Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Weleda Natural Skin Care Review & VLOG

I am so happy to introduce you to Weleda. Weleda is a company that specializes in Natural Skin Care products for your face, body and hair care. They even have baby products. Weleda sent me a box containing some of the fabulous products which I have been using for 3 weeks now.

My favorite product of the bunch is the One Step Cleaner and Toner.

Check out the other products in my video review.

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

I Will Never Waste Bread Again! Make Your Own Bread Crumbs

Over the past three months I have been putting the last two pieces of bread into the freezer. You know those two end pieces that no one eats and sometimes the last three slices before you open a new loaf.  This weekend I noticed that my top freezer shelf had 6 bags of bread containing just a few slices each. It was time to experiment.

Goddess and I hauled out the food processor and set it up on the counter. I grabbed a few of my favorite spices and prayed for the best.

After toasting all the slices on both sides we put them in the food processor until they were bread crumb consistency. It took about 35 seconds.

Next we added the spices and a few more slices since we didn't want to over pack the processor.

It came out amazing. We have used it twice already and are storing it in the refrigerator since there are no special preservatives to make it pantry worthy.

It looks and smells wonderful! Any other suggestions to add to our recipe? We would love to hear.

Monday, January 28, 2013

It's All About The Random Blues

Goddess took some of her horses outside, looked like the perfect opp for a photo.

Here is Handsome with his Blue which he was donating to but more on that later.

A lonely, cold soccer ball left over from last season. It still looks mighty blue even covered with snow and sitting on an old pile of leaves.


Sunday, January 27, 2013

Melissa Francis Diary of A Stage Mother's Daughter - A Review

The 411 by Maria:

Look at that face, doesn't it call for you to read this book? I remember that face on one of my favorite childhood shows Little House on the Prairie when they were trying to bring on younger stars now that the Ingalls girls were older. I wonder if Michael Landon had a Melissa thing considering three stars from Little House had Melissa as a first name. This makes me want to Google and see if any of his daughters were named Melissa. Nope! Not a single Melissa among his 8 kids although he did have a Cindy thing as two of his four wives was named Cindy. Wait, hold on...where was I? Oh yeah...Diary of A Stage Mother's Daughter is exactly what I had expected and more. 

Melissa Francis takes what I expect the worst parts of any stage mother to be an chops it up with a very honest, account of her tough upbringing and waiting for the she could run from the roost to live her life as she wanted. 

It is amazing that with the Jackie Coogan law, childhood actors are still struggling at their hands of their parents. In this case it is a money thirsty, domineering mother and a keep the blinders on father.   Melissa was working on a show that has been in syndication for years yet had to work part time to afford things. 

I kept thinking two things as I read smart and calculated she was even a teenager to really see her mother for who she truly was and know that she had to take steps to take care of her own future such as sneaking some of those royalty checks that wouldn't be missed and putting them away for college and this is not to judge Melissa's father because it is obvious that they now have a very good relationship but, how HE allowed things that he could have controlled in his children's favor. 

If you are a Little House fan looking for the inside scoop, there is a tiny bit of that, I wish there was more but was thankful for what Melissa did include. Reading about Michael Landon and her on screen brother Jason Bateman, made me very happy but this was not a book about Little House On the Prairie. It is about a young woman who escaped the pressure her mother put on her to become a TV Journalist, news reporter, anchor, mother and now writer. 

If anything else, I hope writing it all down gave her the catharsis she so deserves.

Friday, January 25, 2013

Me, My Bangs and A Bad Photo Shoot Background

When I look at this photo of me around 3 or 4 years old, I see a sweet, happy girl excited to smile for daddy even with my crazy "grandma" bang cut up job.

Man, growing up we were always at the hands of her scissors. It went on until we were about 10 or 12. I remember we would get to her house and she would say something about us needing a haircut. The next thing you know one of those step stools with the chair on top was quickly placed into the center of the kitchen, the shears with black handles came out you know, the kind she used to cut practically everything and we were subjected to her snipping off of our precious just grown back hair.  It's not like she was a beautician, far from it. She worked for Alexanders in Queens in the Woman's Department.  Our parents never said anything, she never asked, just cut our hair way to short and never even. It was great when we were old enough to say no to the cutting or perhaps our parents had started bringing us somewhere to get our bangs cut because I remember her asking, "do you need a haircut?" and we would quickly say :"no thank you". All the while praying that she wouldn't push it.

I have to laugh at my father's little photo shoot here; a wrinkled white sheet and a red rug remnant. Nothing says, white trash like a make believe Sears photo session.

Let's look at the placement of my hands shall we? Who decided that was the way they should be? Certainly not me, my face says please them. Obviously someone placed them and told me not to move.

Got to love my parents. I am assuming it was either Easter or a visit to one of the grandparents. Dress shoes, a yellow dress, a little cross necklace and a badly placed cheap barrette.

Still a cute picture and can't believe that little face is mine.

Do you have any photos of you on your blog? Link up so I can see them.

Thursday, January 24, 2013

What Would We Do Without The Internet??

Sometimes when I talk to my kids about my childhood compared to theirs I find myself talking about all the time we spent outdoors, reading, playing with our "no battery toys" and having play dates as compared to their internet induced childhood.

They wake in the morning, fight over going onto the computer so they can play a game, check the scores of the football and hockey games, look at photos of cute animals and research things they are interested in.

While I believe that my childhood was awesome, I DO love my internet!

When we first moved here one of the first things we looked into was who was going to be our internet service provider. Who was available and what were their rates?  It is the way it is and I can't imagine anything else.

We are on the internet for so many things; for me it is my blog, my community written website, Facebook, looking up recipes, school projects and banking, editing and sharing photos but with the kids we are also on there for so many other things.

 My Son Handsome:

  • Checks stats of his favorite teams and players almost daily. 
  • Plays and researches his favorite computer, Xbox and Wii games. These kids know how to find tutorials and cheat sheets like masters. 
  • He also takes pre-spelling tests and does reading homework at least 3 times a week.

 My Daughter Goddess:

  •  Is on Pinterest almost every day either looking at animal photos or crafts. 
  • She also plays many 7-9 age girl games and has about 4 favorite go to sites.  

The Husband:

  • Reads the paper 
  • Checks his teams stats
  • Goes into forums to discuss all kinds of very boring things like alternative power and CSS coding or some such thing. 
  • And downloads his favorite songs for his workout MP3 player. 

Without the internet we would all be very bored.

Without the internet; I wouldn't have gotten in touch with 20 of my friends of elementary school, my first employer, ex flames, or been able to see my niece and nephews recitals by video since we aren't near each other. 

During the week, we limit their time and no one is on all day except for me who clocks in the most with approx 8 hours a day and we all believe in taking a break, getting outside and stretching our legs no matter how hot or cold it is.

So, how much time do you allow your kids to sit online?

The Original Titanic on Blu-ray and DVD - A REVIEW

The 411 by Maria:

Well by now unless you are living in a cave you know about the fateful maiden voyage of the Titanic. A big boat, sets sail from England to New York but only 3 days into its North Atlantic voyage strikes an iceberg and sinks taking with it 1500 passengers mostly men. Without the big blockbuster budgets of 1997 I was expecting a less than stellar viewing while I fought falling asleep until the end. I LOVED it.

It is in black and white with many shots looks pretty pathetic and less dramatic than James Cameron's blockbuster but the decks, staterooms, and grand staircase are there as well as emotional relationships.

This time we don't have star crossed lovers meeting from different worlds as much as a couple going through a separation. Julia, (Barbara Stanwyck) is taking her two children Norman and Annette to escape a world that she feels has made them nasty, self righteous, egotistical, snobby people like their father Richard (Clifton Webb). Julia wants to raise them in her childhood home in Michigan so she takes them without telling Richard.   

Richard buys his way onto the boat. The movie focus on Richard and Julia's relationship along with a few others tossed in for good measure so that we can see just how big hearted Richard and Julia truly are

There are some funny lines and the movie is dated but that is what I love about it. Not sure why Annette calls her father angel but it is cute. I also love that even when she is about to tell her mother how mad she is, she tells her that she loves her.

Richard: Could you be common in a slightly lower voice. 
JuliaI'll say it in any tone you want! I'll whisper it. I'll write it down, but that's the way it's going to be! He stays with me!

Why do the British find it necessary to announce dinner as if it were a cavalry charge. 
When the Titanic finally sinks into a very quiet demise. Unlike Cameron's Titanic there is no screaming or crying, just a water filled blast and the singing men and woman quietly go down while the shot goes wide so we can see all the waiting life boats in the foreground. 

Even without the hoopla of today's effects, this movie is well worth a gander. The movie looks great for being 60 years old and who won't respect the actors of today after seeing the deliveries of these actors. Most of their acting is done through their expressions with all lines delivered very flat. Still it is a classic and should be respected.

It Was A Complete Ballocity!

Ballocity is a room at the Castle Fun Center where kids basically enter a caged area and get to play with tons of balls which they can shoot out of cannons after loading them up. There are places to climb so you can get to the top and shoot the cannons at kids down below, slides and bags on the floor so you can load those making easy loading for the cannons.

You can see Goddess in the photo to the top left. She was climbing so it was only her legs and a very pink skirt but it was a bonus considering I didn't even know she would be in the picture. Kids are basically running and the area they run through is in the center of hidden areas making perfect photos almost impossible unless I staged something.  None of these were obviously staged.

It was really hard to get a good photo in there as I was watching my step, kids running by and Goddess; well let's just say...thank goodness she decided to wear one of her Monster High costumes. I was basically always able to find her but only as she ran by.

Outside the ball pit is a scene with a princess, horse, stocks and knight where the kid, if they reach can stick their head in a hole for a picture. The top right is a favorite because I spotted her and went to shoot but she was gone so quick I got only a bit of her. She had no idea I was there, just enjoying herself with her friends and oblivious to the camera. To me, those are the best kinds of pictures.

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Take A Sentimental Journey With Emmy Rossum

I am a big fan of Emmy Rossum ever since seeing her in Phantom of the Opera. She is a beautiful, talented young woman whose voice seems so much more mature than her 27 years so it was no surprise when I saw that she was putting out a CD of classics from the 20s. I love the look and music of the 20s so was really eager to listen to this CD. 

We loved quite a few but there were some we weren't that into. We didn't like the first three tracks but everything after that we adored. This is the kind of music I listen to in the car on many long drive occasions, so my kids are very familiar with it. Goddess says Autumn Leaves were her favorite. Personally, I loved Summer Wind. It is one of my favorite songs and thought she did a great job! If you love beautiful instrumentals with lovely vocals, you will love this! 

Driving In A Clean Car Is So Much Better Than Not!


My car was in dire need of a cleaning. We spend a lot of time in it but mostly it is rushing from here to there with no time for cleaning. My car is a 2000 Corolla and I love her. She is in great shape knock on wood other than some dents from a tree falling on her during Hurricane Sandy.

The Griot's Garage Interior Kit was used today during a 30 minute warm up of the car where I cleaned the inside from top to bottom. I love how you get everything you need to do a thorough cleaning of the interior from towels and sponges to the cleaners, everything is in your hands. First you clean with the Spray Interior Cleaner and micro fiber cloth which removed dirt and stains, some which had been there for over 6 months. I was even able to get out many of the scuffs that nothing else was removing. Next I used the Vinyl and Rubber Dressing with the sponge. I loved the new car smell it left when I was done. There was no greasy feeling and the cracking I was seeing on my gear and steering wheel aren't even noticeable anymore. I also love that the micro fiber towels are washable. Makes it well worth it. Great kit for anyone's car!

Friday, January 18, 2013

Ahhh Siblings

Only 11 Months Until Next Christmas Grab The Pajama Elves Book and Start A New Tradition

The 411 by Maria:

This is a really adorable book  about those Christmas PJs that most of us get our kids for the holiday. Every year I get Handsome & Goddess new matching PJs for Christmas Eve. I have never made a ritual of it but know a lot of people who open one gift on Christmas Eve and it is their brand new PJs for Christmas. That is a really cute way of making Christmas even more special. 

In The Pajama Elves Santa has a bunch of little, tiny elves who use special thread on their Christmas PJs to make sure that kids are fast asleep when Santa arrives. The elves are deployed before Christmas to take important measurements so that the proportions are exact and the "magic" will work to make sure Santa can get there without being spotted by your little one's eyes.

Each page has a corresponding picture to go with the text of the facing page to keep kids interested in the story.

If I had this book when my kids were little I would totally use this story to go along with our Christmas PJs. This is a wonderful ritual for any family who celebrates Christmas and gives Christmas Pajamas.

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Dressed Up And No Place To Go! My Innocent Baby Girl

Goddess received a hand-me-down from her God sister Jordan the other day. The dress is a size 12 and Goddess is a very tiny 7 (sometimes smaller depending on the clothes) but she just had to wear this dress.

Who could blame her. It is beautiful and dressing up is a favorite pastime of hers.  When she said "Mommy can you take my picture?" I was more than happy to oblige.

Tuesday, January 15, 2013


My Goddess loves posing for me but this was just a shot of her peeking out the window. I love how it looks. She is my muse. I literally adore that crazy baby girl.

Monday, January 14, 2013

Blessings Of A Daughter

When I was a little girl who lost her mother the only thing I wanted more than anything was to one day have a daughter. My first baby was an adorable, round baby boy who made me so happy and healed so much of my sadness. Being his mother was/is the most important thing to me. I loved being a mom! I knew that was exactly why I was here, so be his mommy. My son and I have a wonderfully loving relationship but it is as most parent/child relationships different. We love them equally but differently. Having a girl was something I hoped for but if it never happened I was OK with two boys but the good Lord saw fit for me to have a girl. A testing, crazy, funny girl who tries my patience and makes me angrier than anyone ever has in my life. I adore her with every cell in my body and even when she makes me crazy, I want nothing more than to be with her and my handsome.

Goddess and I spent A LOT of time together. She is my shadow and I love it. She goes through my things often but this weekend I took some photos and talked to her more about the jewelry pieces that she likes to play with so much. None of the pieces are worth anything but they mean something to me and Goddess feels like they are treasure. The pieces are mine, some my two Grandmothers, two Great Grandmothers and some my Moms. So when Goddess is looking through the "treasure" she is sifting through four generations of jewelry and it makes me so happy. It is exactly what I thought of when I wished for a daughter.


This time that we went through them I gave her some pieces and she was thrilled. Most were earrings from way back when that are small enough for her to wear along with some necklaces that are just no longer me.

I knew there was a reason I held onto so many of my younger pieces.

Look at all that blue & red jewelry!

Friday, January 11, 2013

Dealing With Teasing, Bullying or Hurtful People

the models are my beautiful nieces

My 9 year old and 7 year old tease each other all the time. It is what siblings do but as a parent it makes me crazy.

I am choosing to handle it these days the same way I would handle it if it were happening outside the home.

My Tips For Dealing with Teasing whether you are a kid or not:

1 - Take a deep breath (3 deep breaths will make you feel so much calmer)
2 - Keep Calm!
3 - Remind yourself "I can handle this!"
4 - Choose A Plan 
  • Ignore it 
  • Walk away
  • In a firm voice tell the person to stop
  • Make a joke
  • Get help 
5 - Do it!

If all else fails....well than you can take em down. If you are a kid this means you can push, shove, or whatever you have to do. Sometimes people will pick on those they feel are weaker. Make sure they no longer think you are weak. Sue me...if you have done everything as stated above than #6 it is. We are not aggressive people. I don't like violence and I have mentioned this to my kids over and over but honestly if some kid doesn't stop and makes your life miserable, take em down!

If you are an adult, this means remove yourself from the situation immediately. Sometimes this means leaving friends or family behind. There is no reason to constantly battle someone who is hurting you verbally, mentally or physically. Get away. You are worth it! You are in charge of your life. No one can make you feel something if you don't allow it! STOP ALLOWING IT! 

Xray, Nasal Swab and Face Mask Make For A Very Unhappy Boy!

So here is Handsome 10 minutes into sitting at the hospital with his face mask on two nights ago. He is so not happy.

It started out as any other day.... (fade into the morning of Wednesday, January 9th)...

Handsome: It is not a good morning!

Me: Why honey, what happened?

Handsome: I coughed all night and my chest hurts that is why I wanted to sleep with you last night.

Me: OK, let's check your temp.

His temp was normal and he ate his breakfast. The cough wasn't terrible, an occasional cough but he always has that because he doesn't know how to blow his nose so we hear him swallow and cough a few times a day.

As I dropped them off at school I told Handsome, "if you don't feel well go to the nurse and she will call me."

12:30 first call from nurse. "Hi it's *** ***** Handsome was in my office yesterday and he came back again just now. He seems OK his temp is normal but he complained about his chest so I listened and way down at the bottom, it is hard to hear, I hear a little wheezing."

I made an appointment for him at the pediatrician for the very next morning at 9:15 AM.

1:15 the nurse called and said that Handsome wanted to talk to me. He got on and said it was hard to breathe and that his chest hurt. I asked if he wanted me to pick him up and he said "you can if you want." I asked for the nurse and told her I was coming to get him. She said, "yes, that is a good idea he isn't one to complain."

When I got there the nurse peeked her head out and told me his fever was 104.0

Umm...OK! I got to the car and called the pediatrician asking for an appointment or if they knew of the emergency walk in centers number. They squeezed him in and I had the school release Goddess from class because I wouldn't be back for the bus. We headed down and sat about an hour before we were called in and another 15 before for the doctor came.

In the waiting room was my book reviewer Sonia who was there with her three kids. We made an appointment to meet for pizza after our appointments. The doctor checks him out, no fever and says I want him to have a chest x-ray. "Because of his asthma (he has exercised induced asthma like me. Lucky kid) I feel better getting a chest x-ray. So go to the hospital where they will do a chest x-ray and a nasal swab."

Umm...OK..Handsome looked nervous and asked if he would have to stay. They doctor and I reassured him that he wouldn't stay, they were taking a picture of his chest.

We went for pizza because Lord knows how long we would be sitting in the hospital. He seemed fine other than we he coughs or breaths he said he has a pain. Umm.."do you really want to go for pizza?" He said yes!
I tell my girlfriend that the doctor expects the flu but there is no way it can be the flu. My son is eating, walking, jumping, laughing, basically normal except for the pain.

At the hospital they see the script and ask me to put the mask on him. Hence the picture. So here we are, two days later. The chest x-ray is clear. He is on round the clock albuterol, motrin and cough medicine. He is completely normal. There is no fever and his chest pain is "not so bad." If there is pain still tomorrow the doctor wants another chest x-ray. Praying for no pain!

Wednesday, January 09, 2013

My Mommy "Just Because" Gift!

Lately (the past three months) Goddess has been making me gift bags of things. Sometimes it is a basket, a bag, a box or a tube containing a mish mash of things. Most of them are her things with some candy and a love note. Of course my favorite part beside the sweetness of the gesture is the love note.

I think kids are just giving people but I love how she works on it alone telling me not to look and eventually brings it over so proud as she waits for me to open and go through it with a big smile on her face.

Do your kids do this? What age were there and how long do I get to relish the attention of my 7 year old?

Tuesday, January 08, 2013

Christmas Gifts from Loving Friends

This year my friends gave me the most adorable Christmas Gifts. I don't normally exchange with girlfriends we usually just do the kids but this year two of my girlfriends gave me some sweet glasses like this cute holiday shot glass from my girlfriend Diane.

And THIS Twilight inspired hand painted glass from my girlfriend Clarissa. It was so sweet. I had mentioned that I have almost bought it 12 times but always put it back because I have to remind myself that I DON'T need it, I WANT it and I am usually buying for someone else. She really listens and ran down there and got it for me even though she had no idea where to look. She knew the shop, walked in and asked if they knew the glass that Maria was always looking at. They did and wah is now part of my Twilight collection.

Friday, January 04, 2013

A Little About My Big, Little Man

I speak a lot about my Goddess on Maria's Space and that is mostly because she is attached to my hip and we spend A LOT of time together. Handsome is much more independent and likes his daily schedule just so. He goes to school, comes home, does his home work, plays his video games and watches TV. It is only after that does he come out to spend a long amount of time with us in the 5 hours he is home from school before bed.

Over the years I have spoken about his disability and I use the term very lightly because I am not sure that it really should be considered as such but since he has an IEP in place at school and the school considers it as such, let's go with it for now. Long time readers may remember that I started Handsome in early intervention after someone mentioned that there was something wrong with him and I should get him evaluated. He was evaluated and a Speech instructor was recommended. She asked me to write down everything he currently was saying. His speech post is here.  We've had many tantrums like the one that actually took down the Christmas Tree and my various ways of dealing with them. This came from frustration because we couldn't understand his "speak".

Handsome has been in Speech, OT (Occupational Therapy) and sometimes PT (Physical Therapy). He also has little odd things he has been doing forever and I now chalk it up to him being very literal, with a touch of OCD and sensory processing issues none of it diagnosed by a Neurologist.

I put him into Kindergarten a year later than he should have gone because honestly, he just wasn't ready so I kept him in daycare. The Board of Education was not happy with my decision at first but finally agreed that I knew my kid. Uhhh you think!?   I explained during his CPSE Meeting why I had made the decision and 3 years later I know it was the right decision.

We have had many challenges along the way but lately my boy has been wonderful. He is becoming very funny, more talkative, friendlier, interested in people, helps tremendously around the house. At the super market he pushes the cart, bags everything, carries bags into the house and helps put things away.

Yesterday I took Goddess to the doctor and she asked Goddess what was wrong but before Goddess or I could say anything he said, Goddess is having pain when she pees. We think you are going to ask her to pee in a cup. Very talkative. Too talkative!

He thanks me for everything. Thank you for taking us here. Thank you for getting us this. Thank you for taking care of us. Thank you for being the best mom. Thank you for getting my clothes, did I say everything?!

He also says "sorry mom I didn't hear you if I ask him something." He apologizes if he does something that I have asked him not to do. Like, Honey don't put your wet towels on the floor."I'm sorry mom, I forgot."

Uhhh I just want to hug him while I am typing this he is so sweet.

Tonight I asked him and his sister to please put their coats away because every time they put them on the chair I than have to do it. He walked over and grabbed his coat putting it on the hanger in his room. I was making dinner and saw him walk back to the chair, pick up Goddess's coat and walk it into her room. Can you even ask for more?

I can't believe how far he has come in such a short time.

With love, hard work, social skills classes, horse therapy (his school gets a scholarship every year for 10 kids for 10 weeks and he was one chosen to benefit), amazingly gifted teachers, aids and therapists he is GREAT! On and Up!

The Death Of Bees - A Review

The 411 by Maria:

I was taken in by the first three sentences. WOW...what a way to draw in your audience it was exactly as my English teacher in the 5th grade had taught me to start a story. Riveting and kept you wanting to read.

The story of two sisters wanting to stay in their home long after their parents died was enjoyable. The short chapters giving each of the characters time and voice to tell their story made it interesting and I didn't have to guess at what the other characters may have been thinking as the author sometimes took their chapter back a step or two so we could read everything. LOVED That!

With that being said. I have mixed feelings about the book. While I was eager in the beginning I kept waiting for the feeling to continue. The girls are young and alone, a neighbor helps them keep their secret but the course of the book took it to a different place with one girl being extremely promiscuous, doing drugs and drinking and their broken and feeling alone. I didn't feel connected to the characters at all and eventually it was just a book I needed to finish but did love the premise. There were so many great things about the book that I would give it a 3 out of 5 stars if I were rating because it was interesting and I love hearing from all the characters.

Thursday, January 03, 2013

When Given The Choice, He Chose School!

Well, things have certainly come a long way for my Handsome. The little guy who used to cry and complain every day of Kindergarten and never liked 1st grade, dealt with second is now loving 3rd grade. So much so that when he was given the choice right before the holiday to take a day off because it was the last day before winter vacation and Goddess was sick and not going he said, "no mom, I want to go. If I don't go, I won't get perfect attendance for the month. Umm..who was this child who cried and complained when his sister wasn't going because she was sick last year and how unfair it was that he had to go?!

Tomorrow he had another opportunity to take the day off. Although we just started school today, my sister-in-law heads to South Africa (she lives in Cali and we only see her two times a year) and I wanted to the kids to get to see her one last time before she shipped off. Goddess was so excited to go and is happy to spend another day with her Aunt. Handsome was torn.

"I want to go but if I do I won't get a perfect attendance."
"So Goddess will be there and I won't?"
Abuela and Abuelo will be there with Goddess and I won't be there?"

Yes and Yes but it is up to you honey.

Tonight he came over and asked if I could call my girlfriend Clary to see if she could get him off the bus. He came over not once but three times. Finally saying, "can you call her and let her know?"

I called, she said yes and Handsome is going to school will Goddess and I visit family.

Seems strange to know we will be away from him but I trust that my friend is nearby and if necessary she will be there for him if something happens during the day like I get a call from the school nurse or something.

We are so very proud of him. School is where he needs to be I just figured one more family visit but I am thrilled he wants to go to school and so is his aunt.

Wednesday, January 02, 2013

Young Ladies, Girls, Kid, Females

Young Ladies Ready To Take on the World

A few days ago my nieces asked me to take some photos for a collage they want to do for their mom and Abeula for Mother's Day. It had to be done early because the oldest one lives in California. I wish they had coordinated their outfits better but love that they picked out their own favorites. While taking a few of the girls we put my sweetie in there too so I could have all my favorite girls in one picture.

Goddess looks very comfortable with her cousins even though she only sees them one or two times a year. We wish it were more but are thrilled to have this moment captured forever.

Day 2 of 2013

Sending the kids back to school is always hard for me. I know a lot of my friends can't wait for school to reopen after a break but I am the opposite. Being with my kids is one of my favorite things in the whole world and when Teach is home too it doesn't get better.

It may be because both my parents worked so me and my little sisters were always alone. It may be because mom died when I was 12 and dad left soon after leaving me with a lecherous grandfather who molested me and one of my sisters or it may be as simple as I love living in my very own family unit cocoon. It makes me feel safe and secure when we are all together.

This morning we spent the morning taking our time, moving slowly without stress, everything was ready last night so we had extra time for the kids to wake, come to the living room, lie on the couch while they woke up and I even had time to hold each one before we had to get out the door. They are 7 and 9 but still come out of their bedrooms ready for a hug and a cuddle from me. Sometimes they even fall back asleep while I hold them. I know that these moments will fly so I relish in their neediness.

Today I:
Went to my attorney (financial stuff)
Relisted unsold Ebay items
Placed an order for a book I won last week
Talked to my sister and girlfriends Teresa & Clary
Made plans to see my sister-in-law before she heads back to California (oh wait, not California, she is heading to South Africa for the filming of a TV show due in 2014).

Plans for Tonight:
Get homework done
Talk to Teach about financial stuff
Finish laundry and have it all put away before the end of the night

Tuesday, January 01, 2013

Happy New Year Everyone - Make It Glorious

Well here we are in 2013. Lord knows we weren't sure what to expect this year. Mayans or not, some of us were a little nervous even though we knew it was probably, going to be nothing.

This year I am praying and thankful for so many things.

I am thankful for:
  • My loving, wonderful, amazing, sexy husband.
  • My beautiful, creative, inspiring, loving, funny children.
  • My loyal, crazy, fun loving friends.
  • My distant and absent family.
  • My small, friendly community.
  • An involved school system who cares about the children and families of the district.
  • My online world of sponsors, readers, and comments
  • An ability to brush off the unimportant, dysfunctional, unworthy, obnoxious, unfeeling, unnecessary, callous, people, situations, and moments of life.
  • My grand parents who although I don't get to see them enough, are there on the phone with me every week for a few minutes to discuss the week.
I am praying for:
  • Life
  • Health
  • Happiness
  • Peace
  • Financial stability
  • For all I know and care about to have a great year.
  • All people to feel love and acknowledged

Last night Teach sent the kids to their bedrooms around 9ish although I thought they should have been allowed to stay awake until midnight if they wanted to. It would have been their first time.

Handsome was out before 9:30 and Goddess around 10:30ish. We toggled between two channels of New Years programming not caring particularly for either. Spent time talking, hugging, and kissing. Good times. Good times.

Hopefully 2013 brings everyone peace, love, health and happiness.