Maria's Space: Bubbles Are A Sign Of Spring In My House

Monday, April 01, 2013

Bubbles Are A Sign Of Spring In My House

I love spending time outdoors and especially when the kids are in the running around in the fresh air unplugged and using their imagination. We found some awesome smelly bubbles, these smelled of bubble gum and I got them so long ago, I have no idea where. We can tell you that they don't taste as good as they smell. Goddess found out after sucking one bubble in while chasing it around the deck. "I seriously (btw, everything is seriously), thought they would taste good!"


  1. She looks ready for Halloween with that face painted (or stained). I love your blues; thanks for sharing.

    Happy Blue Monday, Maria.

  2. I even like to blow bubbles still. Fun to see how they will come out and how far they will fly.


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