Maria's Space: My Day At The Bay

Tuesday, August 06, 2013

My Day At The Bay

This past weekend I headed out to Sheepshead Bay in Brooklyn to see my sister, niece and nephew. It has been two years since I have seen the kids and three years since I saw my sister.

For this country girl, living way outside the city traveling there was definitely hard for me. Bridges, highways and loads of traffic is something I don't deal with anymore in my neck of the woods. Plus having two very excited children in the backseat who were oohing and aahing over everything made me anxious. My head felt full and noisy as I worried about directions and crazy city drivers all in a damn hurry.

It was a nice visit, just for the day and my kids had a blast was nice to take photos somewhere else.

These boats are moored out in the bay and the owners get to them by boat. 

These tables are set up and ready. They were empty all day. I would totally sit there.
There were so many moored boats
Fishing trips anyone? You know when they are heading back because of the trail of seagulls
The red ball was very popular as Goddess jumps in it was snatched by Handsome
Love it!
Especially in B&W

Handsome braved the sun
Many folks were there fishing all day
Handsome finally gets the red ball for a while

a tiny fight over the red ball but it was squashed quickly when it was removed
Some million dollar apartments
My boo boo posing for me as usual


  1. How beautiful and peaceful. Just looking at them makes me feel calm. I really love the B&W pic ~ amazing how that evokes such a different feeling. Glad that you all had a good time!

  2. Great photos! Hate city traffic also!

  3. The pictures tell of a beautiful holiday day ... I would have been there :-)
    (But I can not stand loud big cities also very poor, which I can understand)

  4. The pictures all look like you could have just a wonderful fun time

  5. What a pretty area. Looks like a fun day!

  6. You were certainly making memories. The area looks just beautiful, really worth the drive, harrowing as it was! Thanks for your nice comment! I'm now your newest follower!

  7. Oh Maria I loved this post as I hung out in Sheepshead Bay often, my entire life! I recently moved from Brooklyn, NY to Colorado. It looks like your children had a wonderful time there!

  8. Great, the area looks beautiful :)

  9. What a fun place to visit. The kids look so happy having so much fun. Your pictures are beautiful...Christine

  10. Very beautiful pictures! Have a nice day!

  11. Thanks for the trip :)


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