Tuesday, April 30, 2013

I Am Not An Extreme Couponer But Strive To Be

Like most of us who watch Extreme Couponing and get really excited about how some of those folks can literally buy hundreds of thousands of items for a small fraction of the cost have started couponing. My system isn't great and I haven't perfected it but I am trying.

Currently we are using a photo box to store all our coupons. They are sectioned and weeded through weekly. When I walk into the store with my box full of coupons I feel good until I realize that I literally only saved anywhere from $4.00 to $30.00 and literally walked through a store with a photo box but I plan on getting better. Who couldn't use a deal?!

We are not only using clipped coupons but have started seriously using the internet to find deals on everything including our upcoming vacation. It will be the first one we take since our 1st honeymoon which was in 1998 but will be my kids very first hotel stay.

While scourging the internet for coupon resources I have found many great coupon resources.  I have heard of many of these coupon sites that I came across and even receive coupons from a few of these companies in the mail.  I usually just use the mailer coupons, but when I was searching online, I found so many coupon codes and deals that I can and will be using starting now. I even found a mobile app which I will download as soon as my new phone comes in tomorrow!

Monday, April 29, 2013

Udi's Is Definitely Worth The Cost

My daughter loves her bread. I worry about her sometimes because while she eats loads of yogurt, fruit and veggies, she rarely eats any protein but bread seems to be her favorite. Bagels, rolls, sliced breads, she loves them!

We are fortunate enough to not had to go to a Gluten Free diet but have in the past tried Udi's as a way to eat a healthier bread. 

This time we were sent samples of Udi's sliced bread. I had no idea there were so many types of this Gluten Free breads Whole Wheat BreadMillet ChiaOmega Flax and Fiber, and White Sandwich just to name a few. Oddly enough my kids are not big on sandwiches but like slices of bread as snacks and oddly enough Goddess loved the Millet Chia Bread! I can't say I blame her. It was my favorite as well. I thought once she saw all the millet and chia seeds she would be turned off. On the contrary it was the first bread to go. She loved it toasted but especially with Nutella. 

Look at all that texture!
 My peanut allergy girl has been eating Nutella sandwiches every day since Kindergarten but lately had been turned off because she was saying that it was soggy. Yeah well that was until we started using Udi's to make her sandwiches. Udi bread is so much denser that she is once again eating her whole sandwich. She especially likes when I mixed up the bread giving her one side whole wheat and one side omega flax and fiber. 

Beside the Millet Chia my personal favorite is the raisin bread. A little cream cheese and you are in heaven!

As you can see it is gone! BUT...I will be buying it again along with the Millet-Chia Bread.

 I am dying to try French Toast with Udi because I think it will  hold up really well with a heavy dose of egg wash. Can't wait to pick up some more.

Thank you Udi's for making us see that when it comes to sliced bread, there really is a difference!

Taking Chances by Molly McAdams My Truly Honest Review

The 411 by Maria:

I have always said I would be 100% honest in my reviews since that is what I am doing here because if you didn't really care about this you would pick up a copy of a reputable reviewer. The Amateur Reviewer is what I have called myself for over 7 years and will continue to do so. I also don't agree with all reviews so you may or may not agree with this one. It is MY opinion ONLY of a book I read.

OK with all of that, here I go....

 Taking Chances is about a girl named Harper. I love the cover and seriously loved the book. The story is of a girl who has just turned 18 and ready to leave her Militant Dad behind so she can finally live a life out from under his over protective, unemotional thumb. She had many friends on the base she lived at, one of them being her friend Carter. A marine from her dad's base.

OK...well she moves to San Diego to attend university where she will room with Bree. Bree has a brother name Chase and they have a friend named Brandon. OK...still with me.

Well, 18 year old Harper falls hard for these guys. She is torn, what's a girl to do when she has men just falling at her feet?  Well, she dates the safe one and lusts for the other. The one who sets her heart to flutter. Oh but wait, don't forget about Carter. Oh wait, the author did for a moment. Oh no, he's back and also in love with Harper.

Well...my friends without completely ruining this book for you, I can tell you this. There were times I just wanted to punch Harper right her in "princess" face. She is naive, she is needy, she is sad, she is mad, she is turned on, she makes mountains out of molehills, she is too mature, she is not mature enough. Girlfriend, you are 18 years old...slow it down and enjoy life!

I'm back...I didn't hate the book. Let me say it again. I didn't hate the book! I hated parts of it. I hated the barrage of characters (I was constantly going back and forth in the beginning to try to remember who everyone was), and wordiness (I don't need every single part of their conversation to get the point!)! 

There was a moment when I thought I would close the book and not open it again. The author quickly and swiftly changes the story by adding drama that I saw coming a mile away.  I knew that BITCH was lying but Harper believed her damn it.

I know this review is everywhere but I haven't been this passionate about my dislike for a book since PS I Love You. But dislike is a terrible word to use because I read the whole thing. I read it in two days and I found that I needed to know how it would end so I guess I would give this three stars for making me passionate enough to want to punch the main character in the face not a bad score on my rating scale. 


Stroll With Me Through Warwick NY

This past Friday I spent the entire day with my friend Sonia. I have been trying to get her to come out and just enjoy the day.  We met at the school after pick up and headed out driving around until we found ourselves in Warwick NY. Warwick is a town I have always loved driving through, parking the car and strolling with the camera. Fortunately for me I had my camera with me.

We had breakfast at a  place called G's and loved it! Usually I order Eggs Benedict but this time I tried it with salmon. It was heaven!  Perfect texture and it came with a fruit salad! Loved it!!!

I have wanted to get Goddess and Ugly Doll for a while but these were overpriced at a local toy store.
They have an adorable local bookstore that wasn't opened yet. Hope it is the next time I walk through

How blue is that pole?
I love these trees. All those puffy white fluff.

The sky was so beautiful and with those white bunches of flowers, I couldn't stop taking photos as I walked looking up and snapping away.

Look at that bear at the end of the walkway. He is always wearing a new t-shirt!
We should all remember to EAT SWEET

Outdoor seating for four restaurants. Dying to try the French one. It smelled delish!
We sampled some gelato. It was devine.
It was hard to pass up all these sweets. Note to self: Need to take Goddess here.
This sign looked like it said Turn Back Or Die but it said....Turn Back For Pie as it was right next to a pie shop.

It was a great way to end a super busy week.

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Happiness Is My Smiling Brownies

I find being a Brownie co-leader one of my favorite things. Fortunately for me the other leader does most of the work. I get to help and play with the girls. She asked me after I kept the girls busy during our first meeting. We really are a good combination. I let her be THE LEADER who is more strict, keeps them in line while I am the one in the background assisting them and making them smile, trying to keep things fun and light. We make a great team. Listening to kids talk is something I really enjoy. There is no BS and they know how to be honest sometimes coming out with very interesting stories. Most of the girls I have known for a few years now and seeing them grow makes me smile. I LOVE THEM ALL

My Goddess

These crowns were made courtesy of Orb Factory who sent me samples for the girls to try out. Everyone loved them and the moms thought there are a great party craft idea. Easy for even the youngest of girls. Each section has numbers which correspond with the gems. You simply unpeel the gems and stick them on the crown. As you can see they even had some extra to stick on their faces.


Monday, April 22, 2013

Wraptastic Makes Everything Fantastic - Video Review

OK it's a corny title but honestly, I truly love my Wraptastic.

You may have seen the infomercial where someone is trying to wrap something with foil or cling wrap only to have it get stuck, clinging to everything but what you want it to cling to or someone getting cut, or even someone dropping everything as they struggle with the foil or plastic wrap while they grunt and groan. Those infomercials do nothing for me except make me laugh. Most of us can handle our aluminum foil and plastic wrap without any problems but....I do love the ease of the Wraptastic. I also love that there is a quick, clean, smooth cut. I have had many rolls of paper run across the kitchen floor and I can never get them back on the roll nicely. 

Sometimes Suprises Allow Everyone To Bloom!

The 411 by Maria:

I started this book during my 40 minutes lunch break on Friday. I was subbing at the school in the self contained class for Kindergarten and first graders.  I got in my car in the parking lot right outside the class room and opened the cover. Before I knew it my alarm rang telling me my 40 minutes was up and it was time to head back into school.  Only I couldn't, I literally had to spend 4 extra minutes wiping my tears, and blotting my streaked makeup. The book is not a tear jerker per se but Kelle writes in a way where I really felt like I was right there with her, in the delivery room, experiencing her burst bubble, elevator plunging moment. The moment that would change her life forever and the moment when she was given the eye opening gift by her friends and family. We should all have these wise people in our lives.

You could go and read the synopsis. That will pretty much tell you about the book. What I will spend my time telling you is that Kelle is an amazingly, honest, profoundly honest author. She definitely speaks from the heart and I love that her sensor button was off. The reason the book really hit me was because of her complete realism. I don't know if I could have written the things that she confessed to saying or thinking and I my eyes she is Super Woman! Not only do I love Kelle but I love her whole family and friend unit! They are a complete set and no one should be left out. If you feel this is a love fest review and I haven't really said anything about the book, it is OK. Feel it, say it, shout it, whatever works for you. This book is about a Mother's Love! Plain and simple. A story of one of life's greatest gifts, a child. One who changes lives and allows those around her to flourish and grow.  I am now a follower of Kelle's website and social venues and you should be too!

Monster High Party Howling Good Times


Planning Goddess' 8th Birthday Party was so much fun. She and I love Monster High. It is her current obsession after Littlest Pet Shop and before that Scooby Doo. Party City was my one stop shop store for most of my Monster High party fare.

Look at those awesome favor bags!

Goddess couldn't wait to put these together

So much color! Look at that hot pink! HOTNESS

The table cloth and runner are from my Halloween Decorations as well as the battery candles

I would have freaked to see all this when I was a kid

The party appys! Well, kids did their share of eating the Skelita's fruit cups

Abbey's Veggie Sticks not so much but the parents thankfully took care of most of them

Our backdrop and Goddess before the party. She was in her swimsuit for no reason other than she loves it

Orphan Train by Christina Baker Kline

The 411 by Maria:

What a fantastic read. I highly recommend this to everyone.

Beautifully written story about Molly who is at the end of her Foster care and about to turn 18 is assigned to help Vivian, a 91 year old woman. I love the smoothly written way the story toggles back and forth between these two very different woman who are very similar.

Vivian was 9 when she was put on the Orphan train from Ireland and sent to New York City. Her life was anything but easy and it was honestly hard to imagine that this is a piece of history that children actually did live this way. Taken from their home land and sent to a foreign land where you were expected to be more mature than your years even with all the hurt and heartbreak you have had to go through in your little life.  My heart break for Vivian and I wished I could have just held her in all her red headed glory and told her that she was loved.

Although Molly is a main character, she wasn't fleshed out and I didn't find myself feeling anything for her at all.

For me, the story is all about Vivian and love how the two formed a friendship that helped them both heal.

Brilliant story, I couldn't put it down.

Sunday, April 21, 2013

My Planet: Finding Humor in the Oddest Places by Mary Roach

The 411 by Maria:

I truly loved this book. It was a super quick read full of essay that mostly centered around Mary and her Husband Ed. 

To be honest I have never heard of Mary prior to this book which came to me for review. This is one of the reasons I love being a book reviewer. There are so many books that would have never been on my radar and would have never been read, fall right into my lap.

Mary and her husband are hysterically funny, way funnier than my husband and I. Their banter back and forth add to Mary's witty look at life which is just so not fair. 

Each chapter is only about a page or two and a half filled with humor that you will enjoy even if you are not married to an equally witty man.

Oh My Busy Life Vlog

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Saying Goodbye To My Nieces

This Sunday, my nieces were over for Goddess' 8th birthday. I love seeing them together and took a ton of photos but during the 15 minute goodbye session the girls all started picking each other up. I am not sure why but they were having a blast so I grabbed the camera.

Photo Op for all party participants included standing in front of the Monster High Wall Hanging Still in my dining room days later.

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

The Dark Heroine by Abigail Gibbs

The 411 by Maria:

I don't think it is a the sexiest romance I have read this year, honestly it wasn't sexy to me but I am not a teen. The writing was a little juvenile but that is OK, she is writing for a younger crowd.  It was poorly edited and there were some spelling errors, but that is OK too, everyone makes mistakes. I didn't hate it. I didn't love it.  The story starts with a massive killing that Violet witnesses. She is dragged away by the murders and held captive until the story unfolds. These are vampires and her daddy and the government knows all about them.  There has been some comparison to Twilight which is unfair to both books. The only comparison could be that Violet and Bella are teenagers and the boy they love a vampire. That is the only similarity. 

The two main characters do not have the undying love of Bella and Edward. I didn't feel a thing for either of them but, I am not a teenager. 

I love the cover and appreciate the author's ability to tell a story and put all those words on paper. It is no easy feat to do. There are 532 pages after all. A LONG story. 

There were witty moments and book lovers of the genre should give it a try. 19+ is my recommendation for reading it! Younger girls can stay away from it. The bad boy thing is over rated.

Family Hugs Are The Best

This past weekend Goddess' birthday brought my nieces and sister-in-law out to the house. They haven't been in a while due to a family situation but whenever my kids see their cousins, they are the best of friends and it is as though no time has passed (As it should be when it comes to family). As the family was getting ready to leave, my son requested his usual family hug. Everyone ran in and of course I had to snap away. Took about 15 shots. These are two favorites. In the first my niece Sam is just making her way through. In the last, they were all calling me but I had to get those shots. Who knew when it would happen again?! I eventually made my way there, wish someone had a photo of it.

In these photos, I just pulled up the light and added a pink overlay to soften them up. Wish I knew more technical terms, maybe someone could help me.

Ruby Tuesday - Little League Parade Brings Town Together

This past weekend was extremely busy with Goddess' 8th birthday and a town parade for the onset of the Little League season. The weather has made it difficult as far as fields and it was very cold that morning but everyone was smiling.

Mayor and Village Board leads the parade
Holding the Little League Banner

The traditional Star Spangle Banner

The first year four year old division. They are soooo cute.

Monday, April 15, 2013

Soapy Stars

For the past month I worked on a project for Goddess' 8th birthday which included a redo of a Hannah Montana Beach House and some doll furniture but before that I worked on some Barbie horses trying to transform them into Monster High horses that my Goddess would like. She is so NOT a Barbie girl.

I took this photo as part of a tutorial on recreating this Barbie horse. The only edit on it is I brought down the exposure to make the horse darker and added my watermark. Look at those stars. I was thrilled to see them right after I took the photo.

The horse's tail was socking in some soapy water before I my attempt to remove all knots. I believe the stars were some escaped glitter that ended up in the bowl from my paint job on the horse.

So cool!

Nothing To Be Blue About But I Am Soooo Mellow

What a great weekend. I haven't loaded photos from the weekend yet but it was fabulous! Baseball Parade in town for Opening Day and Goddess' birthday and party on Sunday! I am still exhausted. For now, here are a few of my blue's until....

Handsome's beautiful hand-me-down sneakers! Love the colors

Goddess' Hand-me-down Ed Harvey Rain Boots
Goddess' Monster High Hair Chalk

Goddess has this bowl of now petrified gummy worms on her Halloween table in her room