Maria's Space: Why Wait Until January 1st To Get Organized!? Start Early

Saturday, December 03, 2011

Why Wait Until January 1st To Get Organized!? Start Early

I never thought I would be a business woman. It wasn't something I saw in my future ever! Secretary since 16, Administrative Assistant up until the age of 36, got pregnant with my first born and became a stay at home mom. It was exactly what I wanted to do.

Here I am 45 years old running my own Social Media Business and Community Webzine for a small town because after losing their paper they really needed to know what was going on. 

With 3 clients, and a slew of community events to keep up with, two kids, a house, husband, family, friends, Cub Scouts, Daisys, and Soccer staying organized is something that I really have to concentrate more on.

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