Maria's Space: My Goddess Is So Fun!

Sunday, September 23, 2012

My Goddess Is So Fun!

Goddess and I took to the road today and headed out. Mostly it was to get out of the house for Football Sunday and because it was a glorious day. We ended up at a farm where we took these shots. This is my favorite of the day. She hates it and wanted me to delete it. I usually do what she asks when it comes to photos of her but this was a keeper to me. She thinks it is embarrassing that you can see her tongue. Looks like a mag page for kid clothes to me. 
This was her very first ride. It was just a pony but she believes it was a horse no matter how many times I said pony. She was in her glory. It was a quick ride, only two times around but I was so proud that she just jumped on up and did it. More photos of today coming.


  1. How fun!! Ponies are sweet. Great pictures and she will remember this event always. Rita Spratlen

  2. Thanks Rita! She had a blast.

  3. She is so photogenic!

  4. How fun to get away, just you two. She's so cute and I can tell she's in love with that "horse." :)

  5. Thanks for sharing your blues. Your daughter is a beauty.

    Happy Blue Monday, Maria.

  6. she is beautiful! yes, she looks like a model in one of those apparel brands.:p


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