Maria's Space: Favorite Photo Monday - My Baby And Me

Monday, April 23, 2012

Favorite Photo Monday - My Baby And Me

I will be the first person to admit that this is not a great picture but it was my favorite of the week. Taking pictures of you and your children is so important. My mom died when I was 12. I have probably 2 pictures of her with me. She was probably one of those, don't take pictures of me people. I don't know and will have to ask my dad. 
They will always see you as "beautiful" mom so take those pictures and don't worry about how you look. One day all they will have are their pictures and their memories. 
Say Cheese!


  1. Anonymous1:25 AM

    Sweet picture of you and your daughter! Great edit. :-)

  2. What a sweet photo.. Great shot:)

    Visiting for FPM- hope you can stop by:)

  3. So sweet! Love it!


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