Maria's Space: You Capture - Circles

Friday, January 21, 2011

You Capture - Circles

Circles, circles everywhere.

Wild Flower-sold-1st sale

Seats at a carnival game and check out those circles on the numbered sections.
June 26, 2010 (4)

Bubbles, bubbles everywhere. Not the best picture but I love how many bubbles are in the shot. I was trying to capture my daughter in the bubble but my favorite part of this picture beside her dress, are the bubbles laying on the deck floor like glass balls. 

Little girl in a bubble

Who doesn't love the simplicity of the daisy. Such a common, can be found anywhere flower but look at the detail in those petals.

My dew drop macro shot! Just had to include it.


  1. Love the one with the bubbles! And the rain on the leaves.

  2. Very cool captures! I especially like the bubbles and the dew drops!

  3. Anonymous9:39 PM

    I love the daisies. So peaceful

  4. They are all wonderful photos, as usual... but my favorite is the one of Goddess and the bubbles.

  5. Nice - love the daisies especially!


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