Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Zhu Zhu Puppies Are Our Newest Favorite Toys

We are big Zhu Zhu Pet Fans, especially Goddess. She loves her amazing collection of Hamsters and now she has a new love. The Zhu Zhu Puppies collection which she has been seeing commercials and begging for made a stop at our house in the form of a Pup, an outfit and a accessory.

It was torture for her to wait for me to take a photo of the three boxes for this post. A whole day she would come over and ask, "did you take the picture for your blog yet?" The very next day, I allowed her to open the boxes and she couldn't have been happier. My 6  year old sat on the floor and put the Puppy Car and Meter together, dressed her puppy and attached it to the Zhu Zhu Pets Princess Castle and Ice Cream Shop.  This is something I really appreciate. Thanks Zhu Zhu for making all the pieces attach. It is nice to be able to expand on the line without having to purchased each line separately. The Zhu Zhu Pets and the Zhu Zhu Puppies, played very nice together in the car, ice cream shop and Princess Castle.

The Puppy is definitely her favorite Zhu Zhu and I can't say I blame her. While the hamsters all look the same other than color and style, the puppies, like real ones have their very own personality and it shows all over their sweet faces. Just look at that face!

We really love the puppy and she is asking for more. These are definitely going on her Christmas list. Who could resist this sweet, little pup and look at those wings. Her costume has little wings on the back which had Goddess squealing, "isn't she cute?" over and over.

Thanks to Zhu Zhu Pets and Mom Select, I have been given permission to host a Giveaway on my blog.

Monday, August 29, 2011

The Beach Is Full Of Amazing Things


It's not the beautiful beach, the calming water, the sunset or the rainbows in her ears. It is the inner light that shines from her whenever she is around.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Sweet Shots

Picnik collage
My daughter and niece together really make me smile. They are so cute and similar. Watching the comfort they have with each other even though they only see each other once or twice a year makes me feel good. Before my daughter, my niece was my baby. I used to take her to my house to spend the summer. She has a very special soul and a huge heart. I adore her to pieces. Hopefully we see her more this year but at least we had three days with her and that was worth so much!

Pointing and Spotting

I took Goddess and my niece out on a "photo shoot". I love taking pictures of people and capturing interaction between them. They were so sweet together. My niece has two little sisters so you would think she has little or no time for her baby cousin but being the special soul she is...she is makes Goddess feel very special.

While watching them, I spotted them pointing at something. It was so cute that they were doing it together, I had to grab the shot. Then I spanned to see what it was....


Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Jumping For Joy!

This weekend I took Goddess and my first Goddess, my niece Sam on a photo shoot. It was so much fun watching them interact. Here are some of my favorite shots. They were jumping of the bench at a gazebo, having a blast and laughing. It was a great time. Sam was my first "daughter" she used to spend weeks with me in the summer before I had my own children. I love watching her interact with my kids. They adore her.

Picnik collage

Picnik collage

Konsyl For Healthy Digestive Health & My Health

What I Can Tell You:
After my hospital stay and eventually surgery last year, taking care of my intestine is something I now know to be extremely important but I also know if it isn't easy to do, or doesn't taste good, you won't do it. Usually I balance all meals with a nice dose of fiber. Beside it being good for you, the body needs it in order for things to move smoothly. Since my surgery, I have realized that my intestine will never be the same. I know when something is passing through that area and have many different twinges and the occasional discomfort. Most of this may have to do with a protruding intestine which decided to pop out last month. Staying on top of my fiber game has become a full time job. Pushing the intestine back is is also a full time job.

When I first started the Konsyl I only used water and the orange flavor balance one. You can take it three times a day. Simply take a teaspoon, put it in the Konsyl shaker cup and shake. The first day, I wasn't loving the grainy texture but by the end of the second day, I didn't mind it. Eventually I started mixing the the original and Balance by using a half of each on a teaspoon and mixing with orange juice or apple juice. Honestly, it isn't bad. I did have some gas pains one day but don't contribute this to the Konsyl. There are many things that cause me discomfort when it comes to my intestines. I don't treat them very well all the time. These pains sidelined me for 24 hours but eventually they were gone and all was well. It took me a day to go back to the Konsyl but haven't had those pains again.

Monday, August 22, 2011

I Spy With My Little Eye, Red, Red and More Red

So much red at the Renaissance Faire last week, I have to spread them out over the next few weeks. Here are just a few.

Aug 18, 2011 (82)

Aug 18, 2011 (10)

Aug 18, 2011 (24)

Sunday, August 21, 2011


Cousins are friends God gives you for life!

The Hat Prop

My niece was over for a few days and since I had taken pictures of the kids wearing my summer hat, I just had to use it on her during our photo shoot! I love that they all wore the hat this summer.Thinking of getting this done for my wall.

Teacher Letters Received. Hold On Folks, It's Going To Be A Bumpy Ride

This week we received packages from the school for each kid containing letters from their new teachers. While Handsome already knew who his teacher would be this year (IEP Meetings), Goddess has no idea and it was going to be a surprise for me as well.

She has a lot of work to do this year to be ready for 2nd grade and we both wanted her to have a certain teacher. Handsome's Kindergarten teacher is now teaching 1st grade and Goddess was praying for her.

Their packages came in, I gave them each their own to open. Handsome ripped his open and sat down to read his letter from his teacher and all the forms, I will have to sit and fill out. Goddess, took her envelope and repeated as she opened, "please be Ms. Quick. please be Ms. Quick." She handed me the letter and just before I read it, I told her don't be upset if it isn't her. It wasn't! She wanted nothing to do with hearing who it was. She covered her ears refusing to hear anything. I am hoping some of her friends will be in her class. So far, only one other person we know will be there. She is completely disinterested in talking about school. Hopefully she will love her new teacher and all will be well, but I am ready for a fight on the first day of school.  Wish me well.

Did you find out who your child is getting yet?

Saturday, August 20, 2011

How Do You Teach Good Sportsmanship

Teaching children to be good winners is as important as teaching them to be good losers! With that said, I have two questions, how do you teach them to do their best even if that means not always winning? And, how do you teach them to be good winners and supportive instead of their own cheerleaders when they win?

My son loves his Wii. He lives for the moments he can play and would play all day if I allowed it. Teaching him to share his games, be supportive and not yell at others while he plays against them has been an uphill battle.

Since he plays so often, he is very good at the game. He often shouts at others who are slower at getting the game or God forbid they are better than him and beat him, there will be tears! When he wins, he laughs and calls others loser. It has been awful to listen to because while I think within a family, this kind of teasing and ribbing could be good fun, it can hurt feelings, especially with a peer. So, teaching him to win and lose nicely has become a full time job.

Any suggestions, on how to teach good sportmanship?

I believe there should be no trash talk but I am not sure how to handle when it happens.

We would prefer if our son spoke kinder to people.

We believe in setting by example so encourage "nice" talk but feel we are micro managing our son's conversation.

If any one has any suggestions on how to foster good sportsmanship, I would love
to hear about it.

Color Carnival #104

Hello everyone,

I am wondering if anyone wants to take over Color Carnival. Currently, my life since April has been super busy. After my surgery last year and recovery time I started a social media company. I now have four full time clients, Maria's Space and all that goes along with that and a community web page where I am reporter, journalist, photographer, editor, writer, interviewer. and whatever goes along
with running an online "newspaper". Plus, the kids are home from school.

Over the past four weeks I have been thinking how sad the meme has gotten and want to see it bloom again. I have been a terrible host and think it would be better suited in someone else's hands.

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Mellow Yellow Monday - The Slide!

I love watching my kids play with Goddess' friend last month. I finally got to looking at the photos and the ones of them all holding hands make me so happy. Not the clearest but so sweet.

Simple Color Carnival

I love watching my daughter create. She is constantly in "the zone" and we
just let her go for it. Her art if always interesting and always full of either love or has a story to it. She thinks outside the box which is something some have a hard time doing. She is amazing. What she is horrible at is picking up after herself. She is like a little tornado and has to be asked 60% of the time
to clean up. Here is the aftermath of one of her artistic moments.

Sunday Snapshot - My Babies

The kids and I headed out to a farm Thursday. We used to come here at least three times a week when they were younger. It was bigger than. Changes have made the family areas so small (they made way for a beer garden!? really, is this needed? Whatever!). We only stayed about a half hour before the asked to leave. These are the things that make me sad. There are a lot of things that make me sad. Like my daughter telling me she is ready to get rid of some of her toys (she is ONLY 6). I loved my toys and hated parting with them. I was 12 still playing with my barbies, back in the 70's life was simple. Bikes, Barbies, Books were my life. These days my kids play way more computer and electronic games. It is my fault of course! They ask for them and I get them. No matter how old they get, they will always be MY babies.

Picnik collage

The Weekend in Black and White - Sorrow in Shadow

The Weekend in Black and White


Shadow Shot Sunday - The Angel's Walk

Yesterday I decided to play with a prop and grab some angle photos. I love the way this came out. Perfect for Shadow Shot Sunday.


Saturday, August 13, 2011

Camera Critters - The Toad

My husband found this adorable toad for my daughter to keep for the day. I completely feel in love and thought for two seconds about keeping it but we choose to let it go free.

Better for the toad, I'm sure.

Color Carnival #103

Hello everyone,

Sorry it took me so long to get on the computer today. It's my 45th birthday and this is the first time
I am getting on the computer.  My husband got me a new cell phone and my daughter made me a card.
My  SIL and nieces were here today for a visit and brought lunch and flowers. All in all it was a very pleasant, relaxing day. Hope everyone else is having a great weekend.

Friday, August 12, 2011

This Is My Favorite Of The Week

I was so proud of my 6 year old who smiled with a total stranger for me yesterday. The stranger is Maddy Carroll a young/upcoming actress who is playing one of Virginia Madsen's daughter's in Summer at Dog Dave's. Maddy was shaking my hand when I asked, her to take a picture with my daughter. She walked through the crowd to lean down with my usually shy daughter. Goddess was so proud of herself, she hasn't stopped talking about it. "The the girl from Mr. Popper's Penguin's came over and I wasn't even shy. Not one little bit!"
No, she wasn't shy and I am so happy she let me take this picture. For more photos of my experience with Rob Reiner, Morgan Freeman and the rest, hit up these posts.

Goddess and Handsome Experience Their First Celebrity Moment

If you live close to a town where a movie is being shot, you tend to drive by it more often. Summer at Dog Dave's starring Morgan Freeman and Virginia Madsen and director by Rob Reiner was wrapping up in a local community near me so, the kids and I featured out to see what was happening. Ok, I coerced them into coming by promising ice cream.

We got out of the car with them complaining and saying they didn't want to be there. I told them I understood and listened patiently while I snapped with my camera until they shouted "rolling" (only about 3 minutes) than I put my hands over their mouths. 15 minutes into us standing there and the kids asking to leave. Two young girls walked across the street. I knew who it was instantly. Madeline (Maddy) Carroll, who starred in Flipped (which I reviewed last year and we just saw her in Mr. Poppers Penguins but some may know her from The Santa Claus 3 or The Spy Next Door. The other girl who I didn't know is Emma Fuhrmann. She is a new actress whose blues eyes are mesmerizing. She was very sweet.

Maddy walked over to our side where there were a bunch of children. She smiled and waved to everyone as if she knew us. She caught everyone's eye saying "hello," signing autographs for some young fans. We shook hands as she introduced herself. She was so sweet and took a picture with everyone I threw at her. Her sweet, honest personality along with Emma Fuhrmann who was very polite and shook my hand and also took a photo with young fans was quite different from the young stars you hear about in the tabloids.

Here are some photos from yesterday. I couldn't be happier.



Picnik collage

Picnik collage

Thursday, August 11, 2011

My Thoughts on Vanity Fair

What I Can Tell You:
I may be the only book lover that has never read Vanity Fair so I had no idea what to expect. This was a fun movie to watch. It was a perfect way to spend a rainy day with the kids involved in their games, I sat at the computer and wished I had someone to watch it with.

Becky Sharp is one naughty girl. She cracked me up from the beginning of the movie when she told off the school marms of Miss Pinkerton's Academy for Young Ladies. I knew from that moment, I was going to love her. The story is good. The writing, well, obviously the book is a classic for a reason. The characters are fleshy and real. I never thought the movie boring considering it is a BBC and not a big budget, extravaganza, full of action like I usually watch. The dialogue is what makes this so awesome. There is a ton of witty banter that made me smile through much of the movie.
I also love Amelia Sedley who is horribly in love with George Osborne but has a puppy dog secret admirer in his friend, William Dobbin.

The characters are well acted.  The clothing and set amazing. The production a bit bland but it was perfect for this book adaptation which was written in 1847.

If you love the classics, you will love spending a few hours with Vanity Fair on DVD.

Tuesday, August 09, 2011

The Weight of The World

Wow, there is so much going on in the world. Everything seems fast, crazy, unbalanced, stressful and devastating.

Wall Street is swinging wildly!
London is completely out of control.
Tens of Thousands are dying of starvation in East Africa.
Fallen Heroes returned home today.

And I can go on and on....

Sometimes it is hard to listen to the news. It hurts your heart. It hurts your head and hurts your feelings. There are so many things we have no control over. We have no control over what is happening above. We can only pray for those affected, and pray for our own strength as we are affected by these things either financially or emotionally.

There are moments when the pain of the world weighs so heavy and dark on our lives that we wonder how or when it will change.

The world can be a scary, scary place. All we can do is love, breathe, hold each other tight and pray for strength. Sometimes prayer, friends and family are all you have.

Take care of each other and live each day for the blessing it is for, any day above ground, is a BLESSING!

Budding Artist Tuesday - August 9, 2011

Do you have an artist in your house? One who is constantly drawing, creating and inspired by all things art? If so, check out this new meme for the summer called "Budding Artists" for kids age 3-18. 

I love blogging and I especially love when my kids are involved.

This is one of my favorites. There is so much going on in this drawing. 

Interested? Come back Tuesday morning and link up your post starring your child's artwork. I can't wait to see it.

Denizen from Levi's Are the Perfect For Me!

Levi’s is introducing a new brand of great looking, great fitting jeans for the whole family – dENiZEN.
Exclusively available at Target, dENiZEN jeans are well-crafted with a fit for everybody.

As par of a promotion through Team Mom I was able to try these jeans for myself. Usually I get things for my family to try when given the opportunity. dENiZEN jeans are available for men, woman and children but opted this time, for myself. I am always on the look out for jeans and don't have many because I am not a love of shopping or spending money on myself. Ordering online is never an option. I am only 4'11 and can sometimes be a 10 and sometimes a 12 depending on the clothes. 

I got the pants in and put them on right away. They fit perfectly. In fact, I could have gone down to a 10 which would have made me extremely happy. The pair I received was the Women's Totally Shaping Mid-Rise Boot Cut which sits below the waist, boot cut leg opening and tummy slimming panel. I LOVE THEM.

What I Can Tell You:

They stretch nicely, have a tummy control top and look like classic American jeans. This is just what you would expect from Levi. 

Ruby Tuesday & Orange Tuesday = Local Life In A Neighboring Town

Not too many times you can put red and orange together and have it look good. This is one of them! Took a drive looking for photo ops. Got out and walked around a neighboring town and love the night life. The street comes alive during dinner time.


Photo Edit

I took this shot around 5:00 pm at night but used a texture to create the darkness and starts. Love the way it came out.


Saturday, August 06, 2011

Disney's Phineas and Ferb: Across The 2nd Dimension Pajama Party

Last night we had 10 moms and one dad over and 12 kids to enjoy the Disney's Phineas and Ferb First Movie called Across The 2nd Dimension!

This night has been the talk of the neighborhood since the kids and I struggled with our friend list over a month and a half ago. We narrowed it down to 18 families (if everyone had come we would have had well over 40+ kids here. As fun as this sounds we knew some of course wouldn't be able to attend. 13 families said yes and 11 showed up wearing their PJ's and carrying their sleeping bags and/or pillows.

Parents who are usually late ended up arriving 40 minutes early because they had been listening to their kids talk about it from the moment they woke up. My kids too! They woke up so excited that the living room was set up by 10:30 a.m.

We watched 1 half hour Phineas and Ferb show on Netflix and at 8:00 p.m turned on The Disney Channel.
When the movie started you could have heard a pin drop from the living room while the dining room chock full of moms who hadn't seen each other for a month caught up loudly!  It was funny to hear the kids complaining about the noise from the moms!

We had no idea what to expect from Phineas and Ferb's movie Across the 2nd Dimension but know this: We would undoubtedly love it. 

Here What I Can Now Tell You: I SERIOUSLY NEED to see this movie again. What I was able to concentrate on and hear (noise level and hosting aside). The movie was funny. I sat next to my niece and she and I shared quite a few laughs in the first 15 minutes.

The boys help Dr. Doofenshmirtz (who they have no idea is evil) get his cross dimensional portal to work. Eventually they all end up in an alternative dimension.  They also learn in a funny way that Perry is...da da dah...Agent P! Ha! One of my favorite scenes. We also get to see how they boys first get Perry. Who doesn't lost Perry.

One of the things that the creators of Phineas and Ferb do wonderfully is make this an enjoyable show for kids and parents alike. It is a show you can and will want to watch with your kids. There was many surprises, many fun musical numbers, lots of action and movie/TV references to make parents laugh.  So many jokes that go over the kids head but cracked me and the other parents up so much so that the kids asked us a few times, "whatcha laughing at?"

It was a good time, so much so that we are getting ready to watch it again right now in a more quieter setting.

If you have never watched it now is the time. This was way better than an movie created from a series. the movie stands on it's own. We loved the ending when the boys had to make a decision to forget knowing that Perry is in fact a secret agent. It solidifies the continuation of the boys ignorance on their pet and their statement, "he's a platypus, he doesn't do much!"

Got to go...time to watch.

Thursday, August 04, 2011

Busy, Busy, Busy

Wow life is crazy busy. So much going on, I actually took a nap this afternoon. Never happens but I really just needed to crash.

Working from 6AM to 10:30 PM these days. Not consistently because the kids are home from school and I don't want to miss the summer with them.

Here is the run down:
Working for 3 clients with my company Buzz Chic (a social media company) which I started in May. Love them all. Kevin, my newest client. Is a very nice guy. He sells insurance and wants to help the community his office is in. Then there is Dina a boutique owner in town. This is probably the most fun for me, I head into her business, take photos, showcase a product every day and have come up with some creative ways to bring in business that she really loves. She is great and her and her son are coming over for a Phineas and Ferb Pajama Party. Than the one who started it all, Sandra. Sandra is a friend who asked me to come on as her Social Media Specialist and started the ball rolling for Buzz Chic. Working with her is what gave me the confidence to believe in myself and I love being part of the team. She and her son are also coming tomorrow for the Phineas and Ferb Pajama Party.

Beside this I run another site for a local community which has really taken off.  Their newspaper closed almost two years ago and I wanted to help the community maintain their community feel. So the website and Facebook page has been something I have concentrated on over the past two weeks. The mayor of this town took notice and was the reason I was invited to Summer At Dog Daves Movie set yesterday.

Chotskies, my entertainment blog has taken a back seat but I try to update it periodically.

Color Carnival, a meme I host for participants of color photos. New one every Saturday. Link up!

Last, but by no means least, is Maria's Space and you guys, I love maintaining Maria's Space, I love my readers and this is and will always be a priority. It is the place I talk about life, my children, products, host giveaways, etc.

Reading has taken a back seat.

Running, blogs, Facebook pages, and Twitter accounts for all can be challenging but there is never a dull moment.

Now, if only I was making a paycheck worthy of the amount of work involved. It will happen. Patience is a virtue and I am one virtuous chick!

Movie Set For Photo Op With Rob Reiner

The sky was gray. The birds weren't chirping and my hair was frizzing and getting bigger by the second but it was one of the best days ever. There are moments in our lives that we remember forever. Graduation, your wedding, the birth of your children, are usually among the top of the list. Today, I had one of those stellar days and my children weren't involved at all. If you know me, this is not the norm. They were left at home with my husband as I headed out to a movie set location of the day, for Summer At Dog Daves (btw..invited by the Mayor of this town, but more on that later).

When I got there, the street was closed. I gave my name and was allowed in after being told I was expected. Trying not to blush, I parked my car. Quickly calling my husband for a pep talk and taping a quick video of how I was feeling (it may never be seen), I smoothed my skirt and stepped out of the car.  I had a moment to talk to The Warwick Valley Dispatch who was kind enough to tell me to keep up the good work.

We walked together to the set and waited for instructions. The other reporters took notes, I took them too but can't locate them at the moment (how is that for stellar journalism!?).

As I listen to the buzzing and the conversations around me all I can think of is, oh my gosh...what am I doing here? Is that Morgan Freeman smiling at me? Wow, Rob Reiner is so nice! Look at how many people it takes to make a movie! Virginia Madsen is really pretty." Seriously, that is what is going on in my head, but on the outside, I am quietly taking pictures, writing names and information for this post and generally trying to appear completely and utterly unaffected by the amazing people in front of me. Not an easy job mind you when you are a complete celebrity freak like me and all you want to do is smile.

We take photos of locals (Dean Mahoney, Julianna Crawford ("like Cindy Crawford") and Christian Vogeler  who are working on the set with Rob Reiner.

Someone calls Rob to look at a scene. I suddenly remember I have a DVD in my hand.  Wait, I brought this for an autograph. Should I ask? Do I ask? Is it right? Would it be...."Rob? Rob!" I am calling his name before I even realize I did it. He turns. It starts to rain on us. "I am sorry to ask but could you please sign this for me? It was one of my favorite movies last year (The movie for you inquiring minds is Flipped! Awesome movie.)  You are amazing, so underrated. This movie was beautiful!" He is looking at me and I am thinking I spoke to much but remind myself that I will never have this opportunity again in my life. Take it!
Thank you to Warwick Valley Living for taking this shot (please ignore that back fat)

I have a marker, he takes it and smiles, "thank you so much. Thank you for liking this movie. It is a movie that is dear to my heart."

He asks my name. I tell him. He signs it. I apologize again for asking and say, "thank you so much!" He tells me it is no problem as one of the crew starts talking to him. I remember it is raining and walk over to protect the now signed DVD case. I am completely thrilled.

The assistants are busy writing notes for the reporters while the Mayor holds an umbrella over their heads so the ink doesn't run. Got to love a hands on Mayor.  In fact, she was spotted picking up trash on the street today to toss it in the appropriate place.

Me: Ryan, why Greenwood Lake. What was it about this town that made this the perfect fit for the movie?

Ryan: It is exactly what the script called for. The script was written about a lake front community. We didn't think we would find one and when we came here, we saw exactly what was written. That doesn't happen often. We originally didn't think we would find one. We thought we would have to find a home with a large back yard that we could build a set on. When we came here and Rob got out of the car. He said, "  this is exactly what we had envisioned"  and immediately started pointing at houses for the characters of the movie. The location is perfect. There are house right on the lake. Greenwood Lake doesn't just feel like a Lake Town it feels like a community and that is exactly what we were looking for.

The movie is about a grouchy man who because of the closeness of the community, reluctantly, eventually, becomes part of the community. Is is the PERFECT location for this script and this movie.

What an awesome day! I was high for 24 hours.

Wednesday, August 03, 2011

My Family Tried ohnsonville Bratwurst Burgers

Who, couldn't use free groceries from Walmart for one year?! That is just crazy. I headed to Walmart and got the Johnsonville Bratwurst Burgers. We have never had Bratwurst anything so were eager to try it.

We started the grill and throw the burgers on. My husband, niece and I decided we were going to go old school with lettuce, tomatoes, pickles, onions and catchup. 

We used the apron and oven mitt given to me by One to One Network and Johnsonville to run try out the patties.

Because the burgers are cooked frozen we kept on side of the grill off, this is the side we put the burgers on. Once they were defrosted we started that side low.

Nope, not ready yet!

While the burgers were cooking, I cut up some condiments for the burgers.

Finished product:

Hub: I am not sure if I like this. What kind of meat is this? It tastes like sausage.
Niece: It's not bad but even with all these condiments on it. I still taste the meat. Not sure how I feel about that. It is very overpowering but I don't mind it.
Me: It is good. Tasty. Meaty. Juicy. I like it.

Tuesday, August 02, 2011

Ruby Tuesday - What The Heck?

Happy Tuesday!
I asked my daughter to pose during a brief moment of the parade 2 weeks ago. It was 95+ and humid. We were hot! Goddess had a grimace on her face so I asked her to pose for a moment. I took the shot! While looking them over when I loaded them onto the computer I noticed this....on her face....what the heck??


It's a bee! A bee buzzed by and we had no idea until we looked at it on the computer. Well, actually I had no idea what it was until my Hub said, that's a bee.

Budding Artist Tuesday - August 2, 2011

o you have an artist in your house? One who is constantly drawing, creating and inspired by all things art? If so, check out this new meme for the summer called "Budding Artists" for kids age 3-18. 

I love blogging and I especially love when my kids are involved.

This drawing done by Goddess is currently hanging in my bedroom above my bed where she put it. These are two monkeys holding hands with a heart made out of bananas above our heads. I see an alligator and a bird. I am not sure what that Dr. Seuss like character is but he scare me a little. But, I love the message she wrote. As if she had a choice.

Monday, August 01, 2011

Showcase Your Photos With Fracture Me - Review

I am completely in love with Fracture Me, the one thing I am not in love with is their logo (it doesn't tell me what they do), but it is growing on me.

Last week I saw Fracture Me on WPIX in NY and had to see what they were all about. I ordered one of Goddess...well, I didn't pick it, I gave Goddess three pictures to choose from and asked her.

Ok, so let's rewind...what is Fracture. Fracture is one of the most amazing ways to showcase your photos. It is inexpensive and easy.

I uploaded a photo onto the Fracture site. Selected my background, there are so many to choose from, you can do none, black, white or choose from a variety of colorful, or borders with graphics. We chose none! Select the size, the shape (square, landscape or portrait) and order!

That was the easy part, the hardest part was trying to select a photo.

Ok..back to my review:

I ordered my 10" frame on a Friday and got it the next Tuesday. 
The box was very secure and easy to open. Simply grab and pull the white tab.

It even comes with it's very own screw for mounting!

All of this is great but what I truly love is how awesome it looks. Click the photo to make it bigger. Look it at among all these framed photos. They are all receiving the same amount of light, thus the same amount of reflection but look how clear the Fracture Photo is! Goddess never looked more beautiful!

This is the best photo product in my opinion ever! Need another reason they rock? The prices are amazing. For an 8 inch photo you pay $8.00. For a 10 inch photo $12.00. That photo of Goddess in the Fracture only cost $12.00. That is processing and frame people. Crazy right!? For the rest of their prices, head to their price page.

I want to do a whole wall in Fracture. There are great gift ideas too! My dad and grandparents would love photos of the kids that come in their own frames. 

You will love Fracture, your favorite photos ready to be hung, right out of the box!

The fine folks at Fracture want you to experience and change the way you hang your photos by offering one of my readers the chance to win a 12 inch Fracture of your own!