Maria's Space: Let It Snow, Let It Snow, Let It Snow & Happy Valentine's Day To You Mother Nature

Saturday, February 16, 2013

Let It Snow, Let It Snow, Let It Snow & Happy Valentine's Day To You Mother Nature

I have never been one that longs for the summer. Winter doesn't usually bother me. I enjoy being snow bound and at home with my family but this year...well...I am kinda done with it all. Although it is beautiful, the cold, white, gray weather has really taken a toll on many of us this year. We are tired, weak and in dire need of Vitamin C from the good old sun who has eluded us lately. Than we woke on Valentine's Day to a winter wonderland once again.  The best part of it...are the pictures. It was a beautiful morning and the sun did stay out for a while but left as quickly as she came. Oh well, Spring is coming. Until Spring....


  1. wow, what stunningly beautiful snowscapes!! Being from SoCal, we never see sights like this!

    1. Thank you so much Jaymi. We are very fortunate to see the seasons and live by the lake. It was a beautiful morning. Wish I could have grabbed more but only had about 5 minutes.

  2. Yes, these pictures are truly gorgeous, ducks full of beauty, I love with that beautiful light and snowy all, a wonderful place.

    1. Thanks Leovi for stopping by. We are so happy to have you viewing our snowy wonderland.

  3. Your winter worlds look stunning! Love the beauty of the last two photos especially! (By contrast, my ceiling fan is quietly turning as I type this!)

    1. Oh Gemma! Thank you. We could use some warmth. Wood stove is going but my hands are freezing.

  4. Beautiful winter snapshots!!!

  5. Lovely winter pictures. Love the valentines message.

  6. Lovely photos. Wish we also have snow here in our place.

  7. Beautiful winter scenes! Thanks for sharing, have a happy day!

  8. Gorgeous! WIsh we had that much snow here!


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