Maria's Space: Xray, Nasal Swab and Face Mask Make For A Very Unhappy Boy!

Friday, January 11, 2013

Xray, Nasal Swab and Face Mask Make For A Very Unhappy Boy!

So here is Handsome 10 minutes into sitting at the hospital with his face mask on two nights ago. He is so not happy.

It started out as any other day.... (fade into the morning of Wednesday, January 9th)...

Handsome: It is not a good morning!

Me: Why honey, what happened?

Handsome: I coughed all night and my chest hurts that is why I wanted to sleep with you last night.

Me: OK, let's check your temp.

His temp was normal and he ate his breakfast. The cough wasn't terrible, an occasional cough but he always has that because he doesn't know how to blow his nose so we hear him swallow and cough a few times a day.

As I dropped them off at school I told Handsome, "if you don't feel well go to the nurse and she will call me."

12:30 first call from nurse. "Hi it's *** ***** Handsome was in my office yesterday and he came back again just now. He seems OK his temp is normal but he complained about his chest so I listened and way down at the bottom, it is hard to hear, I hear a little wheezing."

I made an appointment for him at the pediatrician for the very next morning at 9:15 AM.

1:15 the nurse called and said that Handsome wanted to talk to me. He got on and said it was hard to breathe and that his chest hurt. I asked if he wanted me to pick him up and he said "you can if you want." I asked for the nurse and told her I was coming to get him. She said, "yes, that is a good idea he isn't one to complain."

When I got there the nurse peeked her head out and told me his fever was 104.0

Umm...OK! I got to the car and called the pediatrician asking for an appointment or if they knew of the emergency walk in centers number. They squeezed him in and I had the school release Goddess from class because I wouldn't be back for the bus. We headed down and sat about an hour before we were called in and another 15 before for the doctor came.

In the waiting room was my book reviewer Sonia who was there with her three kids. We made an appointment to meet for pizza after our appointments. The doctor checks him out, no fever and says I want him to have a chest x-ray. "Because of his asthma (he has exercised induced asthma like me. Lucky kid) I feel better getting a chest x-ray. So go to the hospital where they will do a chest x-ray and a nasal swab."

Umm...OK..Handsome looked nervous and asked if he would have to stay. They doctor and I reassured him that he wouldn't stay, they were taking a picture of his chest.

We went for pizza because Lord knows how long we would be sitting in the hospital. He seemed fine other than we he coughs or breaths he said he has a pain. Umm.."do you really want to go for pizza?" He said yes!
I tell my girlfriend that the doctor expects the flu but there is no way it can be the flu. My son is eating, walking, jumping, laughing, basically normal except for the pain.

At the hospital they see the script and ask me to put the mask on him. Hence the picture. So here we are, two days later. The chest x-ray is clear. He is on round the clock albuterol, motrin and cough medicine. He is completely normal. There is no fever and his chest pain is "not so bad." If there is pain still tomorrow the doctor wants another chest x-ray. Praying for no pain!

1 comment:

  1. Aww, so sorry he was sick but that's a great picture you captured :) Hope he's back to 100% by now!


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