Maria's Space: Chronicle + A REVIEW

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Chronicle + A REVIEW

The 411 by Maria:

Where to start! This was AWESOME! We loved Chronicle. It is everything the super hero movies strive to be. In most super hero movies I wish they spent more time on the hero learning his new abilities. That was one of the things I loved about Chronicle. Wait, I digress; let's start at the beginning. Andrew is the kid in school you hope at least has a better life at home. He is constantly beat up at school and walks around behind a camera documenting the world around him. Usually his videos end up with his camera falling as someone punches or hits him. Poor kid has it just as bad at home. His father sucks too. Things appear to be very hard in Andew's home and dad either drinks because life is hard or Dad drinks because he is a tool but either way dad drinks and his poor mother is sick in bed, on oxygen and dying.

One day after dad comes in and beats him, Andrew joins his friend Matt at a party.  After fighting with his friend he is lead to a hole in the ground by another guy Steve. Steve is very popular and wants Andrew to film this hole so that everyone can see it. They head down and are "zapped" by something. We never do find out what it is. Obviously something extraterrestrial.

The next thing you know these guys have super powers of the coolest kind. The best parts of the movie is of them honing in on their powers.  They are having fun and enjoying their new found fame and friendship. Andrew is finally part of a group but then things change for the worse.

This is a great movie where the actors are fantastic in their roles. The dialogue is real and made me feel like I was watching reality TV as we are seeing a lot in the beginning through the eyes of Andew's camera.

If you like Sci Fi, this is a great movie. I can't wait to watch it again.

1 comment:

  1. Fab review Maria!
    I had reservations about watching this movie, due to the content... I feel like it's been done before.... but after reading your rave review and adding the "can't wait to watch it again" remark, I am going to give it a try.


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