Maria's Space: Busy, Busy, Busy

Thursday, August 04, 2011

Busy, Busy, Busy

Wow life is crazy busy. So much going on, I actually took a nap this afternoon. Never happens but I really just needed to crash.

Working from 6AM to 10:30 PM these days. Not consistently because the kids are home from school and I don't want to miss the summer with them.

Here is the run down:
Working for 3 clients with my company Buzz Chic (a social media company) which I started in May. Love them all. Kevin, my newest client. Is a very nice guy. He sells insurance and wants to help the community his office is in. Then there is Dina a boutique owner in town. This is probably the most fun for me, I head into her business, take photos, showcase a product every day and have come up with some creative ways to bring in business that she really loves. She is great and her and her son are coming over for a Phineas and Ferb Pajama Party. Than the one who started it all, Sandra. Sandra is a friend who asked me to come on as her Social Media Specialist and started the ball rolling for Buzz Chic. Working with her is what gave me the confidence to believe in myself and I love being part of the team. She and her son are also coming tomorrow for the Phineas and Ferb Pajama Party.

Beside this I run another site for a local community which has really taken off.  Their newspaper closed almost two years ago and I wanted to help the community maintain their community feel. So the website and Facebook page has been something I have concentrated on over the past two weeks. The mayor of this town took notice and was the reason I was invited to Summer At Dog Daves Movie set yesterday.

Chotskies, my entertainment blog has taken a back seat but I try to update it periodically.

Color Carnival, a meme I host for participants of color photos. New one every Saturday. Link up!

Last, but by no means least, is Maria's Space and you guys, I love maintaining Maria's Space, I love my readers and this is and will always be a priority. It is the place I talk about life, my children, products, host giveaways, etc.

Reading has taken a back seat.

Running, blogs, Facebook pages, and Twitter accounts for all can be challenging but there is never a dull moment.

Now, if only I was making a paycheck worthy of the amount of work involved. It will happen. Patience is a virtue and I am one virtuous chick!


  1. At least is sounds like you really enjoy all the work you're doing! I'm glad you've been successful in your new business. Congratulations!

  2. Thank you so much Brenda. It has been interesting. Very interesting. I am learning so much.


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