Maria's Space: Scavenger Hunt Sunday

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Scavenger Hunt Sunday

Give Me Flowers

While on a butterfly field trip with my daughter's kindergarten class, I spotted these still wet with dew.


My Daughter giving me one of her many floral gifts while out and about.

Visual Contrast
My so big 8 year old on a mega slide. He is almost my height, but on the carnival slide he looked so tiny.

May 27, 2006 (55)
This is by far one of my favorite photos and the one that came immediately to mind when I saw the them. My husband and my son walking up the stairs 5 years ago. I love the difference in their height and the prospective makes him looks so much smaller.

Yesterday we had Handsome's 8th birthday party at McDonalds and I grabbed a few kids before they left for a photo op. 1st Grade is such a great time. It was fun seeing how they all act together.


  1. Anonymous8:14 PM

    Handsome looks so happy in the last picture!

    I really like the first picture! the flowers looks so bright and beautiful.

  2. Love the visual contrast shot and the flowers are beautiful!

  3. That slide looks fun and I love the flowers!


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