The 411 by Maria:
Let me start with this....one of my favorite book reviews of the year so far. WOW! I literally cannot stop rereading it to myself and anyone who will listen. Tonight I am going to down and highlight my favorite "dad" quotes. Pee your pants funny.
Hysterical read! I am not sure how "dad's" (Sam's) wife can be so normal. She must have literally needed Depends to live with this character. Humor is so attractive to me which means I find Sam super sexy!
Some of my favorites:
Justin draws a picture in class of a girl he is "sweet on". The girl gets upset, Justin's parents are called in and handed the picture Justin drew. It is of a girl, the girl wearing a shirt with her name on it. Above her head is a yellow dog who is showering brown clumps from his butt on her head. She has a thought bubble that reads, "I like it." Now, I know what you are saying. What does this mean? Why did Justin think this would make her like him back? Why the thought bubble or whatever else is going through your mind. Nope, not Justin's dad...he wants to know:
Why is the dog above her head? That doesn't even make sense. How'd he get above her head? You have to draw a hill or something under the dog. A dog can't just float in up in the atmosphere and take a shit on someone's head. I mean, I know you are six or seven or whatever, but that's pretty basic physics right there.
And...that is just page 17 of the book...wait..it gets better.
Feel like laughing, get this book. Great father's day, and grand father's day gift idea too!
If you are around check out Justin's event calendar and if he happens to be where you are, head over and tell him Maria from Maria's Space loves his book, his dad and his sense of humor.
Thanks for the great review of this book. It has been a rare moment that I have read a funny book. It sounds great from your detailed review. It sure sounds like a read I need to search out.