Friday, March 30, 2012

I Hate You Kelly Donahue by Mark Svartz

The 411 by Maria

Well, first...I love the whole look of the book. Written in handwritten diary form complete with little drawings and attached emails and photos. So very cute for a book written about how much someone despises another.  Basically Mark spends most of the book laying out his plan to "KILL" Kelly (can someone please check on Kelly?). One of his plots includes the soundtrack of David Hasselhoff blasting in the background and an uneaten plate of German bratwurst and sauerkraut.  Enjoyable book!

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Playing Around With Videos & Pinnacle

This is some video from this past Thanksgiving of the kids and their cousins.
Made it using Pinnacle Studio

 Love Pinnacle Studio. Teach got if for me this past Christmas
and while it is incredible, I have touched the tip of it's capabilities. Can't wait until I am as good as some of these kids I see on You Tube.

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Alvin & The Chipmunks Chipwrecked


The 411 by Maria, Handsome and Goddess:

We were able to watch this on Wednesday which happened to be a day off due to teacher conferences or some jazz. We loved the last chipmunk movie so we had high expectations for this one.  Personally, I wasn't sure that they would be able to carry on the franchise in a way that was interesting and fresh man was I wrong. We sang through the whole movie. It is a really cute story. Goddess was in love with all the music. She has a favorite chipmunk and stated so through the whole movie. Handsome liked anytime Dave and Ian were on screen. He thinks the Chipmunks former manger is hysterical especially in the pelican suit.

In Chipwrecked, Dave takes the Chipmunks and the Chippettes on a cruise. Alvin of course ends up getting them all grounded while Dave heads to dinner to talk with the captain. Poor little Theodore ends up watching TV that is way too scary for him. My kids thought it was so cute how he couldn't just change the channel and sat there mesmerized at the creepy images before his eyes. They do the same if they wake in the middle of the night to see us watching something on Sci-Fi.

When everyone ends up overboard the chipmunks must work together to survive on an island, and yes, they do sing "I'm a survivor". The songs are some of the best parts of the movie!

If you have chipmunk fans in the house, you can't go wrong with this family friendly movie. Yes, I have seen some reviews were people talk about the "suggestive" dance moves of the Chippettes but I was watching the same stuff on the Bugs Bunny Show and Tom and Jerry too. Nothing different! I didn't see it as sexy than, and I don't see it as sexy now. Just a good family friendly movie!


Monday, March 26, 2012

Dare to Live!

365 Day Challenge - Playing Catch Up - Day 60 - 64

March 1, 2012 - The school has an anti-bullying program in full effect. The band reads Don't be cruel to be cool! I wear it daily.

March 2, 2012 - There is just something about that little red guy sitting among all that brown and grey. Not a great photo but I love it anyway.

March 3, 2012 - My Handsome is getting so big, coming up to my eyeballs with the top of his head. I am mostly aware where I step in to help him step out of the tub. He so doesn't need me anymore but I have a slipping fear with the kids in the tub and ask them to call when they are done. Mostly it is to help them out and warm them up with a big towel. Than I ushered them to their room and leave. Here he is enjoying some much needed outdoor time.

March 4, 2012 - Goddess loves wearing her Backyard Safari gear. She received the bird caller set for Christmas and couldn't wait to use it. Not sure if she got any birds but I was on alert with my camera.

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Hunger Games Is Box Office Gold!

Not surprised in the least of the record numbers Hunger Games is showing. With over 63 Million on opening day, it has so far taken in a record high of $155 million.

While I have yet to read the Hunger Games, I know so many who have. At least 10 of my female friends are reading the books now because they are dying to see the movie but don't want to without reading the book. Not sure if I understand this mentality but to each his own. While I am dying to read the book and see the movie getting to the book in the next few is probably not going to happen. It is on my Need to Read list but will have to wait. Hoping that I get to the movie even if it is before I read it!

The ratings for the movie are incredible and if these numbers prove anything, it is that writers need to up their game when writing their books. 

The Hunger Games posted the fifth-best opening day EVER!

Have you read it yet? Do you plan on seeing it?

The Love Filled Bridge

Goddess loves being outside. She will go out everyday and stay out for hours always finding something to keep herself busy. She explores our backyard and is a great finder of long forgotten items or items that we didn't even know were lost. She took her chalk and decorated our bridge the other day. I loved how she looked while doing it and the straight shadows all around her from the sun streaming through the naked trees.

Admiring her own work!

The Woodcarver on DVD is a Family Friendly Movie!

The 411 by Maria:
As someone who is more spiritual than religious I look for movies that are about people and life rather than preachy. A story where the message comes through without overdoing the religious bible thumping, brow beating, believe in God and all will be saved. That may get some negativity from those preach the bible and live their lives for the Lord. Mostly, I like to know that the story could stand on its own without bible references and this story can!

Matthew,  like most kids is a very good boy, he has issues like everyone else and is living between two parents who are going through a volatile separation.  After taking out his aggression on a church, smashing windows and writing liar on the side, he is caught a forced to repair the damage he has done.

As a parent or a caring adult, this would have been a big wake up call that things have to change but no, they yell at him and eventually he runs away. He eventually meets Ernest played by John Ratzenberger from Cheers fame who does in incredible job of playing a God fearing widow who recently lost his wife. His moments of remembrance brought tears to my eyes. 

Ernest and Matthew are exactly what the other needs. Matthew needs attention and someone to steer him on the path of his greatest potential and Ernest needs something to focus his attention on.

This is a wonderful movie that may slip off the radars of those who may think it is a "religious" movie. It is that, but it is mostly a movie about people, friends, family and that what we give is what we get.

Friday, March 23, 2012

We're Moving On Up....


I did it! I took the plunge and finally became a is NOW: and you don't have to do a thing! Love Google and Blogspot! Thanks for working together guys to make everything soooo easy for us bloggers and keeping the cost down. You guys rock!!!!

Thursday, March 22, 2012

You Capture - These Boots Are Made For Walking

My baby rocking work boots and a bathing suit. Only kids can wear this and not come off as crazy

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

YooHoo Friends WannaBe Are My Kids Favorites

We have been dealing with YooHoo since it's start in 2006 and have loved them along with 14 Million others (that is 13,000 daily).

We also participate in their interactive website which is based on animals from around the world including endangered species. 

We as a family have purchased 6 for our children and a total of 10 for friends and family. In fact this week was a special 3 year olds birthday and when I asked what she wanted, she told me something pink, Aurora World is immediately the company that came to mind.

Last week we received a ‘WannaBes’ one of the most popular items in the YooHoo & Friends line. For 2012, Aurora added jungle and domestic/barnyard assortments including a giraffe, elephant, lion, tiger, horse, cow, cat and dog. Each makes a fun sound when squeezed and sports a removable hoodie for added play value.

Here is Goddess showing them off (Handsome makes a brief appearance, he has been fighting SOME fever!)

My kids love their stuffed animals, heck, I can't blame them, I have always loved them too!

Monday, March 19, 2012

The Way by Kristen Wolf An Oprah Pick!

The 411 by Maria:

The Way is beautifully written from the first page. It is about Anna, a girl in Palestine who losses her mother, Mari after the birth of her stillborn baby brother. Her father eventually disguises her as a boy and sells her to passing shepherds. To survive Anna takes the name that was to be her brother's (Jesus).

Jesus becomes a great shepherd.  Eventually Jesus is hurt and wakes in a society of woman who practice The Way. The followers of The Way, honor and worship the Mother and creation instead of God so they are in hiding from those who believe they are evil.

I found the book to be very interesting. When Anna became Jesus the Shepherd I figured where the book was going although I was a little late. Her mother is Mari and her father Yosef so I am sure many readers got it.

Kristen Wolf's take on the bible was indeed page turning and utterly creative. Completely understand why Oprah took notice.

Disclosure: I received a complimentary copy to facilitate this review.

Sunday, March 18, 2012

We Brought A Zoo on DVD - A Review by Maria

The 411 by Maria:
I was eager to see this because it starred Matt Damon and an adorable little actress Maggie Elizabeth Jones whose face just lights up the screen. Love her.

Matt Damon is a widow who is raising his children alone and doing a decent job of getting them where they need to go but not dealing with the death of their mother and how it effects them, especially his preteen Dylan. Believing that a fresh start would be right for his family he moves them to a house that comes with its very own zoo animals and staff.

With some cute moments, We Brought A Zoo shows a touch of reality. As a child who lost her mom and raised by a father, this is exactly how most men deal with loss. The scene of him and his little daughter going through his wives clothes and deciding what to keep just about made me lose it. I did that! While a deep emotional subject, I didn't feel the movie to be emotional. Damon does a great job playing a very, good looking dad doing the best he can, but even while he watched the movies of his wife with the kids, the emotion was kept at a family friendly level.

While there were moments in the movie that dragged more than others, I appreciated this family friendly movie although we were a bit confused at times (the ending) and flabbergasted at others like who was financing the zoo before Matt Damon's character came along, who paid for the staff and why did they help all those people climb over trees to get to the zoo. Maybe a rain date would have been better considering the liability on someone getting hurt. Although we thought it would be on as background noise while we worked, we closed our computer's 15 minutes in and watched all of it.

Great performance by Colin Ford who plays Dylan, Damon's son. Very good looking kid with a bright future and little Maggie Elizabeth Jones could just be standing there without a script and I would watch.

Saturday, March 17, 2012

365 Day Challenge - Playing Catch Up - Day 56 - 59

February 26, 2012 - Goddess loves nature and being outside. She found an old watering can attachment and put it on a stick in the yard.

February 27, 2012 - Handsome did his first diorama. I am certain you can guess what it is. Any ideas?

February 28, 2012 - Handsome loves to listen to his music and his You Tube video collection. This is where you will find him every morning between 6:15 AM and 7:30 A.M.

February 29, 2012 - It's just a binder clip that helps us out in the summer with our gazebo and after the past few winters staying outdoors has received its share of character. Not sure why it is the only one that has changed over time but I like it!

365 Day Challenge - Playing Catch Up - Day 50 - 55

February 20, 2012 - The kids were so excited to put together some trucks courtesy of Blok Squad (review coming).

February 21, 2012 - Oh my handsome boy. I do love you so much. So seriously and kooky at the same time.

February 22, 2012 - Here is a photo of one of Goddess' pictures. She amazes me with her detail and imagination.

February 23, 2012 - There was something about this broken tree branch that made me want to snap a photo. So much texture and detail.

February 24, 2012 - Goddess was trying to copy Handsome's notebook featuring Mario. She didn't love it and wanted to toss it. I saved it from the trash and took a picture so I could keep it forever.

February 25, 2012 - My boys playing soccer always makes me smile. Handsome cracks up must of the time too. Must be something funny about your parents running around like you.

Color Carnival Sunday #16

Goddess' little bee that her daddy won for her three years ago had a wonderful sunny spot on the deck today. Since we were all wearing sunglasses to protect our eyes, "Bee" also had some on. We take care of our own.

Simply Silver Sunday - Movie Equipment

For more information about the filming, visit Around the Lake

Straight out of the Camera - My Son!

This shot is straight out of the camera

I just took this shot today and love how happy he is.

It isn't often that Handsome is outside with us. Today we all spent some great, quality family time. Much needed.

Shadow Shot Sunday - Shadow Music

Photoshoot with Leigh and Larry of Greenwood Lake Jazz. I loved the shadow shot of Larry and his guitar so I just had to play with it by throwing a texture of it. It was a beautiful day. For more on Leigh and Larry head over to my community webpage at Around the Lake including a video interview. My very first! It was exciting and I was unusually comfortable.

Texture Twist - Fearless Goddess

It's just a hose but I wouldn't mess with her!

Weekly Top Shot/Weekly Reflections - Drowned Actress

This is my very first contribution to Weekly Top Shot and Weekly Reflections

I was recently invited down to a filming of a show called Scorned: Love Kills on Discovery ID on Discovery ID part of Discovery Channel.

They were filming a drowned body which was very interesting to see how long and how many takes the actress how to lie in freezing cold lake water.

My kids were very lucky to tag along on this shoot because Teach recently started a new job and wasn't home. They loved seeing the action and we talked about how when they see movies, there really isn't a "dead" body but an actor or actress who had to lie very still for an ungodly amount of time.

They have the patience of saint's when it really matters. Quiet as mice!

Friday, March 16, 2012

Working With Goddess on Touchtile Reading System

Goddess is struggling a bit in school. This is something that started happening the end of last year in Kindergarten. She is a bit behind in reading and writing and while we believe it is her artistic brain and her learning difference, we are concerned. So concerned we have schedule another meeting with her teacher. We are ready to hold her another year in 1st unless the school has a better suggestion.

About a month ago I had the opportunity to review Touchtile Reading System.

We have only used it for about a week and while it is early to see a difference I feel confident that this is very helpful. She has confidence reading them that she doesn't have when she tries to read a book.

Hopefully this works for her. I am hoping this will improve her reading skills. I will keep you all updated.

My Pets Sticker Activity Book

The 411 by Maria:
We love our activity books. Mommy's school has been in session since Handsome was 3 and Goddess could stand up. Anything that the kids do with YOU is fun for them so why not spend some of that time together learning in a fun, productive, comfortable way. Kids love color! Kid LOVE stickers! Kids love animals. Put them all together and you have the perfect combination of fun and education.

The adorable cover makes you want to open it. Within the pages are all the things kids love. We have tons of dot to dot books and mazes games but nothing like this. My kids love the animal stickers the most, what they don't realize is that they are learning too! Great for ages 3-7. The only draw back for my children is that they wish the book was bigger.

Priced at under $4.00 you cannot go wrong.

Thursday, March 15, 2012

The ToothFairy 2 With Larry the Cable Guy - A review by Maria

The 411 by Maria:

Well, it's a cute movie for kids who find a big, hairy guy wearing a pink tutu funny. We were fans of the Toothfairy starring Dwayne Johnson in fact the kids still watch it. While there was no original cast members for the toothfairy age kids this movie is fun.

Larry does an OK job being embarrassed. My favorite scene was when he turned into a toothfairy in front of two of his male friends while watching the game. Too funny!

While I expected more laughs from my kids, they were not bored. 


Embrace by Jessica Shirvington


The 411 by Maria:

Let's start with I LOVE THIS BOOK! Perfect series especially if you have had your fill of Vampires, Werewolves and Fairies. Or if you love the genre of YA supernatural.

In this page turner Violet is handed a box by her father on her 17th birthday with a note which reads "for our girl on her 17th birthday". Did Violet's mother know she would die during childbirth? So many questions and Violet needs enough answers. Thankfully Violet has friends Steph and Lincoln who she has a mad crush on but feels he doesn't like her that way. When Phoenix shows up her feelings change. Violet must choose her path and come to terms with her destiny if she chooses to accept.

I love so much about this book. A little Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Angels, dark forces, and a love triangle.

Oh I was as torn as Violet. She has two protectors Linc and Phoenix have both been there for her but her emotions are muddled and she finds herself drawn to one more than the other.

Eventually Violet must make a choose to save someone's life. Someone only she can save if she takes a leap of faith!

Each chapter started with a quote that adds some foreshadowing to that particular chapter. Usually I don't bother reading the quotes but they definitely added something to the chapter

My only concerns was underage drinking and unprotected sex: Steph and Violet pass a flask of vodka between them as her father makes yet another phone call. They also have champagne at a party. Violet does have sex and there is zero talk of protection.

Personally, I am thrilled that all three books will be released in a 6 month intervals.

Monday, March 12, 2012

The Way To Break A Mom's Heart!

As moms we know that our children will sometimes hurt us. Sometimes intentionally, sometimes not but we know it is going to happen.

Our job as a parent is to create the next generation of hopefully, good people and some days our job is harder than others.

My heart still hurts from this morning and it is 2:10 pm right now.

Things in the house were a little different this morning as the kids prepared for school. Dad/Teach, who is usually here left early heading out to a new job which he started today.  Handsome got dressed as usual. Goddess had to be woken as usual. Water and snacks were put into their book bags and I was ready for a morning walk after the bus came, as usual.

However, fast forward to the bus stop. Handsome who is incredibly competitive NEEDS to be the first at everything. If he doesn't come in first, everyone else cheated. The bus came just as I put the car into park. I said, "the bus is here" and got out of the car to help Goddess with her book bag as I do every morning. He is usually already out of the car and up the first step before Goddess even is out of the car. This morning, I started walking her to the bus with Handsome whining and saying, "I'm stuck, I can't get out. My zipper, my seatbelt, ahhhh...ohhhh agggghhhh". I'm paraphrasing but it was something like that. Picture lots of whining and a not so happy camper. I walked back over to his side after getting her on the bus to a crying Handsome. He was not happy because he must have zipped his jacket over his seat belt in his haste to get out of the car and it was stuck. I motioned for the driver to go knowing that they had to u-turn at the end after two stops and we could pick it up on the other side of the street.

Handsome has his fingers in his mouth and is hysterical crying. I am nervous because I can't imagine what Goddess is thinking because as far as she knows, he was right behind her to get on the bus. Is she scared, confused, nervous?

I wrap my arms around handsome who is still crying hysterical and tell him everything is OK, I will get his zipper. He says, "Can you help me please?" I tell him that it is done and to calm down, we can get the bus on the other side. He doesn't want to go he says, and proceeds to cry again. His decorative zipper part has ripped off and he wants me to put it back on. I explain that when he tried to pull it off, he broke it but that it is OK, his zipper works. He cries again telling me he doesn't want to to. I am torn between worrying about Goddess, not wanting the bus to wait for him and wanting to get my day on schedule. I feel terrible but know that the coddling isn't helping. So, I give him a hug, suck it down and say, "STOP IT RIGHT NOW! DO YOU UNDERSTAND ME? YOU ARE GETTING ON THE BUS AND YOU WILL STOP! YOU ARE 8 YEARS OLD AND IN 2ND GRADE. PLEASE STOP CRYING SO YOUR FRIENDS DON'T SEE YOU. GET ON THE BUS! IT IS COMING. He stops crying and says, "don't yell at me!"

Knowing I got through, I stop the bus. He starts his "I don't want to go" speech and I stop him. "You are getting on that bus. I will see you after school. Have a good day! I love you honey." He starts walking and says, "I don't love you!"

****insert screeching breaks****

My heart aches, shrinks and constricts. I  know it is just words out of anger and when I ask him later he will say, "I do love you" but it still hurts.

I called his teacher and told her what had happened in case he was off today and asked if she would text me to tell her that he was OK! She said she would and actually called me. All is well but I still hurt!

Thankfully, a mother's heart can break many times but we always have enough love to glue it back together.

Evil Ambulance by

The 411 by Maria
If you enjoy light horror this is for you. As I was reading I reminded myself this was was a young adult novel. As a lover of Horror before my kids came along this was the perfect book to ease me slowly into the genre again. It never gets too creepy where I have to turn lights on at night walking through the house.  Evil Ambulance  is about Dan who recently moved into a small old house that sits at the top of a very long road. A road that is so winding that everyone wonders why someone would create such a road just to lead up to the house.  Upon hearing some noise Dan heads downstairs into his basement and finds a glowing, green light that overtakes him. leaving him confused and uncertain if it ever happened. 

When his nephew Eric moves in, things get strange. Dan has been getting sick and a glowing ambulance has been showing up in their drive away. upon investigation they learn that the house once belonged to Victor Devlin who used to work at a hospital and eventually disappeared along with an ambulance.  Could Victor have returned all these years later?  

There is just enough gore and mystery surrounding this book to call it a horror.  I put a lot of weight into the category of books but this is definitely in the right genre.  Author Mark doesn't take it too deep into the gore which considering the YOUNG ADULT category is perfect. I would love to see this as an Adult Horror book. The concept is great and I believe he has a bright future in horror if he decides to continue.

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Rocky Cave Kids by Dian Curtis Regan

The 411 by Maria:
This is the perfect book for Handsome who is in the second grade and can read very well. Although his reading skills are that of a 4th grader he doesn't always understand what he is reading. He is only in the 2nd grade and usually ends up picking books that are too easy for him because of his grade. This is a great introduction to chapter books for him. 

He was sick for 2 days this week but with it being Dr. Seuss Birthday month, his school has a lot of reading assignments. We spent his two sick days reading Rocky Cave Kids and thoroughly enjoyed it. 

We enjoyed the fantasy dinosaur tale of Miggy and her friends. He loved the names of Twig, Wooly, Stone and Crow and we wondered why they were named such. What I loved most about the book is how the story is written for younger kids but the writing is a great way for them to build on story structure. 

Handsome especially liked the map at the beginning of the book. His social studies lesson and test last week was about maps and we had to stop the story a lot in the beginning because he wanted to go back to the map to see where everyone was in the story in relation to the map!

While Handsome has never been the boy who isn't into dinosaurs, he really enjoyed the book because of the characters.

The Snow Blew Inn by Dian Curtis Regan

The 411 by Maria:

First, I love anytime I can review a children's book. I have two kids and love anything new I can read to them. It is especially great when the book captures their attention and that happened with The Snow Blew Inn.

Handsome had no problem reading it to me. He especially appreciated all of the sensory words since that is something his teacher focuses on in school.

Goddess loved all the animals. She is dying for a sleepover such as Emma in the story is excited for. She loved the whole idea of so many people hunkering down for the night which is something we have done in the past as a family including her beloved cousin Amanda who has stopped up to spend three days during one particular storm last year. In The Snow Blew Inn, hospitality is key. Taking care of others and sharing your supplies with others who need your help is something we put emphasis on as a family.

This is a great book for so many reasons. Goddess was able to read along thanks to the repetition of the book which helps her reading confidence. Something that is so needed for her.

Thursday, March 08, 2012

Dear Coxsackie

I would like to welcome Coxsackie to my home. May your visit be short!

Goddess has Coxsackie and is currently in bed but I keep checking on her. We headed to the doctor on Tuesday for a sore throat and fever of 103.5 but the throat culture for Strep came back negative. Sent her to school today and all seemed fine except she showed me two little red bumps on her foot and one on her hand. She complains about everything so I said, "well, maybe your shoes are getting too small and your hand was scratched over the weekend, stop playing with the scratch."

We headed to Daisy's and I noticed a little red thing on her hand when she got up from the floor. We did the pledge of allegiance and I saw four red things on her palm that hadn't been there before. As we moved onto our promise I got to see the other hand and noticed more. Pulling her away from the group I checked her hands. The palms were covered. Bing bing that Coxsackie? I called over a mom whose son just had it and she confirmed yes.

My co-leader came over and we conferred. Yup, we were leaving and she headed to the bathroom to wash everyone's hands.

Goddess has some discomfort and we are heading to the doctors to make sure that IS in fact what we are dealing with since I don't have a degree. Hopefully it doesn't last long. She is a chronic complainer and I can't take more than she gives on a healthy day.

So, Coxsackie when it is time to go, don't let the door hit you where the good Lord split ya.

Wednesday, March 07, 2012

My Poor Sick Babies

Sickness has taken of the house.

We seemed to be doing pretty good in early winter. One stomach virus that went through the whole house.

The school has 5th Disease, Step, Pneumonia and a nasty stomach virus going around all winter. We have spent the last 3 days tending to sickness.

First Handsome with a nasty cough and low fever than Goddess with her sore throat and soaring fever.

Ugh...could Lysol please come out with a body spray for parents and caregivers. We have no time to be sick.

Monday, March 05, 2012

Farsighted by Emlyn Chand Review

The 411:
Alex Kosmitoras is blind, uses a cane to get around, has very few friends, and really just wants to fade into the background. He thinks he will never have a normal life and has come to terms with the fact that he will never be popular, never be like everyone else. His parents are very poor and his back to school gift is new pair of plastic "cool guy glasses" when all he wants is a new pair of boots. 

On his first day of school, he is teased by the Brady, the popular, running back of the Varsity Football team who has been his nemesis for a while.
Simmi and Shapri both are new to the school and quickly make friends with Alex. Shapri's mom Ms. Teak has a physic shop next to Alex's mom florist shop. Simmi and her mom are customers of Ms. Teak and eventually she proves to Alex that he has a gift. He can see visions of the future and hear conversations that may or may not happen. It appears that someone named Dax is out to hurt Simmi. Alex has do what he can to make sure this doesn't happen. With the help of Ms. Teak, and Simmi he works to strengthen his gift. Shapri has a gift too but she doesn't believe it. She can see dead people! 

What I liked about this book: 
  • Each chapter starts with a rune and a description.
  • I love how Alex tries to protect his mother.
  • The story was enjoyable and the characters very culturally different.
  • The story will hopefully continue into a book 2
  • The friendship of Simmi, Sharpi and Alex. I really do love books about friendship and the importance of it.
  • How Emlyn Chand drew on Alex's other senses to compensate for his sight. Alex's sense of smell is a big part of the storyline. 
  • How each character has a special gift.
  • I love the character Ms. Teak, I love how her abilities or lack of abilities allow her to help others discover their abilities and gifts.  
  • That Alex doesn't back down from bully Brady.
My only fault with the book, was this massive build up of a war only to have it end so quickly. Reminded me of Breaking Dawn where I was waiting for the war of the vampires and the Valtari's only to have nothing happen.

I can't wait to read the next book and find out what the connection is between Dax and Alex. Both names end with X and I really wonder what that is about.

Great book for YA and folks who love to read paranormal.

Sunday, March 04, 2012

The Dead - Zombie Apocalypse in Africa

The Dead

The 411 by Maria:

Teach and I love our Zombie movies. We are big thriller fans and since The Walking Dead is our favorite show of the moment we were excited to see this.

While they don't have a big zombie makeup budget, what they lack in zombielicious, they make up in cinematography and storyline.

Rated R due to the flesh eating zombie scenes which are very reminiscent from the zombie movies of my youth, I found this apocalyptic movie moving in a very quiet way. Two men, one white, one black, both trying to get to their family work together to survive the zombie Apocalypse.  On the surface they appear very different but underneath they are the same, two dads who hold on dearly to a photo of their family and do what they can to take care of each other while surviving.

While the movie is different than most, these zombies are quiet. They can sneak up on ya in a second. They walk so slow that it is amazing they get anywhere at all. You can literally finish filling your car full of gas even if they are within eye sight because they walk slower than my 96 year old grandmother. All the zombies have beautiful blue, white eyes and they all look like they are starving. Nothing like trying to eat the living when the living are already dying from hunger.

The two main actors do a great job of holding the movie together and Prince David Osei is such a good looking guy that I was bummed when it looked like he wouldn't be getting back to his son.

We loved the movie despite the lack of action or drama but were extremely disappointed with the ending. The movie may have taken itself too seriously and ran out of gas in the last 5 minutes. Due to the lack of a proper ending we give this movie 3 out of 5. Nicely done.

Insight A Review

The 411 by Maria:
OK...we were interested through some of the movie. There was an attempt to create a very dramatic movie where you are uncertain what is real and what is reality.  Unfortunately it fell a little short and has been done before and better but it was still entertaining enough and twisted enough that I didn't know what was going on until the last 45 minutes.

Insight is about a nurse named Kaitlyn who appears to be the only one to notice a dying woman named Allison wake before her heart is shocked and manages to say, He loved me. I don't remember. 
I did perk up when I realized that Kaitlyn's nurse friend Valerie is played by my Facebook friend and favorite TV show's former actress Lesley-Ann Brandt

Kaitlyn is taking care of her Cancer stricken mother and has enough on her plate without the sudden visions that seemingly overtake her life; visions of a brutally murdered victim. 

She heads to the police and tells her story and begins to try on her own to unravel the facts. Putting her life in danger. 

We were basically waiting for something. We wanted to like it, it wasn't complete rubbish but I was glad I hadn't seen it in the movies. Seemed like more of a made for TV movie and while I didn't figure it out right away, when I got it, I was hoping for a twist. 

We couldn't figure this detective out. His too big hat and his blood shot eye had us thinking there was more to his character but unfortunately no. 

We are thriller junkies and this wasn't one.
If you like light drama and get scared easy, this is a good one for you.

2.5 Stars from us!

Finn & Jake Take Adventure Time Onto DVD on March 6th

The 411 by Maria & Goddess - Adventure time stars Finn the human and Jake the Dog. Goddess loves their friend Marceline "She is my favorite because she has long hair and is a vampire" (Goddess wants to inform you).

We like the show because it is funny. It is something I used to change because after being spoiled by vivid colorful, digitized cartoons I thought that the kids would find it boring. Goddess would tell me to leave it on whenever it was on. She liked it. Eventually when she didn't need help searching through the channels she would select it herself. One day while dusting her room with her a few months ago, I watched with her. It is a funny show. The characters are hysterical and the jokes are so smart that they are shared on two levels. Kids find it funny and adults can laugh too on the jokes that are wittingly over the kids heads.

Kids like it because there are tons of "fart" jokes and is really bizarre. There is nothing like this on now. We can't stop singing "Daddy why'd you eat my fries?" With knife storms and colorful characters like Lady Unicorn, Princess Bubble Gum and Lumpy, you know you are in for a ride.

While the cartoon is meant for an older child, demographics of maybe tweens. Kids and parents will love it too.

The 411 by Maria and Goddess - Adventure time stars Finn the human and Jake the Dog. Goddess loves their friend Marceline "She is my favorite because she has long hair and is a vampire" (Goddess wants to inform you).

We like the show because it is funny. It is something I used to change because after being spoiled by vivid colorful, digitized cartoons I thought that the kids would find it boring. Goddess would tell me to leave it on whenever it was on. She liked it. Eventually when she didn't need help searching through the channels she would select it herself. One day while dusting her room with her a few months ago, I watched with her. It is a funny show. The characters are hysterical and the jokes are so smart that they are shared on two levels. Kids find it funny and adults can laugh too on the jokes that are wittingly over the kids heads.

Kids like it because there are tons of "fart" jokes and is really bizarre. There is nothing like this on now. We can't stop singing "Daddy why'd you eat my fries?" With knife storms and colorful characters like Lady Unicorn, Princess Bubble Gum and Lumpy, you know you are in for a ride.

While the cartoon is meant for an older child, demographics of maybe tweens. Kids and parents will love it too.