Maria's Space: The Marriage Mistake by Jennifer Probst - REVIEW

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

The Marriage Mistake by Jennifer Probst - REVIEW

The 411 by Sonia:

I really loved this book even though I haven't had a chance to read Jennifer's first two books The Marriage Trap or The Marriage Bargain. Now that I have read The Marriage Mistake,  I do plan on reading them as soon as I can.  I absolutely adored The Marriage Mistake by Jennifer Probst! Right from the beginning you immediately know Corina a 26 year old feisty virgin who has a thing for her brothers best friend Max since childhood.  I can really appreciate how she goes about getting Max to see her as a woman and not a little girl anymore. You are gonna absolutely love Mama Conte. 

Throughout the story I just want them to realize that they are so right for each other.  Jennifer, weaves their story beautifully. It is not only a very sexy love story but I also amusing. 

You absolutely must read the Married to a Billionaire Series by Jennifer Probst.

Disclaimer: We received a copy of this book for our honest opinion.


  1. Anonymous5:13 PM

    Read all three books. Loved the characters and the story. Waiting on the 4th book. Love her sense of humor. At times I was laughing so hard that I was crying.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. This book was a good read from the first to the last page. The characters are very believable and would be welcomed in any situation.

    Will be watching for more of Jennifer Probst's books. She is a fun writer to read. I will be adding her name to the list of my favorite authors.

    Micky Johnson (One Way Link)


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