Maria's Space: Back To School Shopping Coming Up

Thursday, August 01, 2013

Back To School Shopping Coming Up

Wow...can you believe it is August 1st already. July was awesome and we had a great time keeping no schedule at all. Being this is my first Summer not sick in 3 Summers I am having a great time with the kids and we have been at the beach almost every day. Usually I just sit in my water chair watching them because well, I prefer not to go in the lake if I don't have to. Give me a clear, clean, chlorinated pool any day but not my kids. They LOVE being at the beach and will be in the water for 4 hours everyday and still complain when I start the 30 minute count down to leaving. Who could blame them look at our view. a mom I know I need to start thinking about Back To School shopping. Not one to spend a ton of money at the beginning of the school year when they can still wear many of their Summer clothes, I concentrate on books, pencils, markers and new sneakers. We always need sneakers.  They spend the day in sandals or barefoot all summer and always grow out of their sneakers when we try them on in September. In fact, Goddess grew out of three pairs this past school year.

So while I see a load of shoes and sneakers especially for Handsome because I have a dear friend who is a shopaholic and passes down the best sneakers for Handsome, next week we start the search school supplies and sneakers for Goddess.

Do you do Back to School shopping or wait a few months?


  1. No, thank goodness my back to school shopping days are over. I used to spend a small fortune on clothes and shoes for the my 3 boys. I nearly had to take out a loan to clothe those kids!

    Love the photo of the lake you posted by the way. It's such a pretty scenic place. Now wonder your kids never want to leave :)

  2. I shop for a few things but wait to buy more until after the back to school hub-bub has died down. After going a few weeks, I have a better idea of what she needs anyway. And SHOES! Yes! Who knew feet could grow so much so quickly?! And my daughter has a wide foot, so finding good sale for shoes that actually fit is almost impossible.
    I bet they will miss that beautiful beach but they'll be thrilled to be back with their friends. Hope they have a great first day!


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