Maria's Space: Goddess Birthday Post Part 2

Sunday, July 08, 2012

Goddess Birthday Post Part 2

Yesterday, I posted about the gifts, today are the photos from the cake!

Goddess LOVES her sweets. She asked for a vanilla cake with vanilla icing which threw me. I know her to be a chocolate girl so I am glad we discussed the cake first. She begged to help make it so together we created a basic cake with sprinkles.

She was pleased with her final product. We even did rainbow candles with colored flames. What's a birthday without some color?!

April 14, 2012 Birthday (53)
April 14, 2012 Birthday (51)
I love this birthday candle. Every year we take Handsome's and Goddess' Cape Candle out on their birthdays and burn it down to the next year. It is bitter sweet because it is amazing how fast the years go but I am excited for their birthday. And, Oh man do I protect this candle with my life. God forbid it breaks before their 21st birthday. They love watching it every year too!

For boys you can buy it here and for girls here. Great gift idea for baby shower or first birthday!

While we sang Happy Birthday she did a big swinging arm thing. Such a happy day in a kid's life! I hope she remembers how happy she was when she was young forever.

I would say she had a great birthday!


  1. I wish I would have thought of the yearly candle, I have a 21 yr old and another to turn 21 in a month. Looks like she's proud of her cake

  2. Jenzen, it is the best gift I ever got them.

  3. Definitely a wonderful time was had by all.
    That is such a pretty cake with beautiful colored candles.
    I adore that yearly candle... I wish I had known about those 25 years ago. =)
    I find it hysterical that we are the same age and our kids are such different ages... yours are 7 and 10 (?right) and mine are 21 and 24. I feel SO much older than you. HaHa

  4. I hope she had a wonderful day and I can't wait to research who the heck Ruby Gloom is :)


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