Thursday, September 29, 2011

Ever Heard of Lonesome George & Company?

Neither did I until I received an awesome shirt from Lonesome George & Company.

I handed it to Handsome to put on who now uses his I've-lost-too-many-teeth-to-smile-normal face.

He loved it! He wore it three times since Saturday. When I asked him why he keep wearing the same shirt he says, "because it is so soft"!

He is completely right. When I handed it to anyone for the touch test, everyone comments on how soft it is.

This is only one of the reasons Lonesome George is being featured on Maria's Space. I am all about the design and comfort but more importantly, each item tells a story or makes a statement about a cause.  Their garments messages communicate the value your choice has in conserving treasured species, peoples, language, culture, art, and more from around the world

We are new fans of Lonesome George and can tell you that some of the folks on my Christmas list can expect one of these. We especially love the drawstring bag the shirt came in! 

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

ABC Wednesday - K = Kooky

I don't know. There was a guy juggling turnips. A fairy swooped in...

They started touching him

They checked out his turnip
The Turnip and the Fairies

Then one of them tried to take a bite of it!

Then they surrounded him

And....took him was so strange, bizarre and Kooky

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Cutting Down Our Wii Time & How You Can Do It Too

Over the summer Handsome played a lot of Wii. It was my first summer working and I didn't have time to referee all day. Getting him to play is easy since he usually spent most of his mornings, afternoons or evenings waiting for the moment he could play. He is a gamer and the Teach and I totally get it. We are too. It's in the blood. I was addicted to Sims before the kids came and he was a big XBox guy.

As we got closer to school starting I would give him time frames but had to argue and eventually yell to get him off the game. Right before the first day of school, I told him the "new rules for Wii."

Every Monday, he would get Wii Money. He is allowed to spend it however he wants but he has to make it last for the week or he will be out of money and not be able to play on the weekend.

I sat down and created this...

and this...

We have been doing this for 3.5 weeks now and it is working wonderfully. The system worked instantly.

Every Monday we give him 10 Wii dollars. Every Sunday, there are still 2 or 3 left over. He watches the time and more importantly, I haven't had to yell or force him to turn off the Wii! He does it all himself.

How It Works:
Print out the Wii Dollars (feel free to use these) or whatever you need them for, TV time, family time, etc.
Decide how many you are going to give for the week
When there are done, they are done.
The 15 minutes extra can be given only by a parent or adult because you had done something so spectacular they are gifted with more time. We haven't given one out yet.

Why It Works:
Very simple; they are in charge of their time. It is up to them to decide how to use it. You put the ball in their court and make them the driver of their own car which is really all kids want. You must remember how much you hated being told what to do when you were a kid. So do they.

If you decide to use this system or have one of your own, I would love to hear about it.  If you want me to email you the ones I made, please contact me at ree 026

Ruby Tuesday - The Fairies

The Turnip and the Fairies

I have no idea what is going on here. I was taking pictures of this juggler dude when three odd fairies swooped in, felt him up, played with his turnips and eventually dragged him away.

Linda Evans - Recipes for Life


What I Can Tell You: I was so excited to see read this book. I was a big fan of Linda's during her Dynasty days. I loved everything about her. Her hair, her poise, your history with John Derek. Reading this book was like stepping back into my own past while reading about hers. Complete with a candid, lovely story, beautiful personal photos and recipes handed down through generations, this book is a wonderful read.

There are so many stories that I remember from my own childhood and the Star magazines my grandparents had on the dining room table that I got to read the complete back story on. Very interesting book and well done. If you like autobiographies, this is the book for you. Linda is real reality she will always be Krystal Carrington to me.

Saturday, September 24, 2011

The Boys Bake A Cake

Last night Handsome's cub scout troop held their first annual bake off. Boys and their dads, or other significant male had to bake a cake from shopping to clean up. Sounded good and was excited to see Handsome and Teach work together on this project.

Teach picked up the cake mix and frosting on Tuesday and then the oven broke. The heating element in our electric oven broke in three places.

Would they be able to do it? I had no idea how this was going to go down but prayed for the best. All turned out well and the heating element came in Friday at 3:30. I headed to the bus stop to pick up the kids as Teach was fixing the oven.

As soon as Handsome got changed, the cake was started. Teach acted like he couldn't do it but it all turned out great. I recorded them cracking eggs, measuring and mixing. They put it in the oven and Handsome asked for some Wii time before we left.

Well, they made the cake, I cleaned up!

The cake was frosted and decorated and Handsome and I headed out to the Cub Scout Meeting.

We got there and added our CAKE to the array of beautiful supposedly made by father and son cakes. We were asked got write the theme or name of the cake on a card with number 23 on it. We called it "A Cake" basically, that was all it was although a nice looking cake.

The Cubs had a great time playing some organized activities and working together. What I love about the Cub Scouts is how they believe in community and most of the activities involve the boys helping each other. My favorite was the one where one boy is blindfolded while the other cub leads him through an obstacle course. It is amazing how trusting they are with each other.

Here are some of the cakes:

That one in the bottom right had a jello lake! Pretty genius

It was a good time and I am glad Handsome and I were there but the best part was watching my guys work on a cake together.

So, without further ado...I present Handsome and Teach's cake.

My personal favorite if I was voting!

Thursday, September 22, 2011

I Don't Want To Miss A Thing

Lately life has been so busy and I feel like I am missing the important details that really matter. Like, writing about the kids first day of school and my son starting soccer again.

Every day we go through these motions of doing the things that have to be done. Cleaning, cooking, grocery shopping, putting clothes away, getting the kids to school, doing home work, bath time, bed time, work, chores, appointments, etc. All of these things mean, less time to really notice the subtle changes in our children, in the weather, in ourselves.

The past few weeks have been a blur. Get everything done so that the computer is off by the time the kids come home so I can spend time with them or rush them to their extra curricular activities.

Handsome started school and is already telling me he doesn't want to go. He is also in Cub Scouts and Soccer which means three days a week he is busy after school.

Goddess doesn't want to do soccer and the thing she would want to do, gymnastics or an art program, I can't afford at the moment (thankfully, since it is already too much for me.)

What do you do to balance out life, and take time to notice the little things? How do you fit work, kids, friends, family, husband, house work, errands, and life, into it all?

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Flower Maiden

If you haven't experienced the NY Reinassance Faire in Sterling, NY, you are missing out. It is one of the best things about living in Orange County NY.

All through the faire you will find maidens selling their flowers. This woman was being called over by a gentleman looking to purchase one for his blushing lady!

Monday, September 19, 2011

The Simple Woman's Day Book 9-18-2011

Outside my window...beautiful, amazingly, sunny, crisp day.

I am thinking...this is not a day to be indoors

I am thankful...for every single moment

From the learning rooms...(if this applies) researching book about diabetes to complete my review

In the kitchen...cold pizza

I am wearing...track pants and flannel

I am album of renfaire photos

I am sit and meet with a friend

I am wondering...why are there only 24 hours in a day. It is not long enough
I am reading..Linda Evans, Recipes for Life.

I am watch a movie later

I am looking forward to...seeing the kids after school

I am hearing...the sounds of the washer and dryer

Around the house...there is not a room that doesn't need straightening or cleaning

I am pondering...heading out to take some photos

One of my favorite things...hanging with my family

A few plans for the rest of the week: busy, busy, photos, editing, writing, meetings, over scheduled

Here is picture for thought I am sharing...

Blue Monday

This weekend I headed to the Renaissance Faire in Sterling Forest, NY.  There are so many wonderful people and places to take photos of there. I tried a process on this photo and couldn't pick which one I like the best. Which one do you like?

Applying a process to photo

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Mellow Yellow Monday - RenFair (Horse and Rider)!

At the Renfair on Saturday alone to take pictures. It was awesome to just walk round and not worry if someone was having a good time or to drag the kids, have to keep them occupied and safe. I kept the camera around my neck and strolled around snapping whenever. I didn't stop to watch many shows but did stand for almost 20 minutes because I had a prime standing for the famous joust with Robin Hood, and the boys.

Here was the rider on my side of the arena. The yellow knight was very funny and made fun of all the other riders. Got to love a good looking guy with a sweet smile who is funny too.

Friday, September 16, 2011

Favorite Photo of The Week - September 16, 2011

My favorite photo of the week is one I took at a roadside firehouse memorial on Sunday.

Picnik collage

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Blue Monday & Ruby Tuesday - Patriot Day

This weekend was emotionally charged. I attended as a reporter four memorials and while they weren't sad moments they were unbelievably powerful. After 10 years we have not forgotten and the people most people are more than willing to tell their story, talk about the people they have lost and remember that there are still people out there that want to cause us harm because of who we are. Being part of these memorials offered me a renewed feeling of patriotism. I remember after the attacks feeling great pride as an American and while that feeling was never dormant it has been awakened to it's fullness.

I pray that 9/11 continues to be honored and that America never forgets the solidarity we felt that day. We were all Americans. We had all lost someone even if it was indirectly. Honoring America and the people that died and survived that day is important so that we always remember to never underestimate how much we have to stick together. How important it is to tell the people you love that you love them and how quickly things can change. In the blink of an eye, our world changed and will never be the same.

Picnik collage

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Color Carnival #107

Thank you to all you awesome people who keep playing. This week the kids started school, I attended my first merchants meeting, received a phone call thanks to the Mayor (hopefully something comes out of it), attended a memorial at the Elementary School, attended the Senior Center Memorial for 9/11, interviewed a fire chief on a firehouse roadside memorial and tonight will attend a candle light vigil in town. Needless to say, it was a busy week. I hope everyone had a great week and now onto why you are here...dah dah dah dah...Color Carnival!

This weeks winner is Jama with her colorful wall

I have another question: Do you guys like the voting thing? Want to keep it? Want to do away with it?

Thursday, September 08, 2011

1st Day of School Photos

We are in our 3rd day of School. It has taken a bit to get used to. The kids are gone from 8:24 because they want to take the bus until 3:54 when I get them from the bus stop. I loved driving them in because it gave me extra time with them but they loved it on Tuesday and said it was the best part of their day. Ok, so I will let them take it.

On Tuesday, their official first day, the bus picked them up and Teach and I headed to the school. We arrived before them. Our plan was to take photos of them getting off the bus and their new classrooms. Unfortunately because of the rain, the outside photos would have to wait. We waited, and waited, and waited. The other kids were ushered from the gym to their appropriate classes and mine were still not there. I was second guessing the whole bus thing. Were they OK? They finally arrived 12 minutes late and were quickly sent to their already started classrooms. It seemed so disorganized and I left them wishing I could take them home with me because I wasn't sure how they were doing. They were obviously fine.

They have come home with smiles so far (it is only 3 day) and I couldn't be happier.

Wednesday, September 07, 2011

Create Your Own Amazing Light Show with FYRFLYZ - Review

I am completely addicted to FyrFlyz, a cool, new must have toy that will amaze and excite, plus the more you play with it, the more tricks you will learn.

What I Can Tell You:
We received FyrFlyz two weeks ago and I have to say, I have been playing with mine ever since and keep it in my SeatPak to use whenever I am waiting. I used it at the bus stop yesterday and was asked by two high schoolers and a kid in middle school what it was. I was the popular "Big" kid at the bus stop. Everyone wanted one.

The light is in the center of a plastic boomerang shaped thing. You switch the light on with a switch, put a finger in the plastic ends and hold on with your thumb (there is a resting place for your finger, so lets call it the thumb shelf). Then you spin it. Takes a little practice and reminded me of Cabangers from when I was a kid. Remember those? Except these have lights, you use two hands, they don't make noise and you can create Large orbits, black holes, sydwynders, shooting stars or loop de loops but you get my drift.
The kids took to it pretty quickly with Handsome working his like a pro. Goddess, took about a day to master hers. She practiced until she got it right. She is tiny so she started by placing one end under her toe and using one hand on the other end to create her light show. Now, she can do it almost as good as I can. She is amazed by my light shows but I keep telling her to keep trying.

I find it very addictive and think if you get one for your kid, you have to get one for yourself. Great way to keep your hands busy at night so you don't snack or smoke while watching TV.

Moon Dough Push N' Pop Review

Goddess just had to test the fact that it never dries out. Here it is 3 days after a pretend tea party. Still soft, pliable and manageable. Feels exactly the same as the first time we took it out of the bag. It is odor free and comes in Moon Dough Push N' Pop sets (Ocean Pals and Breakfast Sets).  We got the Ocean Pals, my kids would have loved either set. 

The set reads for ages 3 and up and at 45 years old, I love playing with it as much as the kids.

Monday, September 05, 2011

Lite Sprites - Review

Two weeks ago we saw commercials for Lite Sprites. My daughter was so excited asking, "Mom, can I put one of those on my Christmas List?" Well, thanks to the magic of Mommy Review Blogger, I was sent a Lite Sprite to see just how much she would like it.

What We Can Tell You: Goddess uses the the Lite Wand, to collect almost any color from nearly any flat surface in their real world environment and magically share it with the Lite Sprites™ and their world. The Lite Sprites™ can catch color from the Wand, can share and catch color from each other, and also with the playsets.

Each playset includes a path so you can collect and connect playsets to create an ever-changing world of color and light. 

Picnik collage 

This is a "smart toy". I am not sure how it works but the bottom of the wand has these two senors in it and you can add up to 40 colors into the wand simply but touching the bottom to a color. Then you can take the wand and add that color (share) with your Sprite.

It took me a minute to use but once I read the instructions you realize there is a lot more to just sharing colors with your Sprite. You cast color spells on your Sprite, play 2 color games where you have to find the color the wand is showing. Beside the Lite Sprites and Lite Wand, there are colorful play sets you can add to the collection of Sprites so your little one can have a magical world full of color, light, sparkles and fun which is what every little girl wants.  

Our personal favorite game was the Hide and Seek - Grab a color from something in the room and have everyone guess where it came from.

Blue Monday - Red Lobster

I love Red Lobster and I love the color blue so needless to say, these are some of my favorite pictures of the week.

Sunday, September 04, 2011

The Mighty Wheel Bug

This past weekend while feeding the 10+ wild turkeys that pass through our yard two times a day, Teach said, "come take a picture of this." I walked over to where he was thinking I would find a turkey or something where he was pointing. Nope, not a turkey, a mean looking bug with a spiked armor top. Wildly strange but interesting at the same time, I snapped some photos getting as close as a dare. Closer than I should have because if this guy took off, I was going to scream loud enough to send wild turkeys into flight for a 20 mile radius. Thankfully, he stayed still until my husband "flicked" him off the deck and down to the turkeys who wanted nothing to do with him.

After posting I found out this is a wheel bug or the dreaded assassin of the bug world. I hear he has a mean, painful bite. Thankfully, no one was injured and the bug well he gets to live another day. We didn't mace him with bug spray or anything. He was too cool. Wheel Bug

The Blue Heron

The Weekend in Black and White

I was stepping in closer to take a photo of this beauty. I have been after him for years and finally saw him as the kids and I were driving home. Like all good photographers the camera is always on the front seat and I pulled over, told the kids to stay put and walked toward the lake. As I was taking my second shot, a fisherman decided to bring his boat in spooking the bird. Would be OK if he was going to park but he didn't. Grr...he kept going but at least I got a few shots.

The Blue Heron Stands Watch The Blue Takes Off The Blue Heron takes off

Saturday, September 03, 2011

Through The Glass, I Catch A Glimpse

The kids and I headed out to the Ringwood Botanical Gardens last week. We do it every year before school starts. It is one of our things. We have a few things. Like heading to Chuck E. Cheese and The Turtle Back Zoo but this year didn't make it. Oh well, we will get there.

When I got to the garden I realized and complained, loudly, that I had forgotten my back up battery. What is the sense of being at the garden with just one battery bar? Grrr...

Anyway, I got a few photos of the kids and then spotted myself passing by. I took this to show Babybindle that I use their SeatPak even though I don't have children in a car seat but decided to post it for my weekend reflection this week. Me, my sun hat, my hips, my babies, my SeatPak and my camera. All accounted for. We were looking into one of the event rooms. You can rent out the Mansion for weddings or parties. You can see a linen draped table next to me which was inside the room. Interesting shot especially how everything is vivid except my face which picked up a different reflection from the camera lens. 

My Favorite Photos of the Week

My son talking to my daughter as she helps him put on a shoe that fell off while he was swinging. "Don't worry, I'll help you." I love his smile. It is completely genuine and real. Very sweet. IMG_2402 

She is like a little momma always thinking of him. She wants to give "one to him", "show him", "ask him", "do for him", "help him" all the time. When she gets a snack bag together for our park trips or car trips she always remembers what he would want. When she is putting a take along bag for a long car ride she remembers his toys and DS games. She will be a great momma if she ever decides she wants kids. Right now she says she doesn't want any "I don't want to have to take care of anything."


Skinnygirl Workout Review

I have never watched any of these shows but as a blogger have heard of Bethenny. She is a household name and you have to respect someone who has come so far in such a short time. She had the opportunity with the show and moved forward. Good for her!
When I got the opportunity to try Bethenny’s Skinnygirl Workout which hits stores next week, I was so excited. Before kids, I was active and love my yoga. I had Yoga tapes galore and periodically took classes in fact, I was in a great class right when I was pregnant with Handsome but the moment they found out, I was told weren't comfortable teaching me and to come back when I had the baby. I did quite a few pregnancy yoga tapes and even after Handsome kept it up. Longing to get back to it I am always interested in reviewing workout tapes.

After 8 years of doing the occasional Wii Yoga I am happy to report that I felt this is a great addition to my house. The DVD is broken up into 3 different sessions (15 minutes, 20 minutes, and 15 minutes and a 15 minutes bonus stretch session).

Bethenny's introduction is nice and short I didn't have to forward. I am more of a jump right in kind of girl.  Since I had worked out in quite some time, I wondered how I would do. The challenge was that I felt rushed at times. Before I could get into a position, they were moving. There wasn't much "holding" but I felt that makes this DVD a yoga and cardio workout. Two in one in my eyes.

Great stretches
Awesome balance practice positions
Easy to modify for individuals (after abdominal surgery, I am not allowed to do ab work. I have a horrible pretruding hernia) who needs things slower.
Very relaxed, it was as if I were participating in a class and not watching two people "teach" me instruction.
Mike McArdle doesn't coach or act like our cheerleader by taking to us through the camera which can be grating and annoying.
Very easy to follow.

If you are past the intermediate stage you may get bored after a few times.
The camera angles are awkward and occasionally strange.
I didn't love the music. Once I learn a DVD, the music is a great focus for me. It seemed to be nonexistent at times.
Although in great shape Bethenny is "skinny" to me. I work out wanting to look like my instructor, I found her too lean but that's just me.

Color Carnival #106

We made it through Hurricane Irene and hopefully so did everyone else. A few branches scattered the yard and deck and we lost a tree but fortunately it fell away from the house. We were ready for the worst but fortunately no issues here. The kids loved camping out downstairs with us on mattresses on the floor. They wanted to do it three nights in a row but we told them it is only for special nights. There is another storm brewing but but hopefully it stays well away. There are a ton of areas that can't possibly handle yet more water.

Now for Color Carnival, when I took it over, I wanted to keep it as normal as possible and since it wasn't mine to begin with never felt right making changes. After a year it feels like mine. As of now, things will stay the same. I may make a new button, or change the name to Color Carnival Saturday but for now lets brings on those cheerful, colorful photos.

Here is mine,

IMG_2236 This little guy was caught by my skillful husband after I tried for 20 minutes chasing it up and down the deck. The man who doesn't like to touch snakes, frogs or lizards, finally got it in a pail. We kept it for a few hours in a tank, giving all of us time to take pictures, inspect it and touch it before letting it go. It is a juvenile, Six-lined Skink. Eventually the beautiful blue tail will disappear but look at those colors from nature. Stunning blues. So, what did you spot this week?

Friday, September 02, 2011

CKR/Chasing Kid Rock by Dawn Scoville

I have never met Dawn. I have never read her book CKR but I wanted to tell you about it because I know a lot of my readers love their books. They also love good people with big hearts who go out of their way to be kind to others and do what they can to help. During Hurricane Irene, a personal friend of mine Stacey and her family were displaced along with 3 other families when their home was condemned. With damaged belongs and her two boys in tow, single Mom Stacey, turned to her community through Facebook and through a forum of Kid Rock Mega fans she belongs to. Stacey's community is working to throw a benefit and local Facebook pages have been posting how to donate to Stacey and her boys as they search for a place to stay and she replaces things she has lost. Dawn, has also moved forward and started a fund for Stacey and her boys (you can see it here). Dawn, if you ever read this, thank you for all you have done. Thanks for thinking of others and putting their needs above yours. This is truly a wonderful trait that is getting harder and harder to find in people. I am sure you didn't do this for fanfare but a little publicity never hurt anybody. My readers love to read and love hearing about new books. Plus, like you, they are wonderful people. I receive Christmas cards, care packages, photos and emails from them often. They will love hearing about your good deed and might even have a new book to add to their must read list! So, dear readers, here is what I found out about Dawn's book.

Take Me Home Tonight Review

What I Can Tell You:
My niece came over and we watched it together. It was a fun movie and my husband came out to tell me he could hear us laughing from three rooms away. Mostly, we enjoyed the awkwardness that Topher seems to pull off with complete ease. Personally, I loved the soundtrack.

Thursday, September 01, 2011

Revisiting Red Lobster

It must be almost 10 years since I was at a Red Lobster. Probably pregnant with Handsome when the Teach and I sat down and had a plate of seafood while I jealously watched him drink one of the amazing Signature Drinks like a Malibu Hurricane or a Bahama Mama. We still have our Red Lobster glasses that the drinks came in. Going to Red Lobster before kids was something we did maybe every other week. We both love seafood and Teach LOVED the never ending supply of biscuits.  We had kids and going out to dinner just wasn't feasible. It is something I miss about those days and look forward to again.

Last week my niece came to stay for a couple of days due to Hurricane Irene coming. She and I took the kids to Chuck E Cheese and while there noticed a Red Lobster. It was raining out so I ran inside to see if they had something the kids would eat (my niece and I really wanted seafood).  HA, they did! Chicken Fingers and Fries will always win with my kids. We ran in and waited 2 seconds for a table at 11:45 AM.

It looked so much more posh than I remember. When our amazing waitress, Roe came over, I learned that they had just revamped less than 2 weeks ago. Beautiful! Dark woods,  and lovely blues and neutrals. I found out this flag sign says, FRESH.

While this one says, Fish

The biscuits came out and didn't last long. Thankfully Roe refilled them.

I stopped away from the table leaving my niece to watch the kids as they colored, drew, played and filled in the Red Lobster Keep The Kids Busy Sheets. Love when restaurants provide these. On my walk around I noticed the bar layout. Nice and cozy with TVs and a personable bartender.

Picnik collage
My niece and I shared an order of Parrot Isle Jumbo Coconut Shrimp. It was so good we didn't even stop to take a picture. Total gavones. They were so good. Big shrimp dredged through Red Lobster's Signature batter then tossed in coconut before being fried to a golden brown. The kids each enjoyed a plate of Chicken Fingers and fries.

While my niece had Garlic Shrimp Scampi

Picnik collage 

I had Seaport Lobster and Shrimp. Come on how awesome does this look? I could go for a plate right now.

Last we split an order of King Crab Legs. Everything was so good, we hardly spoke.

The wait staff was so attentive. Roe was amazing with us, you would think we were her only table and you could hear the same attention coming from the tables around us. All you saw was smiles and chewing. It was a memorable lunch with my family in a beautiful restaurant with food I could go for right now! It didn't end there either, as we were leaving, the hostess Jenny asked the kids if they wanted to touch a lobster. She has a special tool she used to fish one out and kids who go to Red Lobster can ask to touch a lobster. They were apprehensive but talked about what they learned from Jenny. We all can't wait to go back! Picnik collage

Next week is Endless Shrimp Month! If you love seafood, head over to your nearest Red Lobster and remember why you loved it.