Maria's Space: Thanksgiving With The Kids

Saturday, November 30, 2013

Thanksgiving With The Kids

While I did have the Canon with me, I grabbed a quick pic for my sister-in-law and niece in California who were missed this year. I am a terrible shot with the iPhone.

My kids were so excited to spend the day with their cousins. Goddess wore her Indian costume as she has every year for the past three years. I believe this will be the last year she fits in it.

We haven't spent time at my sister-in-laws for a while due to a family situation but at the moment that situation is gone.

Goddess says she laughed and screamed so much. It was wonderful to spend the day with family.

How did you spend your Thanksgiving?


  1. (Thanksgiving With The Kids) What a wonderful looking family Maria, looks like you had a busy day and a house full to. Our family Thanksgiving was great too.

  2. What a nice pic with their cousins. The kids will cherish it one day. As for my family, we spent our Thanksgiving together enjoying Turkey with all the trimmings and watching movies.


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