Maria's Space: Our Yearly Trek Brings Us Company

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Our Yearly Trek Brings Us Company

The kids and I have spent 3 years heading over to Ice Caverns in Fairfield New Jersey. Usually it was after our Santa visit at the mall, we would head over there and see the holiday inspired animated windows. Last year we couldn't go because I was in the hospital but this year when we headed out, Teach came with!

It was awesome going out as a family. It isn't something we do often enough and I was happy just to have him with us. The kids were really excited too. Over the years, I rarely asked him to come anywhere because he needs to be worked into going out and sometimes we head out without much thought. This year, I asked him and he said yes.

When we got there it was much later than when I travel alone, I unlike most prefer getting everything done early in the day, so that at the end of the day, we aren't rushing around before bedtime. I was like that at work too. In the morning everyone wanted to socialize where I wanted to jump into work and talk later but that was usually when everyone else was trying to meet deadlines that they didn't meet during the day.  Let me get back to the story. This year we decided instead of doing Santa pics at the mall, we would do them at Ice Caverns. When we got there, there was a line. I have never waited in line for Santa because usually I am the first one on the line, waiting for Santa to come in. This year, not so much.

Ice Caverns has TVs playing holiday classics. You can't hear them but you can watch. They also have a Christmas Village and seating for the wait which is something the mall doesn't have.

After our photos, which I paid $16.99 for an 8 x 10. Not bad considering. You are allowed one photo with your own camera. I took 3 this is the best of the three.

Then we headed to the Ice Caverns....the cost? $3.00 each! Not bad considering and the kids love it.


There are more photos to come after we left the Ice Caverns and ventured into the store to look at all the beautiful Christmas decorations but I have been sitting at this computer for 2 hours and it is time to get moving.

Have a great day.

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