Maria's Space: December 2013

Monday, December 30, 2013

Life Is Crazy And I Am Done!

Have you ever just wanted to rip your hair out and scream?

Have you ever felt like the path you are being made to travel isn't one you want to travel?

Have you ever just wanted to crawl into a dark hole and stay there until....?

Have you ever felt that the direction your life is taking makes you feel like you are at a stand still?

Have you ever just wanted to scream, stop the world I want to get off?

UGH...that is me right now. I am not happy, I am not sad. I just am!

This time of year is difficult for many but usually I can just plaster the smile on my face and get through it.  Lately, it isn't as easy.

Praying that 2014 is a year where I get answers. Where I take control. Where I find happiness. Where I feel strong and where life's blessings can be seen again! I vow to remove the blinders I have put on for the past two months and allow the love in my heart to bloom and grow. Usually I am able to see the beauty in everything. Currently, not so much!

Here's to you!
Here's to me!
Here's to us!

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Percy Jackson Sea of Monsters Was AWESOME!

The 411 by Maria:

It's not often that I feel the second part of a movie is a good as the first. 

In this installment Percy Jackson, who is the son of Poseidon, long to fulfill his destiny as a demigod. He again teams up with his demigod friends but this time on a mission to retrieve the Golden Fleece, which is in the possession of a giant cyclops.  Without the fleece, Camp Half Blood and its inhabitants will be iniulated. 

This is an action filled movie with some killer effects and the lead Logan Lerman who seems much more mature in this movie can definitely carry the lead male role! This is a young actor to watch.

Kids 8- 15 will love this movie as well as anyone who enjoys action packed tween movies. Very creative film merging fact and fiction allowing an interest in Greek Mythology which is part of the current Core Curriculn in schools anyway. 


The Final Book in The Beautiful Series by Christina Lauren

The 411 by Maria: 

The only one from the Beautiful Series that I read was Beautiful Player which I absolutely loved. Beautiful Beginning is the end of this series and a book I had no trouble getting through in a day. It was a quick read about Bennett and Chloe's wedding and everything that leads up to it. 

There is a fair amount of hot teasing, sizzling romance and shenanigans as you would expect in a wedding party. 

Bennett want to cease having sex with Chloe until after the wedding but their very active sex life is making that idea a difficult one to abide by as is his sexy Chloe who is doing everything she can to break him of sexless mission.

If you enjoy series books, this is a fun one to get yourself involved in.

Christmas in a Nut Shell 2007


Christmas was so much fun. I did get to do some of the things on my list.

The kids were super excited and their enthusiasm made it impossible for anyone not to jump on their bandwagon.  We got ready for bed as usual but this time we put out some oats and sparkles for the reindeer to find our door. I told them I was going to leave the sliders open for Santa since our chimney is currently boarded up.  They eagerly threw out the oat, sparkle mix and as I closed the door Handsome asked about the cookies and milk. I put the little Santa table in front of the door with a plate a mug of milk on it. I told them to each place a cookie on the table and then gave them carrots to also put out because the Mall Santa told them the reindeers love them.

We brushed our teeth, said our prayers adding the soldiers who are fighting for us and missing Christmas with their families and down they went. They slept fairly well for kids who were excited about presents. I on the other hand couldn’t sleep at all and started a new book (Black and Blue by Anna Quindlen) by nightlight.

About 5:30 an hour after I finally feel asleep the boy woke up with a “all done with sleeping Mommy?”

“Ummmm no I’m actually not baby.” I told him.

He asked for milk and to watch TV. I was actually surprised that he had forgotten about Santa coming but got his milk and set him up with Blue’s Clues  introduction to Joe in his bedroom. One down. Goddess woke about 10 minutes later and walked into the room to watch TV.  It is 5:45 and we are up. It is dark, the moon is still very high in the sky and the kids are up super early but not asking about presents or Santa? What gives?

The Teach hears the TV and starts putting on the Christmas tree lights, gets the train running and tells me to start up the video camera. I press record and walk away just as Handsome walks toward the living room calling “Dad.”

He notices the presents and you can hear him on the tape saying, “Woooo look at all these presents.” Then he heads over to the cookie and milk table and says “Wow, look at that!”
We bring the Goddess in and ask if they want to see what Santa brought. They of course say, “Yeah!” together.
So the opening frenzy begins. We watch the sky go from dark to light, and torn paper fills the room along with sounds of “wow, look, yes, cool, woooo” Who needs big words really??

I could have wrapped some empty boxes really because I think my son was just happy ripping paper.
About 85% of what they got was opened and played with for at least, oh I don’t know 3 minutes before they handed over something else to open.

The morning consisted of opening, untying those annoying metal twisty ties, ripping tape, loosening plastic bands and bagging up trash.

The kids had an awesome time and some of their gifts were, Shrek the Third DVD, some games for VSmile, the Loving Family doll house, Dora kitchen,  various Diego and Rescue packs (which are down from $37.99 to $18.99 – that makes me want to spit) , a doll carriage (thanks to Tia Marta), Leapster (Tia Marta), Disney princess tent, the coolest guitar (Tia Marta gift)  and too many other things to mention. They were very taken care of.

My favorite gift was my Christmas card from my husband. Don’t get me wrong..I love the food processor, Sims games, digital picture frame, Lost 3rd season DVD set and whatnot but I am a card person and it is nice to read something that reminds you that you are loved. Sometimes the littlest gestures make the biggest impact. I love that he got me a card and hopefully took the time to really read it as he says he does. This card says everything I need to hear and it gave my heart a nice big bear hug.

Monday, December 23, 2013

A Beautiful Christmas Story Of Giving - The Christmas Owl by Angela Muse

The 411:

We have read this book at least 10 times in the past week. In this story an injured owl looks for help from other animals. Although they are all nervous and leery of him, they do help him and eventually he recover. On his way back to his home Christmas Eve and every year after, he makes passes by all his animal helpers homes and repays them with gifts to thank them for their kindness when he needed them most.

I believe this is a beautiful story that everyone should read to their children at least once and the amazing artwork from Helen H. Wu, just adds to it.

Thursday, December 19, 2013

Angry Birds Go! Toy and App REVIEW

Unless you have been living under a rock you know about Angry Birds the massively popular app that started a whole new line of toys. There have been Stuffies, blocks, etc, but now there are a whole new line of toys by Hasbro.

We LOVED how easy it came out of the box. No ties, wires, rope or string held it in the box just some cardboard! Hope toy companies take note!  We must admit, that we did take some time putting it together. There are directions but for some reason, Goddess and I had some issues. We knew how it went together but couldn't get it to snap into place for some reason. When we got it we high fived and started playing right away.

Here is what happens when the car passes under the TNT. Both piggies went flying.
There is two tracks and two cars. Each kid places their car on a track, pushes but button and sends their car down the track. The winner get's bragging rights.
Here is the Pirate Pig guarding his booty!

Goddess loved the App! She has played it every day.

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

The Beatrix Girls Rock

Wow! We are in love with the Beatrix Girls! How could we not be? They all have their distinct personalities and they rock! The Beatrix Girls are a band made up of Lark, Ainsley, Chantel, and Brayden. My daughter and I love music but especially female vocalists and girl bands so this is right up our alley.

When we got the box containing Chantel I thought Goddess would be disappointed because she told me she was really hoping to get Brayden. She loves her purple hair and her blue dress but she quickly asked if we could review Chantel so that she could play with her.

Here is our unboxing video

Chantel is a beautiful doll with a lovely red sparkly dress, sparkly necklace and bracelet. After our quick video and photo shoot she took off with Chantel and another doll to play saying that she looked like the mom of another one of her dolls.

  Isn't she pretty!?

Sweet, anytime my kids are playing "unplugged" I am a happy mom!

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Our 2nd Official Snow Day!

We live in the boonies, not going to lie. I love it here but the winter does change our every day life. My kids have already missed three days of school (two because the school closed and one because I held them since school was scheduling an early dismissal one day due to a storm) because of the weather since last week. UGH! Things for them are difficult enough in school with the Core Curriculum nonsense, but missing days makes everything harder.

While I love snow days and look forward to my kids being home with me, I am wondering how we are going to proceed as winter gets harsher. 

Looking forward to having a lazy morning, getting some chores done and heading out with the kids to shovel and play.

Here are some photos from our last snow day.


Some of the decorations on our outdoor tree make me smile. See me in the reflection?
Some people take their flags down but we let ours fly all the time! IMG_3489
It was just a dusting at first!
Eventually the kids had enough to sled down the hill in the back. It isn't big but they love it. Who says Body Boards are only for water?


It was Goddess' idea to try them out. One day they will have sleds 
IMG_3525 IMG_3531 

When they got bored of the hill, they moved onto the steps.

 IMG_3522 IMG_3521

And finally a selfie!

How is the weather were you are?

Christmas is Dora’s Birthday?

Originally posted on In The Blink of An Eye December 17, 2007


On Thursday I took out Fisher Price Little People Nativity Play Set. It is really cute! I got it at the end of the season last year but didn’t give it to the kids.

Thursday I asked the kids to clean up the living room so that I could show them a new toy. After the clean up I took out this huge box with the nativity set in it. They were so excited and I couldn’t all those pieces out of the trillion pieces of wires fast enough. Question: If they are going to put all those wire pieces around each little friggin toy why all the tape too?? 

Anyway, we set it up and I started the lesson on who all the people were. They listened and we looked at each piece and discussed their role in the Christmas story. I read them four or five books on the Christmas Story and then because it was the only movie I had about anything to do with the birth of Christ we watched The Little Drummer Boy from 1968.

It was a wonderful moment between me and my kids. I loved watching a movie that I watched as a child with them. I know this is just the beginning of our Christmas traditions and I can’t wait to build on the little foundation I am setting up.

Yesterday while playing a game my son said, “Mom, Christmas is coming soon.”

“Yes it is. You are right. Just a few more days.” Then just to reiterate what I had taught him the other day I figured I would ask, “Whose birthday do we celebrate on Christmas?”

Without missing a beat he said, “Jesus’s”

I was so happy that he had remembered. I said, “You are so smart. It is Jesus’s Birthday. We can sing to him too if you want on Christmas.” He said, “Yeah” with all the enthusiasm of a child who thinks birthdays, anyone’s birthday is fun and a reason to celebrate.

My daughter walked into the room about 2 minutes later.

“Goddess, whose birthday do we celebrate on Christmas?” I ask her.  I was so excited and optimistic since the boy had remembered I figured she certainly would.

“DORA’S” she shouts eagerly.

“Dora’s, well actually it’s Jesus’s but good guess.” I tell her trying not to laugh.

I guess I am just be thrilled that she actually understood my question at 2.5 years old and really…maybe she’s right. I have no idea when Dora’s birthday is. Maybe her birthday is also December 25th. Who am I to argue with a 2.5 year old?  

Monday, December 16, 2013

Extended Family Christmas Get Together

Originally posted December 16, 2007

I  love this time of year. Mostly I love it because my girlfriends and I get our pack of kids together to exchange gifts, eat, drink, take pictures and make a ton of noise.

Mostly what I love about this little group is that there is a comfort level equal to being with your closest family. There is laughter, fun, joking, smiles, joy, chaos, stories, clucking (typical speak for too many girls talking at the same time).

In the past we used to head to Manhattan by ferry and spend the evening eating, walking, taking pictures, eating dessert, and more walking.  That was then…

Now, we get together on a Sunday at Houlihans without kids for lunch and then we do the next weekend with all our kids. 

Yesterday was our kid day. It was fun. The kids all have that cousin mentality and mostly get along very well. There are 7 kids between the 4 of us and the ages are from 2-15.  The oldest was my ring bearer and the youngest is my Goddess. I love seeing how well they all get along and how nicely they play together.

There is a comfort level with the lot of us that is hard to find these days.

It all started with Teresa who I met on my first day of work back in 1988.  We eventually became the inseparable dual at work. Like salt and pepper we were rarely seen alone. Through her I met Diane (who later became my roommate along with Teresa when the 3 of us rented an apartment together for a couple of years) and then Barbara. Teresa, Diane and Barbara all lived in the same city and all went to the same school so occasionally they go into some rant about people they knew back in the day but like I said, I can easily tell shout out “boring, bored” or some other obnoxious rant they tell me to ”shut up” and we move on. Love it! Just like family no? Without the biff upside the head.

I sent each one of them all the pictures from yesterday along with a thank you note to each one of them that went something like this.

It was so nice to see you all yesterday. I wish we weren’t spread all over the place because we certainly don’t get together often enough.Teresa, thank you for hosting, for the book, parting gift, food and for all that you do. If you didn’t organize these little shindigs they probably wouldn’t happen. You rock and my kids had a blast and can’t wait to go to your house again.Barbara, thanks for the gifts, taking care of my daughter when she hurt herself, helping me out to my car, those awesome cookies, and for all that you do. We shouldn’t just wait for Teresa to hold a get together to see each other.

Diane, thank you for babysitting with me, making lunch for the kids, the kids gifts, my 5 dollar scratch off win and for all that you do. What I said to Barbara applies to you too.

BigC, thank you so much for your extreme patience with all the kids when Aunt T and Aunt Barbara abandoned us to visit Liz. Handsome and Goddess were talking about you all night. You are welcomed to my house anytime you want. We have to work something out with your parents.

MyJ, thanks for loving Handsome and Goddess as much as you do. Sorry I didn’t get to talk to you much. I saw you but still ended up leaving there missing you. Buttercup is very cute and I hope you like your books. Anytime you want to come, you are more than welcome too.

I love all of you and Wish you all a very Merry Christmas.

Love, Maria

It is the best and I love every minute of being with them and wish we could all get together more often but we none of us even live in the same damn county let alone same city.

There is nothing I couldn’t ask for these three or their children who all call me Aunt.  I always end up in a love fest after seeing them. They are truly good people and anyone would be lucky to have any of them in their lives.
Handsome and Goddess,

Just a reminder that your Aunt Teresa, Barbara and Diane love you very much. They will all always be there for you and please know that you can count on them, tell them anything and they will always love you.  Aunt Barbara is always there for a hug, Aunt Diane is always there for a joke and Aunt Teresa is always there for some good advice.
Outstanding moments of yesterday:

Handsome and Barbara’s Baby Girl running with each other and calling for each other. I have not seen them play in the past.

Handsome getting a piggy back ride from my ring bearer BigC. How friggin cute. Who could have seen that 10 years ago?

My Goddess petting a hamster that MyJ was holding.

BigC letting all the kids lay all over him and having the most patience of any 15 year old in the world.

Goddess showing everyone her new doll from her Aunt Teresa like the proud little mama she is.

Babysitting with Diane and letting the kids run amok for the hour that we were abandoned by Barbara and Teresa.

Winning $5.00 on a Christmas scratch off from Diane.

Goddess telling Barbara she “loves it” when asked about a particular gift from Aunt Diane. “Do you like it?” ”I love it!” she replied. Followed by all the awwws 4 women could muster.

My handsome saying “Happy Holidays” as we headed out the door.

These were just a few of the awesome moments that made out little get-together one of the best so far.

Sunday, December 15, 2013

Some Orientating and Freezing Our Butts Off!

Handsome and the cubs have been hanging with some boy scouts learning orientating which basically translates to facing or turning to the East. Yo no se but basically the boys used compasses and had to find certain points on a map and come back to the leaders to find out of they ended up in the right place.

Sounds great right?! Well, it was the first night. I hung with some friends, sitting at a table talking about whatever in a nice warm American Legion. The second day consisted of us sitting outside in 20 degree weather while the boys walked around a field searching for locations.

Thankfully there was coffee but at the end of the 2.5 hours, I must say..I was frozen from my nose to my toes.

Goddess was sitting near the heater but you really had to be on top of it to feel it. Her face pretty much sums up how I was feeling.

Handsome was partnered up with an older scout and worked well with him, following directions and enjoying his time outside. He is the kid on the far right.

 If nothing else, I did get this beautiful photo of Goddess who was basically telling me to not take a picture of her. Oh well. It is my job after all.

Saturday, December 14, 2013

The Runaway Wife by Rowan Coleman

The 411 by Maria:

Rose was in an abusive marriage. One day she opens the door while her husband is away and a kind stranger changes her life. When she finally gets the nerve to leave her husband the only place she thinks to go is on a post card sent by the kind stranger that she only met once years 7 years prior. 

Finding herself on the run with her 7 year old daughter in tow she makes her way to a Bed and Breakfast in the town searching for the man who changed her life with an impromptu visit and some kind words.   

While there her life completely changes and she runs into her past, a past that shaped the woman she was and the one she will become. 

While it took me a while to get into the book which I now know for some reason has something to do with the different words used by International authors. Every time I have had trouble getting really into a book, I turn the book over to find out the author isn't from the States. Well, I call myself the Amateur Book Reviewer for a reason. Anywhooo...when I finally got into it, it did move quickly. Rose is a great female lead who only wants to be loved and made to feel she is worthy! 

I found her 7 year old daughter Maddie to be one of my favorite characters and was entertained by her character. An old soul for sure and one of the reasons I loved the book so much.

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Christmas Gift Idea - Barbie and Sisters Pony Tales RV - VLOG

Barbie and her sisters love to take camping trips together, and with this two-in-one RV set, girls can play out the perfect family vacation! The stylish vehicle separates for a smaller ride for two dolls and a horse (not included), while the camper opens to reveal multiple play areas where the four sisters (not included) can eat, sleep, swim, and more! The kitchen is a great place to prepare yummy meals, with the stove, oven, sink, and even a hot chocolate maker (for those cold nights and chilly mornings)! Girls can swing out the table for outside dining — under a canopy and pink chandelier! — or grab the top of the smaller vehicle to double as a bench.

We loved that it was so big! My non Barbie girl really loves this toy. She has never been much of a Barbie girl much to my dismay. There has yet to be an actual Barbie doll in the camper and it is usually her Monster High dolls but I would say she plays with this at least 3 times a week along with any little girl who has been here since the Summer.

 The Barbie and her sisters RV is awesome. It is big and sturdy and when it opens up forget about it...amazing. The beds, the kitchen, bathroom, even the toilet just call for you to play, play, play and let me tell you, I am all about keeping the kids unplugged as much as possible. Any toy that takes them away from the TV, Kindle, computer or video games is great.

The camper removes from the cab which seats four dolls or can tow a horse and two dolls. As for the camper we love the multiple play areas including the pool/fire pit depending on which side you use.

The camper is chock full of fun play pieces including marshmallows on sticks. Love it! We love that everything folds up and all the extra accessories.

We have played with it every day and any little girl who has come over asks to play with it before anything else. What's not to love about this very pink, very fun girl toy?!

Monday, December 09, 2013

You Can Make A Difference, Even If You Are Half Popped

The 411 by Maria and Goddess

We loved reading about Kenny the half popped kernel. 

Like most popcorn, Kenny just wants to be eaten but he is not fluffy and air popped. He is sitting at the bottom of the bowl with the other unpopped kernels and salt. 

Along the way, Kenny meets some interesting food friends like a baby carrot, sour grapes, a cracked open Oreo, a too ripe banana and Cheerio who can't swim; who all seem to have self esteem issues.

After helping everyone with their self esteem issues and making them feel good Kenny went back to his bowl and low and behold, the inevitable. Kenny is eaten! 

Mom (Maria) thinks: If Kenny had stayed in the bowl, he would have eventually been eaten because our favorite popcorn is the almost popped. We love the crunchy ones. BUT...if he had stayed he wouldn't have been able to help all the others so everything happens for a reason.

I think some kids may be upset by Kenny being eaten but it depends on the kid. Kenny smiles through each bite but it could upset some kids.

Goddess: I love unpopped popcorn so Kenny would have definitely been eaten if he was in my bowl. 

I didn't think it was scary but mommy said I might have it I were younger.

The pictures were funny and reminded me and my brother of Annoying Orange. 

Thursday, December 05, 2013

In Between Friends & Loving It

As an older mom a lot of my friends have mom's pretty close to my age. It is crazy when I meet a friend who has a kid the same age as mine, we start hanging out more, become closer and I finally meet their mom who is only a few years old than me. It is odd and cool at the same time.

It happens a lot! I am 47 but act like a 15 year old boy most of the time so having young friends is not something new to me but as a 47 year old woman, I have a lot in common with woman closer to my age too.

Recently I started hanging out with a young mom who moved here from Long Island. She is awesome, we have a lot in common. This is a photo from last night when we took an Irish Step Dance together. Don't even ask! A few weeks ago I met her mom, we had a lot in common too. She is hip, young, fun loving and has a great relationship with my friend, her daughter.

Another friend who just got married was telling me about her mom and how young and hip she is. I have yet to meet her but got to see photos of her from her daughter's wedding last week. Can I tell you that the mother of the bride had a mother of the bride dress that was incredible?! The bride was gorgeous, but the mother was stunning.

This had me wondering what kind of Mother of the Bride I will make. I am an older mom. I will be well into my late 50's to early 60's before Goddess will ever be old enough to think about marriage.

I imagine my mother of the bride dress to be matronly but older and mature looking. Not like the dresses of the mom's I see who are basically, well, my age now. If you are in your 40's and take care of yourself your mother of the bride dresses can and should make your look your best. Your daughter or son is getting married and you should be proud, plus those photos will be around forever.

Something like these dresses are what I hope I will find when my time comes.

Beautiful Dresses, I could so do these! Wish I had a wedding to dress for now!