Maria's Space: We Girls Have Our Towns Back This Spring

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

We Girls Have Our Towns Back This Spring

Last May the Mayor asked all of the Daisy, Brownie, Girl Scout Troops and the rest to join him for a morning of planting. The planters will go up around our Main Street and the troops numbers will be on each planter so we know which are ours. We don't have to water them which is great just weed. The girls are so proud when they see their planters are doing well and the town looks great.

We had a great turnout! There is my girl with the white shirt and braid in the middle.

How stinking cute! We even had little ones who aren't Daisys yet but who had sisters there so wanted to help too.

Some of my Brownie troop

Our first planter!

Poor Goddess suffers from allergies so badly. She was not comfortable at all but eventually started planting. She really wanted to but gets swollen eyes. She was on Claritin and it was only 7:45 am. Can you tell how miserable she is?


  1. You brought back such good memories. I was a Girl Scout from Brownie to Senior, and my Mother was my leader. My eldest daughter started in Daisy's and stopped when she was in 9th grade and I was her leader. I can't wait for my granddaughter who is 4 to get her turn.

  2. I remember being a Brownie (seeing that vest again made me smile) and I think that gardening is great for kids! It gives such a great deal of satisfaction and sense of accomplishment. There is nothing like seeing the fruits of your labor as they grow and bloom. The pics are great. WTG girls!

  3. Great photos of a great event!

  4. I was a brownie through cadet Girl Scout, and so was my daughter! Wonderful times! This was a very nice activity for the troop to do!

  5. Must have been a lot of fun ! so sad to suffer from allergies, and there is not very much to do !

  6. Isn't Brownies the best! And it looks like you had a wonderful time.


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