Maria's Space: Alphabe-Thursday - D = Daughter & Ducks

Thursday, May 12, 2011

Alphabe-Thursday - D = Daughter & Ducks

Jenny Matlock

Our Duck friends didn't come back yesterday. We hope all is well and maybe they were busy with babies. Lately we have seen so many babies! Goddess was calling them and requesting we throw bread or crackers and maybe they would show up. It was the first day in a week we haven't had them visit but I have tons of photos from their last few trips which make a perfect theme for this weeks Alphabe-Thursday.

D = Daughter and Ducks




  1. We have a duck pond in our part of the city. The children (not mine)flock to this favorite spot to feed them every chance they get. I keep telling my DHs that I've been wanting to feed the ducks for a long time and still haven't found the time to do it. I know our kiddos have done it when they were small, but I don't know why for the life of me I didn't join the fun. Oh yeah, I was too busy taking pictures more than likely. lol.

    Newest follower,
    Cathy Kennedy, Children's Author
    The Tale of Ole Green Eyes

    Read today's post ...
    Alphabe-Thursday & Other Memes

  2. Too funny. Yes. I always have a camera in my face too.

    Thanks for the follow.

  3. We always used to love to feed the ducks when our kids were small. There were a lot of them at my husband's parents' home.


  4. Anonymous2:38 PM

    JDaniel loves to feed ducks too. I worry when they swarm him to get it from him.

  5. A family of ducks has shown up on our golf course in the last couple of weeks. We are hoping they will stay and have babies!!

  6. good idea she has! We have a couple of ducks that visit us from the pond down the street. I'm so amazed at them, walking around the residential neighborhood, and people actually drive around them! Good people, good... {:-Deb

  7. She is adorable. Looks like she tried being patient for a second... too cute!

  8. What a darling daughter you have! Love the progression in these pictures...patient,!

    You really captured the essence of small children perfectly here!

    Thanks for a delightful stop for Alphabe-Thursday this week.

    I'm sorry you lost comments, too!


  9. You guys have lots of wild life around you! Very lucky, especially since it is all cute and photogenic!


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