Maria's Space: Tuesday Takes - Home Reflection

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Tuesday Takes - Home Reflection

Wish I could say that is my home but it is not, just a home I passed by one morning on my way somewhere else. The mist and the reflections made me stop the car and take a shot! It looks like glasses. I really love the naked trees creating all those lines in the water too.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous8:35 PM

    The reflection is gorgeous as is the home.
    You always catch the greatest shots.
    I love how you pull over to take photos, I make Bill do the same thing so I can take pics. True photographers we are! =)
    Sorry I haven't been around, I'm trying to catch up and get my act together. I should be around more now that I am getting organized.
    Lubs you!


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