Maria's Space: Because I Can't Write Enough About My Kids

Friday, August 03, 2012

Because I Can't Write Enough About My Kids

Post 3 of Goddess' birthday. Find her birthday post here

In the morning we headed out as a family for breakfast. We don't eat out often so this was really exciting. It was only a diner but I was happy to be with my family.

After breakfast we stopped to check out the reservoir. We have passed it for the past 13 years but never stopped to see it. We drove back into the woods, parked and got out.  Didn't have the camera with me so I used Instagram to document the moment.

Goddess always wears a dress. On this morning she also wore a long scarf also. I mean how can you do a birthday breakfast if you are not dressed up?

I stayed behind them so I could get a picture of  The Teach and the kids walking. Beautiful morning.

 There are my three favorite hearts all in a row. Love these guys.

Plus a moment for a self portrait

 After breakfast, Goddess put on her new Monster High Costume. Loves her Monster High dolls.

 As the day got warmer, Goddess decided to soak her feet outside in her new Orbeez foot spa.

Last, a picture of Mommy and the birthday girl.


  1. Love the photographs, thank you for sharing these!

  2. Thanks so much for looking.


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