Personally, I like it because it is affordable and does the job! That means, it gets Teach's clothes clean and Handsome's skin is completely unaffected and that says a lot. The Free and Clear is free of perfumes and dyes, hypoallergenic, dermatologist-tested, and ideal for sensitive skin which is exactly what this family needs.
The other day, my father (the Coupon King) sent me a coupon for Purex Triple Action Mountain Breeze and this I must say, I LOVE it. I love the price and love the scent. Buying two different detergents for my families needs are no longer necessary. Knowing I can use Free and Clear on all of our clothes is great and if we get a coupon, I can splurge and get the second bottle for the scent I love but that means I have to remove Handsome's clothes and only use the Free and Clear on his. It is the best of both worlds.
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