midnight, under a full moon and now he is also a cat person. See, how it works?!
Kartik begs Aurora to change him so he can save her from Elliot the guy she has been running from. When she changed Elliot he went off the deep end and became evil! He is now trying to kill Aurora and anyone she comes close to. As if this isn't enough for a 600+ teenager, she has a voice in her head that is annoyingly familiar.
Aurora and her changed boys are in danger and evil is gaining strength to end Aurora's life forever.
This is a young adult book and is written by a young adult. So, the dialogue is youthful and easy. This is a quick read and the characters aren't very deep but in this very creative storyline, I give kudos to Megan for her shout outs for one of my favorite books. Obviously a Twi-hard like me, Aurora is looking for her "Edward". Aurora and her boys (Kartik-Edward and Zane-Jacob) was very Twilightish. She is in love with two boys who will do anything for her yet, in the long run. She remains friends with Zane and chooses Kartik.
I can't wait to see what else Megan Barnes comes up with. Support our young writer by visiting her website and learning more about her book, the characters, and finding out how she came to write Aurora Fee.
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