Maria's Space: I Don't Want To Miss A Thing

Thursday, September 22, 2011

I Don't Want To Miss A Thing

Lately life has been so busy and I feel like I am missing the important details that really matter. Like, writing about the kids first day of school and my son starting soccer again.

Every day we go through these motions of doing the things that have to be done. Cleaning, cooking, grocery shopping, putting clothes away, getting the kids to school, doing home work, bath time, bed time, work, chores, appointments, etc. All of these things mean, less time to really notice the subtle changes in our children, in the weather, in ourselves.

The past few weeks have been a blur. Get everything done so that the computer is off by the time the kids come home so I can spend time with them or rush them to their extra curricular activities.

Handsome started school and is already telling me he doesn't want to go. He is also in Cub Scouts and Soccer which means three days a week he is busy after school.

Goddess doesn't want to do soccer and the thing she would want to do, gymnastics or an art program, I can't afford at the moment (thankfully, since it is already too much for me.)

What do you do to balance out life, and take time to notice the little things? How do you fit work, kids, friends, family, husband, house work, errands, and life, into it all?


  1. I'm having the same trouble. At the end of the day, I can't even remember what my kids wore to school that day! I'm trying to take a little time with each one every day, but it's hard. I wish it wasn't.

  2. It's certainly hard--sometimes I just have to let the housework slip a bit behind so we can spend time together as a family. There will ALWAYS be dust, but my baby is only little once, and I try to keep that in mind as we slog through home school classes, Tae Kwon Do, cheerleading, dance, housework, etc.


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