Maria's Space: My Poor Sick Babies

Wednesday, March 07, 2012

My Poor Sick Babies

Sickness has taken of the house.

We seemed to be doing pretty good in early winter. One stomach virus that went through the whole house.

The school has 5th Disease, Step, Pneumonia and a nasty stomach virus going around all winter. We have spent the last 3 days tending to sickness.

First Handsome with a nasty cough and low fever than Goddess with her sore throat and soaring fever.

Ugh...could Lysol please come out with a body spray for parents and caregivers. We have no time to be sick.


  1. I hope they feel better soon.

  2. Anonymous5:06 AM

    Awww, poor kids. Raw garlic...chopped garlic with butter or oil on great!
    radeeolover at yahoo dot com

  3. I hope everybody is on the mend soon :)

  4. LOL...that's a great idea! Hope Lysol reads this and gets to work soon on it! ;)

    Hope everybody is feeling better by now, and that YOU have managed to scare the bug away before it gets to you!


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