Maria's Space: Do You See It?

Monday, May 16, 2011

Do You See It?

Ok...picture this, Saturday afternoon. We just got home from my son's birthday party and my husband heads out to get the gifts out of the trunk! He comes back and says, "that's cool!" Opening the sliders he heads to the deck and calls me out. I head over and he says, "do you see it"? I say no and he tells me...

oh never mind I'm not going to tell you...let's see if you, dear reader can figure it out

...ready..... you see it?....

May 14, 2011 Newborn dear (5)

On my way to the location, I stop and take a picture of the street covered in pink....beautiful right!?

Flowers cover street

....oh yeah...want to know what it is?...

Look closely...I didn't want to get too close....but if you look hard enough you will see....

May 14, 2011 Newborn deer (1)
It's a newborn fawn, so small, about the size of a small cat. We saw the momma a few hours earlier but thought she was just standing there, though she seemed very nervous. She must have just given birth. We stayed cleared from the baby because we are sure mom wasn't too far away and was waiting for the cover of night to move it.

Hopefully the baby has been moved, nature has a way of taking care of itself. We haven't check to see if the baby is there because mostly I wouldn't want to know if it wasn't doing well.

So cool!


  1. Anonymous6:26 PM

    I spotted right away something brown in the picture but wasn't sure what it was. Isn't the baby fawn the cutest thing.

  2. They are so sweet and cute! We love seeing the fawns in the spring. We often have fawns hidden in the grass here and then Mama deer likes to bring them up to the yard in the evening to chew on the green grass and get a drink in the pond. A couple years ago we had one come every evening with twin fawns, so fun!


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