Maria's Space: Teacher Letters Received. Hold On Folks, It's Going To Be A Bumpy Ride

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Teacher Letters Received. Hold On Folks, It's Going To Be A Bumpy Ride

This week we received packages from the school for each kid containing letters from their new teachers. While Handsome already knew who his teacher would be this year (IEP Meetings), Goddess has no idea and it was going to be a surprise for me as well.

She has a lot of work to do this year to be ready for 2nd grade and we both wanted her to have a certain teacher. Handsome's Kindergarten teacher is now teaching 1st grade and Goddess was praying for her.

Their packages came in, I gave them each their own to open. Handsome ripped his open and sat down to read his letter from his teacher and all the forms, I will have to sit and fill out. Goddess, took her envelope and repeated as she opened, "please be Ms. Quick. please be Ms. Quick." She handed me the letter and just before I read it, I told her don't be upset if it isn't her. It wasn't! She wanted nothing to do with hearing who it was. She covered her ears refusing to hear anything. I am hoping some of her friends will be in her class. So far, only one other person we know will be there. She is completely disinterested in talking about school. Hopefully she will love her new teacher and all will be well, but I am ready for a fight on the first day of school.  Wish me well.

Did you find out who your child is getting yet?


  1. My daughter is in K-1. In other words, daycare mixed with some preschool! Anyways, we wanted her to have the other teacher and she didn't get her. However, two weeks later we are very happy with who she got!
    So give it some time! I'm sure she will do fine!

  2. Anonymous9:15 PM

    I know that Goddess will do wonderful in school even though she didn't get the teacher she wanted because she is an AWESOME little girl.
    The Shewbridges of Central Florida


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