Maria's Space: The Mighty Wheel Bug

Sunday, September 04, 2011

The Mighty Wheel Bug

This past weekend while feeding the 10+ wild turkeys that pass through our yard two times a day, Teach said, "come take a picture of this." I walked over to where he was thinking I would find a turkey or something where he was pointing. Nope, not a turkey, a mean looking bug with a spiked armor top. Wildly strange but interesting at the same time, I snapped some photos getting as close as a dare. Closer than I should have because if this guy took off, I was going to scream loud enough to send wild turkeys into flight for a 20 mile radius. Thankfully, he stayed still until my husband "flicked" him off the deck and down to the turkeys who wanted nothing to do with him.

After posting I found out this is a wheel bug or the dreaded assassin of the bug world. I hear he has a mean, painful bite. Thankfully, no one was injured and the bug well he gets to live another day. We didn't mace him with bug spray or anything. He was too cool. Wheel Bug


  1. Cool. I love bugs. I'd like to get a shot of a wheel bug someday. I think I live too far north for them, though. At least I haven't seen any in Montana so fra.

  2. Very interesting, I did not know that they would bite!Good shadow.

  3. A mean looking character with a beware shadow to match! Great photo!

  4. I'm not a fan of bugs. But this macro with shadow is pretty amazing. The horned head reminded me of the dinosaur Triceratops. Thanks for visiting and leaving a comment.

  5. Very interesting post.
    Nice photo of this cool bug :)


  6. Wow, nice shadow of the bug. Great capture.

  7. You guys are awesome. He really is pretty cool.
    Oakland, I'm not a fan either but this guy seriously needed camera time.
    Thanks Gemma.

  8. That's a serious looking bug, but he makes a great shadow! I think I'd keep my distance.

    Thanks for visiting me yesterday!

  9. Anonymous12:03 PM

    Oh my, he is a bit creepy looking. I can see why no one wanted anything to do with him, even the turkeys. LOL
    Great shot!

  10. Anonymous3:25 PM

    Thanks for the commets on my shadow shot. Your blog is very interesting, and I myself have come close to getting stung more than once trying to get a cool bee shot. Glad you were un-scathed in your photography pursuits.

  11. Anonymous4:42 PM

    I've never seen that bug before but you captured a beautiful photo of it - and if it eats other bugs - Way to go. Try to only mace termites here and the area around hummingbird feeders the ants try to infiltrate.

  12. Nothing about this BUGS me! Pure perfection! I LOVE it!


    I think that is a version of our FL & SC Stink Bug--and the Photo--Surely doesn't STINK!!!!!!

  13. Anonymous10:15 PM

    That is a really cool bug... I would love to see one of them. I love taking photos of bug, they are so interesting.


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