Maria's Space: Wish Me Luck On My New Job

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Wish Me Luck On My New Job

I am sure you have seen this sweet, little logo on my blog by now. Baby Bindle was created by Sandra, one of the winners of the Huggies Mom Inspired Grant Program which I mentioned on Maria's Space. She is a personal friend and reader of Maria's Space. When I heard she was selected, I was thrilled that one of my readers had won.

Baby Bindle's first product is called a SeatPak. It is a one of a kind diaper bag and attaches to your baby carrier freeing your hands and arms to take care of your most prized possession. Your baby!

So, what does this have to do with me? Well, head over to this post and find out. While there, feel free to wish Sandra luck on her quest to make the lives of parents everywhere "smoother"

Follow us on Facebook and Twitter if you are interested. We would love to  hear from you and I could use all the support I can get as I head back to workforce.


  1. Good luck on your new social media job how exciting to be part of a company from its start.

  2. Best wishes to you both!

  3. Angel, Thanks so much. I am excited to be part of it.

    Freda, thanks so much for the well wishes.

  4. Congratulations, I know you'll do awesome like you have on your blogs.

  5. wonderful news!! good luck to you both!

  6. I am so happy for you. Things are going so well for you and you certainly deserve it!
    I can't wait to see what happens with the company - I know your photography will do wonders for it. :)

  7. Good luck--I'm sure you'll do a wonderful job.


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