Maria's Space: We Took The Crasin Challenge - See Our Results

Friday, May 25, 2012

We Took The Crasin Challenge - See Our Results

Goddess, Handsome and I took the challenge. Handsome took it today because I wanted to get the review up and 2 out of 3 of us like the Craisins by Ocean Spray better. A positive that came out of this challenge is that Handsome now likes raisins. He didn't know what I was going to give him so he had no chance to say no. He ate the first one which was a Crasin followed by the raisin. He like #2 better. He doesn't like anything sweet so I am so happy he tried it and likes it. He has had two handfuls today.

As for the Crasins we need to buy another bag because Goddess took them as snack all week. is what I know:

Craisins come in 4 varieties: Original, Blueberry, Cherry & Pomegranate (we want to try them all).

Here is our Blind Taste Test Results 



  1. Your daughter is adorable!
    radeeolover at yahoo dot com

  2. I'd add them to morning glory muffins instead of raisins!


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