While I did have the Canon with me, I grabbed a quick pic for my sister-in-law and niece in California who were missed this year. I am a terrible shot with the iPhone.
My kids were so excited to spend the day with their cousins. Goddess wore her Indian costume as she has every year for the past three years. I believe this will be the last year she fits in it.
We haven't spent time at my sister-in-laws for a while due to a family situation but at the moment that situation is gone.
Goddess says she laughed and screamed so much. It was wonderful to spend the day with family.
How did you spend your Thanksgiving?
Mommy Blogger who loves to write, talk, take photos, spend time with my family and friends, read, and breathe.
Saturday, November 30, 2013
Thursday, November 28, 2013
November Update
Originally posted November 28, 2007
Thankfully I take enough pictures that I actually have a sort of photo journal in case I forget something that I didn’t get the chance to submerge myself in. I can look through my photos and see my entire month as you would a calendar.
This month the photos show that my son dressed up as Stephanie from Lazy Town complete with pink wig and pink dress. We visited a friend with a dog and my daughter was able to spend some time petting the animal who was caged at the time without it jumping all over her which she absolutely hates. There was a trip to the mall with the same friend and her son where the kids had lunch and then were able to ride on some typical mall rides. Put in your hard earned 50 cents and the kid can bounch up and down for 2 minutes. I don’t understand why they like it but they do.
We also took a trip to the Staten Island Children’s Museum with my sister, cousin and their respective children. It was a rainy, grey, gloomy day but the museum was fun and the cousins enjoyed spending a few hours together and my two can’t wait to go back. They mention it at least two times a day with a wishful shout out, “we’re going to the museum tomorrow!” To which I reply “not today sorry. but soon”. I hope to get them back there before February. I would love it to be earlier but I prefer to be realistic.
There was a trip to the park where the kids and I had the entire place to ourselves for about 45 minutes and we were in our glory. Mostly we just went up and down the enclosed tubular slide. Unfortunately there are no pictures of this day, I didn’t know we were going to end up there but as I passed it, I realized that beautiful days will be few and far between in the next few months so might as well take advantage of the warm sun while we can.
There were many hours of freelance typing this month also which obviously there are no pictures but who the hell wants to remember being chained to a table for hours typing monotonous bullshit? Not I, my friend!
November 22nd brought us a beautiful surprise when we awoke to a winter wonderland. Our first actual accumulation of snow. The kids were so excited and wanted to go sledding. There really wasn’t enough for that but it did make for a picturesque morn.
November 23rd gave us a Thanksgiving party at Pre-K where I got to see Handsome behaving and participating nicely in class. He sat with his little girlfriend and wore a pilgrim hat. He was allowed to chose between and Indian or a pilgrim but he chose the pilgrim. I wonder what that means if anything.
Thanksgiving day, had me cooking for 8 which was fun and unexpected. The food was good, the company ok, the dishes too friggin many. There was a brief kitchen fire when Teach decided it would be a good idea to pop the turkey bag before removing it from the oven which obviously sent turkey juice, champagne and apples (which I use everytime I roast a turkey) to spill into the hot oven resulting in a small, albeit scary fire. At least I have a Thanksgiving story to tell in the coming years. This was the first time I have done Thanksgiving, usually I head to the in-laws so at least it was eventful.
After that, there was a bridal shower for a cousin who I believe is too young to marry but I guess when you know it’s love you know it’s love. Who am I to say what’s right for someone? I know it wouldn’t have ever been right for me but maybe this is exactly what she is supposed to do. Good for them for finding each other with so many years to enjoy life together. I wish them luck.
On another note my love of the written word as allowed me to finish two more good books as this month comes to a close.
First, Middlesex which took me about 169 pages to finally get into and then it moved so quickly. I enjoyed it and would recommend everyone skipping the first 167 pages, putting your feet up and reading a really decent book.
Along with that I read Heroin Diaries a Year in the Life of a Shattered Rock Star by Nikki Sixx which I recommend to everyone who likes rock, everyone who liked Crue, everyone who has an addictive personality and everyone who wants to read a brutally honest book and anyone who likes to read!!!
Wednesday, November 20, 2013
Some Things We Have Been Up To So Far This Week
Can You Guess who my kids are trying to be?
Goddess found this really cool leaf the other evening at the school yard. It looked like a bowl!
The past few sun sets have been stunning!
This is what happens when I let Goddess do her own make-up
Goddess found this really cool leaf the other evening at the school yard. It looked like a bowl!
The past few sun sets have been stunning!
This is what happens when I let Goddess do her own make-up
Tuesday, November 19, 2013
It's Getting Cold Outside, Warm Up With Beautiful Player by Christina Lauren
The 411 by Maria:
I love sexual tension build up in my books. I love comical banter with the main characters. I love friendship that turns into love! Beautiful Player is all that
Unfortunately I have yet to read Beautiful Bombshell where we are introduced to sexy Will Summer but hope to grab it soon.
This is a a story about falling in love with your childhood crush the boy you fantasized about as a teen, saw all the time but had to fight the feelings because of family, another relationship or at the time you were too young.
Hanna knows Will for years. He is her brother's best friend and her sister made out with him as a teenager. They spent many years together with Hanna silently watching him and him seeing her as just his best friends kid sister.
Hanna is a dedicated worker and spends too much time in the lab and not enough time living life. Her brother Jensen and her father corner her one night demanding she start "living"! Like a big brother he enlists the help of his friend Will to get his little sister out. After all, Will is a social maven and a "player".
The book is a fun, progression of a relationship that starts out innocent and awkward. Christina does a great job of showing us both characters feelings and reading how the other is thinking and not having to imagine the thoughts in their head made this story even more exciting.
If you like sexy romance books, this is the one.
Saturday, November 16, 2013
Fun And Sassy Holiday Gift Ideas For The Chicks On Your List
![]() |
the mistletoe wasn't the only thing that was going to get hammered |
The 411 by Maria:
I love fun, humorous gifts that are sassy and not cheesy. Sometimes coming up with a gift for the co-worker, friend, roommate, aunt, cousin, or even the host of a party is really stressful. I never know what to give until now.
There isn't a single girlfriend I know who wouldn't appreciate Anne Taintor!
Check out my new coffee clutch accessories. Now I love my morning chick chat even better. First there is the beautiful handed down Corning Ware coffee percolator that I love. I believe it is one of the recalled products of the 70s but I am aware and truly love it. The second being the hostess tray and mini trays from Anne Taintor. Aren't they adorable?
The trays are really lovely and very reasonably priced.
The bagels BTW were gingerbread. It was a fun, fun morning and so cold out. About 19 degrees already and seeing the beautiful, fun woman in bathing suits saying with the Born To Be Wild message made everyone smile.
What a great way to spend my mornings. Good friends, good food, great coffee and a smile.
Thursday, November 14, 2013
Sometimes I Just Can't!
UGH...you know when you feel like life is crazy and then you get past that crazy moment where things are just starting to feel right again, or you feel happy again, coasting along. WELL...after so many years I know that is when Crazy happens again.
At 47 I feel like being happy which is something I usually manage to do every day. EXCEPT for the 5-10 times a year when I feel paralyzed. Many people don't know their personal triggers but I do. Personal because it is different for everyone. Most of the time I am a happy, go lucky chick who can brush aside the hollow feeling of doom, dread, drama, whatever not when more than one thing is going on and none of it good, I feel overwhelmed and alone in my muckity yuck.
Yesterday the brakes on my car went while I was driving with Handsome. We were shopping for groceries and I felt them go as I was coasting through the parking lot behind others. Down to the floor went my foot when I stepped on the break to slow down. It was a milla-second but in that time I was able to tell my son "we lost the brakes" and I ran through the Rolodex in my head of things I should do if the car doesn't stop. I was on flat ground, able to stop and park in a parking spot without any accidents, thank the Lord!
Next I started phone calls; call a friend to get Goddess from the bus stop because that is where we were going. Call Hot Husband to tell him what happened. Call 3 people to finally get a ride home for Handsome and I and answer all the people asking if I needed help. I am truly blessed.
Now, what to do about the car?! Call to have it towed back to town shop for break line fix accessed by Hot Husband after he checked it. More money during this time of year is going to kill us! UGH!
This morning, Hot Husband didn't seem himself. Handsome is getting sick. 3 different people to take care of kids and my schedule today and still not sure if I am making it to my 3 day job today.
Hopefully, the car is ready today. Hopefully, I have enough to pay for it and Hopefully, I get to work because my ride isn't calling me back yet.
At 47 I feel like being happy which is something I usually manage to do every day. EXCEPT for the 5-10 times a year when I feel paralyzed. Many people don't know their personal triggers but I do. Personal because it is different for everyone. Most of the time I am a happy, go lucky chick who can brush aside the hollow feeling of doom, dread, drama, whatever not when more than one thing is going on and none of it good, I feel overwhelmed and alone in my muckity yuck.
Yesterday the brakes on my car went while I was driving with Handsome. We were shopping for groceries and I felt them go as I was coasting through the parking lot behind others. Down to the floor went my foot when I stepped on the break to slow down. It was a milla-second but in that time I was able to tell my son "we lost the brakes" and I ran through the Rolodex in my head of things I should do if the car doesn't stop. I was on flat ground, able to stop and park in a parking spot without any accidents, thank the Lord!
Next I started phone calls; call a friend to get Goddess from the bus stop because that is where we were going. Call Hot Husband to tell him what happened. Call 3 people to finally get a ride home for Handsome and I and answer all the people asking if I needed help. I am truly blessed.
Now, what to do about the car?! Call to have it towed back to town shop for break line fix accessed by Hot Husband after he checked it. More money during this time of year is going to kill us! UGH!
This morning, Hot Husband didn't seem himself. Handsome is getting sick. 3 different people to take care of kids and my schedule today and still not sure if I am making it to my 3 day job today.
Hopefully, the car is ready today. Hopefully, I have enough to pay for it and Hopefully, I get to work because my ride isn't calling me back yet.
Tuesday, November 12, 2013
Get That TV On The Wall!
OK..people here's my living room! It's not a great room but it's what I got. The kids Wii games and favorite DVD's, Skylanders, the fireplace which for some reason Teach didn't light tonight, and the couch comforter are basically what takes up this part of the room. It's not a big room but with the TV stand from the old tube TV taking up 2 feet of the corner so much space is wasted. I am dying to get that TV on the wall!
With that said, we have been researching on many television mount websites the best way to do it. We know we need a mantle, something quick that will make sure the soot from the fireplace doesn't make it's way into the TV. Soot in the innards can do nothing good to our set. We also know that we need something that is moveable depending on where in the room we are. If on the couch we want something that allows us to point the TV down so we are not straining our necks to see it. We also know we want something so if we are in the dining room and the football game is on, the boys will still sit with us at the table.
Who knew there were so many different types of wall mounts?
Any suggestions?
Sunday, November 10, 2013
Find Out How A Sexy Red Head Snags The Latest Big Celebrity And Alice Clayton Become My Favorite Female Author
In August I mentioned how you HAD to read Wall Banger by Alice Clayton. It was my favorite Summer read and when I loaned it to my bestie she loved it too! We talked and laughed about the book for weeks. Well, Alice has done it again with The Unidentified RedHead
The 411 by Maria:
I love Grace. She knows what she wants and even after having to go home because her first attempt in LA was a bust, she gets back up on that horse and tries again but this time Grace will be the envy of woman everywhere because the current "It" boy is in love with her!
Who hasn't spent some time fantasizing about a celebrity falling in love with them? Well, if you haven't I am sorry, you are missing out on some good fantasy imagery.
If you have not read Alice Clayton yet (this is my second as she only as four books out) this is what you need to know.
- Her reads are super sexy
- She is very funny. Great banter between all characters. I laugh through the whole read
- Likable characters that you would want as friends. I have yet to hate a character
- I read a lot of books! I remember her books word for word and can discuss the story even 10 books later.
Saturday, November 09, 2013
I Must Be Doing Something Right – #2
Originally posted November 9, 2007
Children can grow up so differently in the same household.
When one hurts the other intentionally or not I tell them how they hurt the other and make them apologize and hug each other. I tell make sure they both know when the other has done something wonderful. “He’s a big boy,” She’s a went on the potty,” “Look what he/she made” etc. If one takes something from the other one and I ask them to please give it back, it is not allowed to be thrown back. It must be handed back nicely. If it is thrown I hand it back to them and ask them to please hand this to your brother/sister.
They definitely think of each other when I hand out snacks. They always take one for the other. I love that about them. I love that they look out for each other. I love that they hold hands when we walk outside. I love that they encourage each other, “You did it Handsome.” or “Good job Goddess.” I love hearing their conversations. “Handsome, can you get that for me? I can’t reach it.” “You want that Goddess? Ok!” “Thank you Handsome.” “You’re welcome Goddess.”
I also love walking into the room the other day and seeing this.
This to me solidifies what I am doing. I was not in the room. This was not to make me or anyone else happy. This was because they like each other. They are 2 & 4 years old and of course they have fights but I can only hope that the love and respect they have for each other now grows and grows.
Is it possible that they will never have a problem? Of course not, but I hope that if they do, their love for each other will always make them work their issues out.
Ahhh…once in a while it is good to remind yourself that you are doing a good job because sometimes life has a way of just moving along. I am glad that my eyes are open enough to notice these things. These little things are some of the most important things in life.
I love you babies. You are my world and I thank you for always keeping my eyes open and my feet firmly on the ground.
Wednesday, November 06, 2013
A Poop Post
Originally Posted November 6, 2007 At In The Blink Of An Eye
Case in point..about 6 days ago (I’ve been busy with work), she called me into the bathroom (warning: stop reading if you don’t want to hear about SHIT) to tell me she had gone “look at that poop mommy!”
I said, “where” as I bolted from my dining room chair scared of what I would find. Did she take off her diaper and shit on my floor? What now?
She is standing in the bathroom pointing to the potty. I see the little, brown mess and and just as I am about to hug her for doing “#2″ on the potty I notice her fingers. Yup, her fingers are covered in the same brown stuff that is sitting in the potty. So, as she stands there still pointing and beaming about her poop I start taking inventory. Where is the diaper she had on? Poop on the fingers and in the potty, my eyes and mind are racing at the same speed as I try to piece it together.
“Where is the diaper Goddess?”
“I don’t know, I went in the potty!”
“Yes, I know you did but where is the diaper?” I ask again still smiling but through clenched teeth.
“I don’t know, I want candy, candy, candy.”
I start running water in the tub and pick her up making sure her hands are nowhere near me.
Scrubbing shit off her hands, legs, ankles, butt, and feet I again pry into the whereabouts of the diaper.
She insists she has not idea.
I dry her, put new clothes on her and begin the search for the missing diaper. Is it in her room, do I need the carpet steamer? No, no, no…I search every corner in every room and come up with nothing.
I go to the kitchen and open the garbage can lid, low and behold…there it is under the paper-towel, lunch scraps, rags, coffee grinds from the morning coffee, and all random garbage collected from the day. The diaper!
I hold it up like I found the holy grail.
What the…this kid is 2.5 years old and she is already trying to get over on me? Just to get a miniature M& friggin M? I am scared to think of the shenanigans this chick is going to put me through in her teens.
We’ve only just begun!
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