Maria's Space: Overheard Conversations between Handsome & Goddess

Monday, April 23, 2012

Overheard Conversations between Handsome & Goddess

Handsome: Hey, is that dad?

Goddess: No, it is too early.

Handsome: No! It's not  him!

Goddess: Maybe it was someone who looks like him. Where you just thinking about dad?

Handsome: Yeah!

Goddess: That happens to me sometimes, when I am thinking of someone I can hear them. Sometimes I hear Dad say my name!

Goddess: It should be called rainbow roll

Handsome: You can't roll that doesn't make sense.

Goddess: Well it does if you are on a rainbow and you roll!

Goddess: You are making me so mad, I am going to destroy you.

Handsome: You don't even know what destroy means!

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