After my surgery in 2010 I started up a Facebook page called Helping Hands where I informed my community that I was looking for work. No job too big, or two small! Babysitting, cleaning, packing, organizing, painting, errands, whatever. Thankfully a few moms have taken me up on this. My fee is relatively small, only $7.50 an hour but some money is better than no money and I needed it to be an amount that was comfortable for my community.
So far, my jobs have all been in the babysitting area. Completely fine because I love kids. What I love the most about this is how I know they trust me. Trust means everything. It means you can count on this person to do right by you, take care of your needs and in their abilities. You can count on them!
I believe the reason this means so much to me is because I never felt like I could count on someone. My mother died when I was 12, my father abandoned us, my grandmother didn't protect me, my grandfather molested me, etc.,. I know I can count on my husband, it wasn't always that way and in his defense I never let him be there. I felt that I had to rely on myself because that was how I protected myself. There was no one else to fall back on growing up, it was all me.
When I hear my friends say, they trust me, that I am good with their kids, or even them giving my name to another friend as a potential person to watch their kids I am thrilled. I get all fuzzy and warm inside. For someone to give me their children, their most prized possession, really says something. Oddly enough, there are people who have absolutely no problems handing their children off to just about anyone. I am not one of these people, my kids have been left with three people about a hand full of times in the past 8 years. It isn't something I do often and while I do have someone I completely trust (Clary), I don't do it often but I would trust her with my kids as much as myself.
Today, my girlfriend Carissa called and asked if I was around because her little one was sick and she had to get her medicine, and get some quick groceries but didn't want to take the baby with her. Heading there, I had thought how awesome it is that she called. She has options and it feels good to know she trusts me. I know as a mom, leaving your sick kid is hard enough even if it is with your spouse.
Her baby slept the whole time. I sat on the laptop with her dogs at my feet, watching the baby toss and turn while she slept. She never even knew I was there. Carissa called from the road and offered to buy me lunch. People are just so kind! She was paying me to watch her sleeping baby and buying me lunch?! Not a bad gig. I helped her take her groceries in and removed them from the bags mostly because she is a friend but because I know as a working mom with a sick baby, she has to be exhausted.
Wednesday, I am watching another friends baby. I hate charging for my services. As a friend, I would watch their children for free if things were different. Time is money and with a huge medical debt over my head, I need to charge for my time.
Thankfully they completely understand!
What do you do for extra money?
Mommy Blogger who loves to write, talk, take photos, spend time with my family and friends, read, and breathe.
Monday, January 30, 2012
To Kill A Mockingbird Is A Real Classic! Blu-ray & DVD Tomorrow
The 411 by Maria:
Unlike a lot of my friends, I don't recall having to read this book in school but then again, that was a long time ago. If I am going to watch or read something, I don't like to read the synopsis so I had no idea what the movie was about when I started.
The movie is set in the 1930's and focus on Atticus Finch played magnificently by Gregory Peck and his two children, Jem and Scout (more on them later). Atticus is a respected attorney who has been commissioned to represent Tom Robinson, a black man accused of raping a woman in her own home.
What I Can Tell You:
Wow, where do I start. I was completely floored with this movie. Gregory Peck performance is completely stunning! The fact that he won best actor for the role was not lost on me, completely worthy of it and one of the best acting I have ever seen. However, after seeing some of the bonus features, I believe he was pretty much playing himself! A gentle, kind soul, whose thoughtfulness and mannerisms bring out the best in those around him. He allows, after a gentle nudge to make their own assumptions and mistakes in life in hopes of becoming a better person.
The actress who played Scout was unbelievably "real". You would never believe that this child was not Gregory Peck's daughter. There is real love there and I was in awe of how much acting had to be done. Most emotions were seen not heard. Without the use of a soundtrack and a whole lot of dialogue these actors really have to ACT! You can hear everything. The actors are not bogged down with dialogue, the scene is set, and you act!
The quietness of the whole movie is really what got me. When I discussed it with people after watching, those who have seen or have not, that was what I mentioned most. I appreciated the quietness. For such a sensitive subject matter, I felt that if this was being done today, the deepness of it would be lost in translation.
I have so many favorite scenes:
- Scout saying goodnight to her father and asking what he has to pass on to her when he is gone.
- Brock Peters taking the stand. His emotion was so real!
- Atticus speaking to his children. He is such a gentle, caring man who obviously loves his children.
- Scout and Jem's relationship. Anytime they were on the screen I was in love.
- Scout talking to the gang who headed to the jail to take the law in their own hands. Her innocence was palpable.
- Scout talking to Boo Radley after he helped her and her brother.
To Kill a Mockingbird won Academy Awards for Best Actor (Peck), Best Adapted Screenplay, and Best Art Direction. Truly a classic and one that everyone should watch. This is when acting was actually acting. No green screens, no classy soundtracks, no glamorous special effects, just acting at its finest.
Friday, January 27, 2012
Spiritus by Dana Michelle Burnett - Book Review
I love being a book reviewer. Beside the awesome free reads (and believe me, this is great), there are some awesome writers who become favorite, go to authors when I am looking for a book, a gift, or during girlfriend discussions. In the past few years as a reviewer, I have read some awesome books. Books that may never have been on my radar, and that would have been a shame because I have absolutely loved so many of them.
This week I was reading Spiritus by Dana Michelle Burnett about an eternal love affair. An undying love that withstood even death.
The 411 by Maria Gagliano
Wow...awesome! I loved it.
Spiritus is about a girl named Becca who moves into her father's families house. A house he grew up in and was in his family for ages. He promised himself that he would eventually purchase it for himself when he was older. Becca's mom passed away so they are on their own trying to find a new normal. What's normal about finding a man standing in her bedroom one night watching her sleep only to have him disappear moments later?
Becca starts her new school with everyone else, makes friends easily, has the cutest boy in school talking to her, and after a seance with her new friends suddenly finds herself with her own private ghost friend.
Alastor Sinclair loves Becca, he has loved her for years and has returned to her. One problem, she doesn't remember their life and he can never come back.
Becca and Alastor's love story borders on obsession like most young relationships. Dana, did a great job of twisting and weaving a different kind of romance story. You have Science Fiction, Young Adult, Historical Romance all mixed into one.
The ending alludes to a part 2 and I can't wait to see how Alastor and Becca find ways to be together. Kudos to Dana for writing an interesting YA book that is completely different. You will find yourself sucked right in from chapter 1.
This week I was reading Spiritus by Dana Michelle Burnett about an eternal love affair. An undying love that withstood even death.
The 411 by Maria Gagliano
Wow...awesome! I loved it.
Spiritus is about a girl named Becca who moves into her father's families house. A house he grew up in and was in his family for ages. He promised himself that he would eventually purchase it for himself when he was older. Becca's mom passed away so they are on their own trying to find a new normal. What's normal about finding a man standing in her bedroom one night watching her sleep only to have him disappear moments later?
Becca starts her new school with everyone else, makes friends easily, has the cutest boy in school talking to her, and after a seance with her new friends suddenly finds herself with her own private ghost friend.
Alastor Sinclair loves Becca, he has loved her for years and has returned to her. One problem, she doesn't remember their life and he can never come back.
Becca and Alastor's love story borders on obsession like most young relationships. Dana, did a great job of twisting and weaving a different kind of romance story. You have Science Fiction, Young Adult, Historical Romance all mixed into one.
The ending alludes to a part 2 and I can't wait to see how Alastor and Becca find ways to be together. Kudos to Dana for writing an interesting YA book that is completely different. You will find yourself sucked right in from chapter 1.
Thursday, January 26, 2012
The Mother's of Reinvention A Must Read for Women!
The 411 by Maria:
OK, as a mom, I was very interested in reading what Barb and Jen had to say about reinventing yourself after becoming a mom! After becoming a mom, I never once felt that I had to reinvent myself but totally get what they are trying to say. I was not a business woman, I was not a popular girl, I was not a woman who longed for adventure and felt that I was missing out on something better. I wanted to be a mom! My life, was always my kids but now that they are in school, I am tired of struggling and have been trying to figure out a way to make a living while doing it on a flexible schedule that coincides with my kids school schedule. I NEVER want to put them in a before or after program. The thought doesn't sit well with me at all.
With that being said, my blog header says, "Maria's Space, A little place to call my own". It was titled that because as the mom of two under 3 years old who was alone for 12 hours a day with a screaming (18 hours a day) baby and a tantrum throwing son, no family, no friends, nursing 12 times a day, I really needed to establish a place where I could go that was FOR ME!
So part of me completely agrees with finding time for yourself while taking care of your family.
Barb and Jen sound off on each section. It is nice to hear their individual voices, experiences and personalities shine through. I also appreciate that they don't give you a quick fix or tell you that there is a sure fire way to streamline your life into balance. There will never be a balance but if you "change your perception" you will find what works for you.
My favorite parts of the book where the true stories from moms included in each section and their "best advice".
My second favorite part is the end of each chapter "Now You Know". A quick summarization of the chapter.
Some of my favorite statements:
It's OK to say no - and okay to say it often.
Don't underestimate the power of the word need in your vocabulary.
Control only what you can control (These are words I live by. I don't waste time wondering what may happen, I only focus on what is happening and what is in my control).
Everything is not your responsibilty
Your children are capable of more than you realize
You have to be brave enough to ask questions - open up to others, let them know what your doing, and see if they or anyone they know can help you.
Wednesday, January 25, 2012
It's Wednesday Morning And My House Is Oddly Quiet
Usually at this time, Handsome is already sitting at the computer watching Wipe Out videos on You Tube. Obviously he needs sleep! He never sleeps this late. Part of me wants to check on him but I am sure he is fine and will be up anytime now. Walking in would mean waking him.
There is something about this time of the day, when you are completely alone but not! After the kids came, there is never alone time. It doesn't happen. I was a hoover mom and now they are hoover kids. Well, not all the time, Handsome doesn't so much as hoover however, Goddess hoovers enough for three kids.
Sometimes the noise is just too much although the house is relatively quiet. Teach and I are quiet people. We were both loners as children and beyond, and we don't party so any noise above normal is noise.
When I am overwhelmed by the noise, I remind myself that there is going to be a time when I am longing for them to talk to me. That the thought of them not being here is going to suffocate me. That our time together will not ever be long enough and that seems to get me through the craziness.
Here I sit, typing this post with tears in my eyes, listening to the heat come up, the computer fan, my fingers dancing on the keys and wait for the house to wake. For my kids to come out, with their half cast eyes, sit on my lap and hug me like they do every morning as we say "Good morning" to each other. At 6 and 8 and I am not sure how much longer they will do this but thank God they do now.
When is your quiet time? How much time do you get a day? How do you spend it? I would love to know.
The house makes sounds you are no
There is something about this time of the day, when you are completely alone but not! After the kids came, there is never alone time. It doesn't happen. I was a hoover mom and now they are hoover kids. Well, not all the time, Handsome doesn't so much as hoover however, Goddess hoovers enough for three kids.
Sometimes the noise is just too much although the house is relatively quiet. Teach and I are quiet people. We were both loners as children and beyond, and we don't party so any noise above normal is noise.
When I am overwhelmed by the noise, I remind myself that there is going to be a time when I am longing for them to talk to me. That the thought of them not being here is going to suffocate me. That our time together will not ever be long enough and that seems to get me through the craziness.
Here I sit, typing this post with tears in my eyes, listening to the heat come up, the computer fan, my fingers dancing on the keys and wait for the house to wake. For my kids to come out, with their half cast eyes, sit on my lap and hug me like they do every morning as we say "Good morning" to each other. At 6 and 8 and I am not sure how much longer they will do this but thank God they do now.
When is your quiet time? How much time do you get a day? How do you spend it? I would love to know.
The house makes sounds you are no
Monday, January 23, 2012
More Than Words Can Say by Robert Barclay
The 411 by Maria Gagliano
I read this book last week, over 4 books ago and in 1 day. I thought this review was already written and will do my best to do it justice in a typical Amateur Book Review. Fortunately, I have talked about the book for a week now with my girlfriends so it has stayed fresh in my mind.
Chelsea's beloved Grandmother, Brooke has passed away. In the lawyer's office, she is told that her grandmother has left her a summer cottage and a note that the lawyer is to give to her. The note is from Grandma and tells her to go to the cottage alone, pick up a few floorboards under a bed and find a box with more information.
Already, I am picturing a mystery and I am not big on mysteries. It isn't, it is a beautiful double love story told through grandma's diary flashback chapters and Chelsea's life.
I loved how sure Chelsea was that she would sell the cottage before she got there. She expected a run down summer place that hadn't been used by the family ever since Grandma closed the door so many years ago. While Grandpa was fighting in WWII, grandma was quietly falling in love with a painter who lived next door.
Chelsea's new cottage neighbor is a very cute doctor who wraps up her hand on their first meeting. Together they read Brooke's diary and piece together the past that shaped a love story and created a family.
The fact that this love story was written by a man was something I had to remind myself of more than a few times. Robert Barclay is a great writer. Romance novels can for me, get too wordy but this was a quick read with a lot of heart.
The story is character driven and while it is sweet, it isn't sappy. In a nutshell Brooke's husband was fighting a war while she was making guilty goo goo eyes at her club foot, artistic, available, neighbor. She closed the house up and ran as fast as she could away from her heart. She loved two men at once and while I am unsure why she never went back, I loved Brooke who we only got to know in flashbacks. She was a spirit fire with a huge heart.
Sunday, January 22, 2012
Spin A Novel by Catherine McKenzie Out on Feb 7
The 411 by Maria Gagliano
When she finally gets the interview of a lifetime. A job at The Line, a magazine she has been trying to get in forever. She goes out the night before and drinks way too much, ends up oversleeping, running to the interview hung over and still drunk. Fortunately for her, the "It Girl" Amber of TGND (The Girl Next Door) is being sent to rehab and the folks at The Line have a proposition for her. Go to rehab and report back on the what TGND is up to. Easy enough! Sell your soul, get some help for a problem you don't feel you have and possibly get your dream job anyway?! Umm...sounds like a plan.
The book is a great ride from beginning to end. I love Kate even though I should despise her. The book is fun, witty and I love any book that throws in real celebrity and music references. I had to remind myself that this was fiction. There were times it felt very real.
Written in first person and narrated by Kate, you find yourself hoping that Kate comes out on the other end a better person, finds love and that she is never found out!
It is a quick read but hardly chick lit! Very enjoyable characters all around.
Saturday, January 21, 2012
365 Day Challenge - Playing Catch Up 15-19
Ugh...the last day I posted a photo for my 365 Challenge and I am already behind. A stomach bug forced me to put the breaks on for 2 days and now while it has been over for 2 days. It is not completely 100% back to normal yet. So, I am a little behind on everything. Yesterday I spent about 4 hours catching up on posts and another 2 catching up on emails. Ahhhh....I hate being behind in anything.
So without further it goes.
January 15, 2012
It has been a very weird winter. No snow and usually by this time we haven't seen the ground for at least 6 weeks. Weird. It has been so decent out that Goddess has been jumping rope outside. Well in typical Goddess fashion unless she is told, nothing gets cleaned up. This was tossed aside and well, eventually rained on.
January 16, 2012
Goddess and I started on a project that I have been meaning to get to since before she was born. I procrastinated so much, she is old enough to help. This altered book is our first attempt. We used an Blue's Clues Board Book that the kids grew out of. We removed the colorful pages and added scrapbook paper and an embellishment (a pocket from a pair of jeans Goddess grew out of) to the cover. We are still working on the pages inside. She wants to draw on them. I want to paint them and eventually make them a photo book. Since it is our first, we may do both.
January 17, 2012
These are Chinese New Year Cakes from Shoprite. I love ethnic food and with Chinese New Year being celebrated at the kids school decided to get some for us to try.
These are made with rice flour and red bean paste, they are called "nian gao (粘糕)", meaning "sticky cake and are rather different that the ones I found online but really have an interesting taste. I had them very long ago when I was about 13 in middle school. My girlfriend Chan Su asked me to come over for breakfast. It was a very different meal than the one I was used to having in my Italian American home and never forgot the taste of these cakes. The cakes they served along with a fish and a chicken dish were very wet and didn't have red bean paste and looked more like this.
January 18, 2012
The other night we made some chicken and onions and the onion looked so perfect when I cut it in half, I just had to grab the camera.
January 19, 2012
I recently received some Weight Watchers Muffins. The chocolate are all gone, but we did manage to take a photo of the muffins before they were all gone.
So without further it goes.
January 15, 2012
It has been a very weird winter. No snow and usually by this time we haven't seen the ground for at least 6 weeks. Weird. It has been so decent out that Goddess has been jumping rope outside. Well in typical Goddess fashion unless she is told, nothing gets cleaned up. This was tossed aside and well, eventually rained on.
January 16, 2012
Goddess and I started on a project that I have been meaning to get to since before she was born. I procrastinated so much, she is old enough to help. This altered book is our first attempt. We used an Blue's Clues Board Book that the kids grew out of. We removed the colorful pages and added scrapbook paper and an embellishment (a pocket from a pair of jeans Goddess grew out of) to the cover. We are still working on the pages inside. She wants to draw on them. I want to paint them and eventually make them a photo book. Since it is our first, we may do both.
January 17, 2012
These are Chinese New Year Cakes from Shoprite. I love ethnic food and with Chinese New Year being celebrated at the kids school decided to get some for us to try.
These are made with rice flour and red bean paste, they are called "nian gao (粘糕)", meaning "sticky cake and are rather different that the ones I found online but really have an interesting taste. I had them very long ago when I was about 13 in middle school. My girlfriend Chan Su asked me to come over for breakfast. It was a very different meal than the one I was used to having in my Italian American home and never forgot the taste of these cakes. The cakes they served along with a fish and a chicken dish were very wet and didn't have red bean paste and looked more like this.
January 18, 2012
The other night we made some chicken and onions and the onion looked so perfect when I cut it in half, I just had to grab the camera.
January 19, 2012
I recently received some Weight Watchers Muffins. The chocolate are all gone, but we did manage to take a photo of the muffins before they were all gone.
The Second City Presents : BuzzKill starring Daniel Raymont
The 411:
BuzzKill makes its way onto DVD this Valentine's Day, February 14, 2012. This is one of those movies that you just have to see. The budget is low, my expectations were low too!
When I started watching I really wasn't sure what the movie was about but mostly figured I would be in for a boring ride. I was completely wrong. The movie is funny, witty, smart and well acted.
Poor, sad sack Ray is holed up in a pretty shitty apartment complete with dead animal smell. There is no air conditioning, no stove, a sink and shower that don't work and sleazy slum Lord.
Ray is writing a new ending to a movie and is less than enthusiastic about it. Life sucks and seeing no way out, he decides to try and end his life. Problem is just, as he is about to step off the chair, his phone rings. It's an agent who wants to talk to him. Ray loses balance and is hanging, fighting for his life. Thankfully the pipe he is hanging from breaks dumping a bunch of sewage on his head. Shitty idea!
An LA Producer calls him, she wants to meet with him, talk about his new ending and asks him to drive out to her and deliver the script so they can talk. On his way, every possible obstacle is put in his way. Beside his inflammed testicle, his car is stolen, he has seen a murdered dump a body, he gets involved with an underage companion, etc. As they say, things that come easy, aren't worth having and the universe has definitely been playing a mean trick on Ray!
When he makes it to California, the producer has been murdered but the tides and moon are aligned and Ray finally gets to reap the benefits of being in the right place at the right time. This just goes to show that everything does in fact happens for a reason. Don't give up, you never know what might be waiting for you down the path! When the shit hits the fan, or in this case the floor, jump in a car and head for California!
Daniel Raymont as Ray is dirty, sweaty, witty, funny, and shows his ass a lot! Good for him!
Friday, January 20, 2012
Set Your Child Down The Path To Success and Help Them Build Confidence and Self Esteem
At this point, I am certain, there been a time in your life when we have needed reassurance of your accomplishments. Someone to remind you of all the things you exceed at, accomplished, mastered. Writing all these things down in a way that showcases your attributes and successes is usually only done when we are looking for a job?
I love the idea behind Donna Kristine Manley' Resumes for Children 17 Years Old and Under. Yes, Really.
When I first heard about it, I thought that perhaps it was a way to help children who are coming into working age, get ready for those job interviews. But, I was WRONG!
A resume, if we look up the definition, is a document for individuals to present their background and skillsets (as described by Wikipedia). Yes, it is that, but it is also a confidence builder. I remember the feeling of completing my resume then looking back over it and thinking. Wow, I am a success. I need to stop selling myself short. I should be proud of what I have accomplished. This feeling of encouragement shouldn't be saved for those moments when we are struggling and looking for a job. A resume can be done at any time in your life. In fact, after reading this book, I have started working with my children to do their resumes and one for myself.
Why a resume for your child? Well, basically Donna believes it gives your child an edge. Having their abilities and accomplishments on paper showcase the person they are, gives them confidence and builds better self esteem. I get it! I believe in it. We are doing them for our kids and I will be spreading the world in all my mommy groups.
A resume for a child:
- Boosts self-esteem
- Presents a child in such a way that others will want to invest in that child
- Shows that a child's accomplishments go beyond his or her report card
- Affirms the importance of what a child does
- Accompany an application to a academic program.
- Seek sponsorship for friends and family members (possible money for activities)
- Seek grants and scholarships
- And more
There are sample cover letters and pages to add reflections and ideas for said resumes. It really is a great way to showcase your child and encourage them to do their very best.
Wednesday, January 18, 2012
2012 Writing prompts
I AM…very balanced, very thankful, very calm, very happy, very tired.
I WANT…to feel less financial stress. To pay what needs to be paid without stressing over the fact that I cannot pay everything. It would be nice to stop receiving phone calls from creditors who all ask the same question, Why have you not paid your bill. is not like I am ignoring the bill, I pay each month what I can but food is much more important that paying it in full. If I pay I feel they have no right to harass me.
I HAVE…a wonderful husband, lovely friends, and beautiful children.
I KEEP…my word. If I say something, I will do it!
I WISH I COULD…find a job that is flexible for my families schedule and pays enough to be worth taking the time away from them.
I HATE...feeling as if things will not financially get better. I hate bitter, angry people who are angry about everything. I hate when someone can't see past their nose on their face at how irrational they are. I hate when people constantly talk negative.
I FEAR…not being around to see my children grow up.
I HEAR… the quiet of my house at 5:00 a.m. before the kids get up.
I DON’T THINK…we will ever be able to pay the bills and take the kids on vacation.
I REGRET…not staying in college.
I LOVE…my husband who is a wonderful man.
I AM NOT…someone who can jump on the negative train. If someone is too negative, mean, constantly over thinking and shouting. Finding out the details from a relevant source instead of listening to hoopla from the masses is the only way for me.
I DANCE…constantly.
I SING…even when someone is listening. Who can surpress it?
I NEVER…want my children to feel alone. I spent so many years of my life feeling alone. Even in a room full of people (my wedding) They are the reason I don't feel it and to be honest, it wouldn't be such a bad thing sometimes but I want them to always know they have someone who will listen to them and love them.
I RARELY…get mad! I usually feel people are doing the best they can. If they could do better they would. I try not to over think anything anymore. I spent so many years worrying about things I had no control over or things that may or may not happen. I focus on the moment!
I CRY WHEN…I feel love! Watching a movie when someone is showing love makes me cry! I find it so beautiful.
I AM NOT ALWAYS…funny, smart, or confident
I HATE THAT…I am not making enough money to help out the house.
I’M CONFUSED ABOUT…how to get people more involved in my community page.
I NEED…to spend more time, doing foot work and being less worried about taking someone's time. Give them the facts and than let them decide but make the first move without fear.
I SHOULD…visit at least 3 companies a day and talk to them about what I do. It could benefit the both of us.
I WANT…to feel less financial stress. To pay what needs to be paid without stressing over the fact that I cannot pay everything. It would be nice to stop receiving phone calls from creditors who all ask the same question, Why have you not paid your bill. is not like I am ignoring the bill, I pay each month what I can but food is much more important that paying it in full. If I pay I feel they have no right to harass me.
I HAVE…a wonderful husband, lovely friends, and beautiful children.
I KEEP…my word. If I say something, I will do it!
I WISH I COULD…find a job that is flexible for my families schedule and pays enough to be worth taking the time away from them.
I HATE...feeling as if things will not financially get better. I hate bitter, angry people who are angry about everything. I hate when someone can't see past their nose on their face at how irrational they are. I hate when people constantly talk negative.
I FEAR…not being around to see my children grow up.
I HEAR… the quiet of my house at 5:00 a.m. before the kids get up.
I DON’T THINK…we will ever be able to pay the bills and take the kids on vacation.
I REGRET…not staying in college.
I LOVE…my husband who is a wonderful man.
I AM NOT…someone who can jump on the negative train. If someone is too negative, mean, constantly over thinking and shouting. Finding out the details from a relevant source instead of listening to hoopla from the masses is the only way for me.
I DANCE…constantly.
I SING…even when someone is listening. Who can surpress it?
I NEVER…want my children to feel alone. I spent so many years of my life feeling alone. Even in a room full of people (my wedding) They are the reason I don't feel it and to be honest, it wouldn't be such a bad thing sometimes but I want them to always know they have someone who will listen to them and love them.
I RARELY…get mad! I usually feel people are doing the best they can. If they could do better they would. I try not to over think anything anymore. I spent so many years worrying about things I had no control over or things that may or may not happen. I focus on the moment!
I CRY WHEN…I feel love! Watching a movie when someone is showing love makes me cry! I find it so beautiful.
I AM NOT ALWAYS…funny, smart, or confident
I HATE THAT…I am not making enough money to help out the house.
I’M CONFUSED ABOUT…how to get people more involved in my community page.
I NEED…to spend more time, doing foot work and being less worried about taking someone's time. Give them the facts and than let them decide but make the first move without fear.
I SHOULD…visit at least 3 companies a day and talk to them about what I do. It could benefit the both of us.
ABC Wednesday - Angel
Another round of ABC is under way. Great opportunity to jump on board and start off with A. Hope to see you there.
A is Angel.
I collect angels. For me angels are a symbol of love, goodness, protection. My mother died when I was 12, she is my angel in the sky and a product of hope. I hope to one day see, hear, feel and smell her again. For me, a mother represents the same. I am good to my children, love them with every ounce of my being and protect them from any evil within my power.
My children show me every day, how much they feel my love. When they wrap themselves around me, joke with me, hang on me, need me, talk to me, I know that they know they are truly loved. So to bring this full circle, angels are love. Is it any wonder I collect them?
Here are just two of the angels in my house.
This little sweetie hangs from my tree:
This is one I got for my daughter for her second birthday:
Tuesday, January 17, 2012
My First Pinnacle Studio HD Video
This Christmas I received from Teach a video editing program. I loaded it this past weekend and today tried it out. Here is my first video. Next chore it to view some of the tutorials and make some better videos.
Wish me luck!
Saturday, January 14, 2012
My Memories Digital Scrapbooking Review & Giveaway
These pages were created with My Memories Suite Scrapbook software.
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1st page created |
Scrapbooking is something I LOVE and before the kids I did so much more. It is harder to pull out all my supplies without having them dig through them but digital scrapbooking is something I have time and patience for plus I don't have to share my stuff. With digital scrapbooking software you can create beautiful pages in less than the amount of time it would take to pull out the supplies. These two pages were created in less than 8 minutes. The hardest part is selecting the pictures.
And so much more.
I love how easy it is but I also love that there are some amazing video tutorials that really allow you to challenge yourself and create stunning pages. I have been using it for a almost two weeks now and still have not gone through the whole program or seen everything offered but already, I have a ton of pages created.
365 Day Challenge - Day 14 - Mood Lighting
I noticed that my light and my water glass has the same fractured glass look. They are always next to each other at night while I read on the coach but truly only noticed today.
What I love about this light is that it is a touch light, simply touch the base to turn it on, press three times for the brightest and the fourth touch turns it off! The glass is part of a set that came with a tray that my previous boss gave me when my husband and I finished building our deck.
The goal here was to try to make the ordinary look extraordinary.
What I love about this light is that it is a touch light, simply touch the base to turn it on, press three times for the brightest and the fourth touch turns it off! The glass is part of a set that came with a tray that my previous boss gave me when my husband and I finished building our deck.
The goal here was to try to make the ordinary look extraordinary.
This Is A Bully Free Zone
Were you bullied as a child?
Did you ever see someone bullied but did nothing to help?
Teaching a zero tolerance for bullying starts at home. I have never thought that there are bad children, I have always felt that there are parents who haven't taught right from wrong. Manners are not taught anymore. Being kind is not taught anymore. There are basic, simple "Golden Rule" etiquette that are just not taught by parents anymore. I am not talking to you. You, who teach manners, acceptance, kindness, empathy, etc., I am talking to YOU!
What is the Golden Rule? Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. The Golden Rule is quite simple but not so simple to follow.
Raising considerate and thoughtful children does not happen by magic! Children are naturally self-centered and must be taught how to behave and how to deal with others.
Children learn by your modeling. If you are not kind, empathetic to others, using your manners, being polite, being respectful, etc., your children will never learn how to do this either!
My sister-in-law commented about 2 years ago how nice I am to my kids. "I always hear you say Please and Thank you to the kids". I think it is nice. It isn't even something I think about but I have been doing that forever, and I don't only do it to them. I do it with everyone, even my husband. "Hun, can you please stop and pick up milk on the ride home?" I know I could simply say, "get milk on the way home!" but like I said, it isn't something I think about.
I have tried to teach the kids that manners go a long way. It costs nothing to be nice. It isn't hard to be kind! It doesn't hurt you to smile." Simple instructions and thankfully I do hear my daughter doing just that. Handsome does the best he can. He is a whole different animal. He is usually the one I say the "It costs nothing to be nice" to. He's 8! He will get it!!
Bullying starts with rudeness, unacceptance, exclusion and escalates. These things will not be a problem if children are taught to be GOOD people.
While bullying is a word that is thrown around very often. There is a definition that we should all remind ourselves of.
Our school district is taking a firm stance on Bullying and creating a Bully Free
Did you ever see someone bullied but did nothing to help?
Teaching a zero tolerance for bullying starts at home. I have never thought that there are bad children, I have always felt that there are parents who haven't taught right from wrong. Manners are not taught anymore. Being kind is not taught anymore. There are basic, simple "Golden Rule" etiquette that are just not taught by parents anymore. I am not talking to you. You, who teach manners, acceptance, kindness, empathy, etc., I am talking to YOU!
What is the Golden Rule? Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. The Golden Rule is quite simple but not so simple to follow.
Raising considerate and thoughtful children does not happen by magic! Children are naturally self-centered and must be taught how to behave and how to deal with others.
Children learn by your modeling. If you are not kind, empathetic to others, using your manners, being polite, being respectful, etc., your children will never learn how to do this either!
My sister-in-law commented about 2 years ago how nice I am to my kids. "I always hear you say Please and Thank you to the kids". I think it is nice. It isn't even something I think about but I have been doing that forever, and I don't only do it to them. I do it with everyone, even my husband. "Hun, can you please stop and pick up milk on the ride home?" I know I could simply say, "get milk on the way home!" but like I said, it isn't something I think about.
I have tried to teach the kids that manners go a long way. It costs nothing to be nice. It isn't hard to be kind! It doesn't hurt you to smile." Simple instructions and thankfully I do hear my daughter doing just that. Handsome does the best he can. He is a whole different animal. He is usually the one I say the "It costs nothing to be nice" to. He's 8! He will get it!!
Bullying starts with rudeness, unacceptance, exclusion and escalates. These things will not be a problem if children are taught to be GOOD people.
While bullying is a word that is thrown around very often. There is a definition that we should all remind ourselves of.
Our school district is taking a firm stance on Bullying and creating a Bully Free
Friday, January 13, 2012
My Kids Are Angels
No they aren't but this morning they proved that I am doing an awesome job. Heck, if we don't pat ourselves on the back sometimes, nobody does.
This morning I headed to the school for 8:00 a.m. 50 Minutes before the school was schedule to be open for a meeting with a new committee that will spearhead the newly passed anti-bullying law passed by the Senate this past September.
As part of the Merchant's Guild I went down to hear them out and find out how I can help.
I am of the belief that it takes a Village to raise a child and feel strongly that the community as a whole has to become a zero tolerance zone for bullying, not just in the school but throughout the village.
If a student is intimidated, threatened, harassed or taunted by others, anyone who sees this should do something to stop it. Children need to feel safe and protected. There is no reason, another child has to die, because of bullying.
So while I listened intently and actively participated in this discussion, my children, the kids I play referee for 80% of the time they are together, the only two there, didn't say anything. We didn't even know they were there. There was no talking, no movement heard, they didn't argue, discuss, tease, bother me, or even breathe loud. They simply got up, got a book, looked at it, put it back and did it again. They never knocked a chair, dropped a book, or went near each other. It was AWESOME! I felt like mom of the year.
Our kids may drive us crazy at home but while out...they are angels and really when it comes down to it, that is what matter.
This morning I headed to the school for 8:00 a.m. 50 Minutes before the school was schedule to be open for a meeting with a new committee that will spearhead the newly passed anti-bullying law passed by the Senate this past September.
As part of the Merchant's Guild I went down to hear them out and find out how I can help.
I am of the belief that it takes a Village to raise a child and feel strongly that the community as a whole has to become a zero tolerance zone for bullying, not just in the school but throughout the village.
If a student is intimidated, threatened, harassed or taunted by others, anyone who sees this should do something to stop it. Children need to feel safe and protected. There is no reason, another child has to die, because of bullying.
So while I listened intently and actively participated in this discussion, my children, the kids I play referee for 80% of the time they are together, the only two there, didn't say anything. We didn't even know they were there. There was no talking, no movement heard, they didn't argue, discuss, tease, bother me, or even breathe loud. They simply got up, got a book, looked at it, put it back and did it again. They never knocked a chair, dropped a book, or went near each other. It was AWESOME! I felt like mom of the year.
Our kids may drive us crazy at home but while out...they are angels and really when it comes down to it, that is what matter.
365 Day Challenge - Day 12 & 13
A day behind on my 365 Day Challenge this is what happens when I am away from the computer for too many hours. There is never time to catch up.
Day 12
A Love note from Mr. Nobody. I receive all kinds of notes in my house. Usually they are from Goddess with her little declarations of love shoved under the bathroom door. Many "I love you mommy" notes while taking too long in the bathroom. Any thing over than 18 seconds is way too long.
The last note arrived in an empty basket that held muffins while I was finishing dinner. Umm...I wonder which of my housemates conspired on this one?
Day 13
Today while trying to think of something quick to take a photo of; I noticed this little guy who I believe came from A Disney Monopoly game. I used the AV mode on my camera which is something I have been playing with quite a bit.
In an attempt to make a very small, very boring figurine interesting, I placed him on the table and changed my prospective. It is more interesting but what exactly? I don't know!
Day 12
A Love note from Mr. Nobody. I receive all kinds of notes in my house. Usually they are from Goddess with her little declarations of love shoved under the bathroom door. Many "I love you mommy" notes while taking too long in the bathroom. Any thing over than 18 seconds is way too long.
The last note arrived in an empty basket that held muffins while I was finishing dinner. Umm...I wonder which of my housemates conspired on this one?
Day 13
Today while trying to think of something quick to take a photo of; I noticed this little guy who I believe came from A Disney Monopoly game. I used the AV mode on my camera which is something I have been playing with quite a bit.
In an attempt to make a very small, very boring figurine interesting, I placed him on the table and changed my prospective. It is more interesting but what exactly? I don't know!
Thursday, January 12, 2012
Doing Laundry Just Got Less Messy - Purex Launches New Detergent, No Mess UltraPacks -
As a Purex Insider I recently received the newest invention of the fine folks of Purex which will be available next month wherever detergents are sold.
You simply drop in one or two of the convenient ultra packs, containing a pre-dosed liquid pack that dissolves quickly even in cold water to make laundry easier and a family event. So safe and easy, even the kids can help with the laundry. They love doing laundry! No mess and no heavy jugs for them to lift or hold a cup steady while I pour. Love this!
With double the cleaning power in every drop, you can trust your clothes will come out bright, white, and clean.
Each pack contains powerful 2x concentrated liquid detergent, giving each UltraPack double the cleaning power in every drop.
Look for these next month! You will love them as much as I do.
Purex Triple Action

Personally, I like it because it is affordable and does the job! That means, it gets Teach's clothes clean and Handsome's skin is completely unaffected and that says a lot. The Free and Clear is free of perfumes and dyes, hypoallergenic, dermatologist-tested, and ideal for sensitive skin which is exactly what this family needs.
The other day, my father (the Coupon King) sent me a coupon for Purex Triple Action Mountain Breeze and this I must say, I LOVE it. I love the price and love the scent. Buying two different detergents for my families needs are no longer necessary. Knowing I can use Free and Clear on all of our clothes is great and if we get a coupon, I can splurge and get the second bottle for the scent I love but that means I have to remove Handsome's clothes and only use the Free and Clear on his. It is the best of both worlds.
Tuesday, January 10, 2012
Tuesday Takes - The Derby Car
The Derby Car Race for Cub Scouts is in two weeks. The boys started working on the car just three days ago and already I am surprised that this was just a block of wood.
While I am not allowed to show it off yet, there will be many photos once the race is over. Competition is fierce and I wouldn't want a competitor to see ours plus I have been warned by the boys not to show it.
I do love how happy Handsome looks.
Good Mommy
Today while waiting for the bus, Goddess decided that since last week Handsome sat with me on the front until the bus came, that it was her turn.
In the middle of her making her way over the divider I heard the bus and stopped her, telling them both "the bus is coming, let's get out." I have a thing about people waiting on us and want them to get to the bus quickly so cars don't have to wait behind the bus making them irate and annoyed behind my kids bus.
As she was running to the bus, she turned back to me holding her hand up and shouted, "Oh no, my ring"! Her face was so distraught and tortured. Not wanting her to be late for the bus which was waiting with a line of cars behind it told her, "don't worry, I will bring it to you." It is just a plastic, red ring with a sticker of Santa but she loves it!
I went home, worked for a half hour. Threw some laundry in, grabbed a check and headed for the bank and post office. By 10:00 am. I was at the school with her ring.
Ringing the bell, the office asked called through the intercom, "may we help you?" I told them I was making a drop off!
As usual I was greeted at the top of the stairs and explained that Goddess was running to the bus, lost her ring and I had promised I would bring it and could they please give it to her?
I headed back to the school a few hours later for our winter concert (more on that later). Through sign language I asked if she had the ring, she showed me and we both smiled.
When I got to the class to pick her up her teacher told me, "the aid came in with the ring you brought by. Goddess was soooo happy. I wish you could have seen her face." I explained the story and how her face this morning got to me and that I promised her I would bring it. I couldn't let her down.
She touched my arm and said, "You are a good mommy!"
Just a 5 word sentence but exactly what I long to hear. It is really the nicest thing anyone can say to me. I want to be a good mommy! I want them to know they can count on me and that I will never let them down. It felt good, in fact, it still feels good!
What do you like hearing? What makes you happy to know?
In the middle of her making her way over the divider I heard the bus and stopped her, telling them both "the bus is coming, let's get out." I have a thing about people waiting on us and want them to get to the bus quickly so cars don't have to wait behind the bus making them irate and annoyed behind my kids bus.
As she was running to the bus, she turned back to me holding her hand up and shouted, "Oh no, my ring"! Her face was so distraught and tortured. Not wanting her to be late for the bus which was waiting with a line of cars behind it told her, "don't worry, I will bring it to you." It is just a plastic, red ring with a sticker of Santa but she loves it!
I went home, worked for a half hour. Threw some laundry in, grabbed a check and headed for the bank and post office. By 10:00 am. I was at the school with her ring.
Ringing the bell, the office asked called through the intercom, "may we help you?" I told them I was making a drop off!
As usual I was greeted at the top of the stairs and explained that Goddess was running to the bus, lost her ring and I had promised I would bring it and could they please give it to her?
I headed back to the school a few hours later for our winter concert (more on that later). Through sign language I asked if she had the ring, she showed me and we both smiled.
When I got to the class to pick her up her teacher told me, "the aid came in with the ring you brought by. Goddess was soooo happy. I wish you could have seen her face." I explained the story and how her face this morning got to me and that I promised her I would bring it. I couldn't let her down.
She touched my arm and said, "You are a good mommy!"
Just a 5 word sentence but exactly what I long to hear. It is really the nicest thing anyone can say to me. I want to be a good mommy! I want them to know they can count on me and that I will never let them down. It felt good, in fact, it still feels good!
What do you like hearing? What makes you happy to know?
365 Day Challenge - Day 10 - Hot Chocolate Kinda Night
We LOVE this time of year and our hot chocolate. Recently we made some of our own chocolate syrup using a recipe we found somewhere online a few weeks back. I don't remember where but here is what I wrote down.
Homemade Chocolate Syrup
1 1/2 cups sugar
3/4 cup unsweetened cocoa powder (I used Hershey because that is what I had in the pantry)
1 cup water
dash of salt
1 teaspoon vanilla
In a small saucepan, add sugar, cocoa, and salt. Whisk together gently. Add water. Bring mixture to a boil, stirring occasionally. Reduce heat and cook 1 minute. Remove from heat and add vanilla. Cool. Store in the refrigerator.
Heat and garnish....
A Mile In His Shoes on DVD Today
The 411:
Such a beautiful movie. I loved it!
Dean Cain plays a "Murph", a minor league coach who is sent out on a wild goose chase by his superior to visit a potential new recruit. Divine intervention steps in and provides him with a flat that forces him to do some leg work and find a phone. He ends up at a farm house where young Mickey is pitching apples like a pro for the pigs on his parents farm.
Murph recognizes talent and asks his reluctant parents if he can have Mickey try out for the league. His protective father isn't into it, Mickey has Aspergers. In the scene where his mother quietly talks the father into allowing Mickey to try out, I felt my throat clench up in what would be my first cry of the movie!
Things are hard for Mickey in the beginning since change isn't something that is easy for him and some evil, jealous teammates try to bring him down. But Mickey has good people watching his back and eventually manages to change the whole team plus the coach who has some healing of his own to do.
Dean Cain superman does a great job as the hero who plucks a farm boy from obscurity and gives him a life his parents couldn't have even dream of.
Luke Schroder (Rick Schroder's son) does a great job in his first movie as Mickey. Big props to the writers and director who didn't focus allow the umbrella of Aspergers to overshadow a really great movie about strength, hope, taking chances, and the power of love.
Monday, January 09, 2012
In Time Starring Amanda Seyfriend and Justin Timberlake - MOVIE REVIEW
The 411:
When I put the movie in my husband asked, "what is this?" I told him the title but didn't mention Justin Timeberlake. Mostly because I didn't want him to have any opinion before we started. He had no idea who the star was and really enjoyed the movie. At the end he said, "that was actually really good."
It is an interesting concept that actually reminded me a little of Logan's Run. I know many won't know what I am talking about after all it was from 1976, but I really love that movie growing up.
In Logan's Run once you reach 30 you die. This is accepted as your fate and everyone goes except for the runners who don't want to die. For In Time, once you reach 25 you stop aging and suddenly get a digital counter on your arm that basically counts down your life in a way to keep the population controlled.
The only people who live long are the rich. Instead of currency you are paid in time and pay out in time. Your counter is replenished with time when you work, or if someone transfers time to you, otherwise it counts down.
Justin as Will receives time (a lot of time) from someone he helps. When he is falsely accused of murder, he must figure out a way to bring down the system where the wealthy live forever and the poor scramble for every moment. Stealing time from those who fall asleep. It's easy, you simply put your counter against theirs and go!
I had high hopes for this movie and I must admit, I LOVED it. It is a great Sci-fi fix. While I think it could have been better and I am not sure that Justin is a great actor. I truly did enjoy it. Will has time, Will has no time, Will takes time, Will gives time. Sounds boring but honestly it is pretty creative. Different! The only negative thing my husband said was, "Justin needs to use his big boy voice."
Personally it was thought provoking. How would you spend your time? How would you live your life if you know exactly how long you had to live it?
Purex Crystals & Jockey Join Forces
For 2012 I have started a Wii Fit Exercise program designed by my 8 year old. He has been working out 45 mins to an hour a day using Wii Fit and Wii Fit Plus for over 7 months now and we see a real difference in his balance, his energy levels, his performance, and his strength. This was something I really needed to get back to so as of January 2nd I have spent 35 - 45 mins a day using Wii Fit plus. My exercise clothing has been getting a workout of their own since I have only sports bras. The Jockey Performance Sports Bra is amazing.
It is comfortable, breathable and has a convenient pocket for a key if you are heading to the gym and need to lock up your gym bag. The material keeps you cool and dry which is something this hot blooded Italian-American needs.
If you still haven't tried Purex Crystals, you simply must. They are so amazing. It is almost like you are tossing a bunch of natural crystal potpourri into your wash. I literally want to put them into a little sachal, tie it with a pretty ribbon and keep them in my drawers, they all smell so good.
Since they are natural and contain no oil they are safe to use on:
- Children's sleepwear
- Towels
- Athletic wear
- & anything else you choose
We love them here!
365 Day Challenge - Day 9
I was watching Goddess with the flash light last night and wanted to try and get some photos using the light of the flash light as my only light.
This isn't exactly what I was going for but hopefully if I tripod it, it will give me the effect I was after.
This isn't exactly what I was going for but hopefully if I tripod it, it will give me the effect I was after.
Sunday, January 08, 2012
Glee The Concert
I am a huge Glee fan and love watching it although I am always a season behind.
The concert very, well Glee. I don't know that someone who isn't a Glee fan could get into this. My husband is not into Glee and he walked up once and said, what is this garbage? Except when Britney was doing her I'm A Slave For You. Figures! While I don't agree with him. I wish there was more to it but did love watching.
I felt like some of the characters weren't used enough. There wasn't enough Lea Michelle and definitely not enough Chris Colfer but was so excited that they included the Mash Up of Happy Days Are Here Again and Get Happy, one of my personal favorites.
My favorite part of the concert were when the Warbler were on stage. They are just so good. I wish there was more of the characters backstage too especially since they were playing their characters and not the actors. My daughter is a bonafide Gleek although she has never seen the show, she loves the songs.
The concert very, well Glee. I don't know that someone who isn't a Glee fan could get into this. My husband is not into Glee and he walked up once and said, what is this garbage? Except when Britney was doing her I'm A Slave For You. Figures! While I don't agree with him. I wish there was more to it but did love watching.
I felt like some of the characters weren't used enough. There wasn't enough Lea Michelle and definitely not enough Chris Colfer but was so excited that they included the Mash Up of Happy Days Are Here Again and Get Happy, one of my personal favorites.
My favorite part of the concert were when the Warbler were on stage. They are just so good. I wish there was more of the characters backstage too especially since they were playing their characters and not the actors. My daughter is a bonafide Gleek although she has never seen the show, she loves the songs.
Graveminder by Melissa Marr
The 411:
I was so excited for the opportunity to read and review Graveminder. I loved Wicked Lovely and it still remains one of my favorite young adult books.
In Graveminder we meet Bek who returns home to bury her beloved Grandmother Maylene. What she doesn't know is that her grandmother was murdered and she will be expected to take her place as the Graveminder. When the dead pass they need someone to mind them (provide them with food, drink and a story and to bring them where they need to go) and make sure that they stay dead. The world of the living and the dead is connected and the folks who keep the threads from fraying are the Undertaker and the Graveminder who work in conjunction to make sure the dead's needs are tended too. Without these two doing their very hush hush jobs the dead will walk and search for blood and flesh. A treaty with the townsfolk was made, contracts were written to protect the dead and the living. While only the Undertaker and the Graveminder know the details, others know they are doing this work.
When Bek returns to town for her grandmother's funeral it is Byron (a man from her past) and his father William (the Undertaker) who handle things and comfort her.
Without getting into the specifics...Byron and Bek have been predestined to be together. His father, William is ready to join Maylene and another Undertaker and Graveminder must take position as the protectors of the living and the dead. Are Byron and Bek ready for this connection? Can they work together? Will Bek like her sister and be unable to fight the temptation of the underworld? Can they trust the dead who are currently walking? All will be revealed in this wonderfully creepy and creative story.
I read this in two days with the kids and life always in the way. I wanted to read it every chance I got and was able to jump back in whenever the time was right. As someone who cannot read with too much going on around them, this was not the case. I read this during soccer, cub scout meetings, and TV time with the husband and kids making noise as usual.
Hearing that this book is currently in the works to be made into a TV Series makes me very happy. Can't wait to hear more. It sounds like a cross between Ghost Whisperer and The Walking Dead
Who knows, maybe this is the way it works!!! If it is, I am thankful that my lineage keeps me from being a Graveminder. I would prefer to simply be ignorant and pray that there is a Graveminder around when I pass to make sure I sleep forever.
This is a must read for paranormal lovers.
Doubling Up - 365 Day Challenge Day 7 & 8
I stayed off the computer most of yesterday and wrote my posts on Friday. Usually taking the weekend off has become a priority or I spend the whole day on here.
Now that I am participating in a 365 Challenge my photos are getting more activity on Flickr. I love getting comments there. I have over 11,000 photos and usually keep it pretty low key so being found by others and getting comments never happens. Love talking to other photo mavens and hearing what they like about a particular photo. It is really helping my skills and while I don't believe taking pictures is something I will ever make a career out of, I do love it!
Here is Day 7 - Monster High Lava Lamp
It is crazy and may be because I was a child of the 70s but I have always wanted a lava lamp. Now that Goddess has one, I spend a lot of time looking at it. It is really cool and I am thrilled she likes it too.
Day 8 - Festive Pooch
Maybe it is his silly little face, lazy eye or holiday clothes, but I love this guy. He is too cute!
Now that I am participating in a 365 Challenge my photos are getting more activity on Flickr. I love getting comments there. I have over 11,000 photos and usually keep it pretty low key so being found by others and getting comments never happens. Love talking to other photo mavens and hearing what they like about a particular photo. It is really helping my skills and while I don't believe taking pictures is something I will ever make a career out of, I do love it!
Here is Day 7 - Monster High Lava Lamp
It is crazy and may be because I was a child of the 70s but I have always wanted a lava lamp. Now that Goddess has one, I spend a lot of time looking at it. It is really cool and I am thrilled she likes it too.
Day 8 - Festive Pooch
Maybe it is his silly little face, lazy eye or holiday clothes, but I love this guy. He is too cute!
Friday, January 06, 2012
365 Day Challenge Day 6 - The Fountain
I took this photo of a fountain and used a Lomo effect to darken the background. I love how solid it looks.
Wednesday, January 04, 2012
The Unofficial Harry Potter Cookbook
My eldest niece is a HUGE Potter fan and was so excited to see this book when she visited for the holiday.
Here is her review:
This is an awesome book. I love the whole look of it.
The recipes seem very easy to follow and easy to make.
It looks exactly how you would expect a Harry Potter Cookbook to look.
I cannot wait to make Harry's First Birthday Cake and I am looking forward to hosting a Potter theme party for my friends over the summer.
The only thing missing is a recipe I have been meaning to try since reading it. Butter Beer. Why wasn't this in there?
I seriously wish there were pictures in here because I would have loved to see the recipes brought to life.
Going to try Sweet Orange Marmalade (Orange, Sugar and Water) . Sounds easy.
I love cooking and can't wait to try these recipes.
Great gift for Potter fans or anyone who enjoys cooking.
If my lovely Aunt doesn't hand this book over to me, she had better be getting it for my birthday this month.
My New Favorite Cereal
My new favorite cereal. We bought this yesterday and just had to let you know how good it is. We love it alone and with milk. Almost the whole box gone in less than 15 hours.
The outside is crunchy oat, wheat and rice and the inside is real chocolate. What's not to like. We were eating these last night as a finger food. YUMMY.
The outside is crunchy oat, wheat and rice and the inside is real chocolate. What's not to like. We were eating these last night as a finger food. YUMMY.
365 Day Challenge Day 4 - Candy Cane Accent
Day 4 is my little sweetie enjoying a candy cane. Why be normal when it is so much fun to be crazy. She is completely nuts and we love it.
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