Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Sometimes Combs Aren't Just For Hair

This past fall we found a beautiful abandoned bee hive that the kids were able to inspect, bring to school and to cubs scouts to show everyone else.

We love how perfect it is with it's symetrical hexagons and newspaper colored layers. So very cool!

Goddess was not afraid to carry it around safely knowing that it was vacant.

Monday, January 20, 2014

Mellow Yellow On A Monday

November I took a ride with a friend of mine to take some photos of property she owns that will eventually be put to bid for mining. It was a beautiful day and I loved walking around taking shots of her land. This one was not intended for her but for me. Obviously the track is not on her land but I couldn't pass up the chance to get all that yellow for myself.

We Are Still A Giant Household

The Giants may be out of the Superbowl but we are still very much a Giant household much to my son's dismay. He is a whoever is winning fan and doesn't understand the term "favorite team".

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Flowers In The Attic On Lifetime

If you were like me as a young girl you sat and devoured VC Andrews books. My sisters and I were obsessed with VC Andrews and shared, the Flowers in the Attic series as fans know it as the Dollanganger series. We quickly moved onto The Casteel Series, The Cutler Series, the Landry Series and finally the Logan Series. Thus began our love of Series books. 

This week, Lifetime's Flowers in The Attic (the remake, I will call it because there was one in 1987) premiers Saturday at 8:00 PM EST. I for one will be watching. My daughter will not. She is 8 and if you don't know the story there are parts of it that my very innocent baby doesn't need to know.

Heather Graham              as Corrine
Ellen Burstyn                      as Olivia
Kiernan Shipka                  as Young Cathy
Dylan Bruce                        as Bart
Mason Dye                         as Christopher
Chad Willett                       as Christopher Sr.
Ava Telek                            as Carrie
Maxwell Kovach               as Cory

On Amazon the novel is listed as a Gothic romance and I can see that. As a child my sisters and I loved and reread the series numerous times

 Book One of the Dollanganger Family series.

At the top of the stairs there are four secrets hidden. Blond, beautiful, innocent, and struggling to stay alive…

They were a perfect family, golden and carefree—until a heartbreaking tragedy shattered their happiness. Now, for the sake of an inheritance that will ensure their future, the children must be hidden away out of sight, as if they never existed. Kept on the top floor of their grandmother’s vast mansion, their loving mother assures them it will be just for a little while. But as brutal days swell into agonizing months and years, Cathy, Chris, and twins Cory and Carrie realize their survival is at the mercy of their cruel and superstitious grandmother…and this cramped and helpless world may be the only one they ever know.

Book One of the Dollanganger series, followed by Petals in the Wind, If There be Thorns, Seeds of Yesterday, and Garden of Shadows.

The book is well written and readers over 12 will love it!


Never Again

See how cute the kids are? I love their silly little faces and the hands and matching Angry Bird PJs. What I don't love is all that tinsel on the tree. I know it is nice and reminds us all of our childhood but I have and will continue to find tinsel for the foreseeable future I am sure.

My husband was asking for tinsel for years and since the kids were now showing interest because he mentions it every year, I saw it and picked it up.

He showed the kids the art of decorating by blowing it onto the tree or pulling it through the branches in clusters but seriously folks, this stuff will never darken or in this case brighten my doorstep again.

My poor vacuum may never recover.

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Trying To See Through The Fog

Sometimes fog brings up feelings of quiet, sadness and loneliness but today, trying to see through the fog makes me feel powerful and full of hope. Life has a funny way of keeping you in check and just when you feel you are as far down as you can go, fate, prayer or destiny challenge you to try to see through the fog and notice the light at the end of the tunnel.

Often times it isn't enough to KNOW you will eventually be OK, you need more and the universe is speaking to me, hopefully I understand what it is saying.

Saturday, January 11, 2014

Searching For Someday by Jennifer Probst Is Incredibly Sexy!

The 411 by Maria:

I have been very fortunate to have spent the holiday weeks reading some wonderful books by awesome authors and this is definitely one of them! 

Kate is a business woman who has no time for relationships because she is busy helping others find their perfect match! She has the magic touch and uses it to make sure the couples she sets up through her company are perfect together.

One day Slade, brother of one of her new clients comes in telling her she is a fraud and worried about his sister spending her money on finding a partner. Kate assures him she is a pro and doesn't baulk when he signs himself up so that he can prove to his sister that Kate is a fraud!

After touching Slade, and feeling a tingle Kate starts trying to find someone for Slade! Slade, finds himself attracted to the woman who is seeking his perfect soul mate.  Sometimes the person you are supposed to be with is right in front of you.
I LOVED this book.  Perfect balance of reality and fantasy. Who's to say people don't have a magic touch? Sexy, fun read and I loved hearing both sides of the story. We hear Slade and Kate side which I now know I love. Great banter, a really fun read!

If you have read Jennifer's series Marriage series, I have, you can read my reviews here, you will enjoy reading the characters names in this book.

Alice Clayton's The Redhead Plays Her Hand Makes Me Want To Be A Nuts Girl :)

The 411 by Maria:

If you have not read any Alice Clayton books yet, you are truly, honestly and completely missing out. 

Wallbanger which I read over the Summer was by far my favorite of the season! The Unidentified Redhead which I just read in November was spicy, sexy, and a fantasy read! LOVED IT!  The Redhead Plays Her Hand is part 3 of the Redhead series. Oddly enough I didn't get to read The Redhead Revealed but plan on it. I must tell you that not reading it didn't make #3 any less enjoyable. They all can be read on their own. If you are someone who doesn't love series, you will be fine. Alice is an amazing writer and they all stand on their own.

In The Redhead Plays Her Hand, Grace and Jack are together living the Hollywood dream. Jack is a star and Grace is coming into her own with the success of her show. Unfortunately, their public persona's and the pressure of Hollywood and fame is putting some stress on their relationships.

Grace is handling the pressure of being Hollywood's newest It Girl by keeping a clear, positive outlook and Jack is handling things in the complete opposite way. Can their love keep their relationship from going the Hollywood route and ending before it even has a chance to become public?

Alice writing is sexy, numerous, and sarcastic which makes me fly through her books, loving every minute and praying it doesn't end too soon. After finishing one of her books, I need a day or two before diving into another book because her characters stay with me.

I have no doubt you will love Alice as much as I do.

Her references crack me up and make me smile.

Sweet Nuts and Nuts Girl will be missed!    


Thursday, January 02, 2014

My Blingy iPhone Case Makes Me Smile!

I have been dying to get myself a case for my iPhone. I got the iPhone last year and every time someone saw me on it in all it's glory without a case, they always said, "I would be afraid to not have a case on my phone." It's not like I didn't want to have a case but it wasn't a financial priority and I was careful. My last phone didn't have one either.

Cellairis, is an international provider of innovative cell phone cases, and offers a number of unique products at a great price for iPhones, iPads, iPods, HTCs, Samsung, and Blackberry.  They even have a customizable Shout! line where you can create a one-of-a-kind case for yourself or as a gift featuring photos, text and color. The best part, cases can be delivered in just 72 hours.

I am definitely a bling girl and checked out the Lumina and Diamond cases before settling on the Cellairis Diamond Case for Apple iPhone 4/4S - Pearl Pink Crystal!! 

Isn't it beautiful! I love all those gems and pearls. The feel is nice and sturdy and the gems feel very secure in their settings. Doesn't seem like they will be falling out anytime soon! Nice case that I am happy to carry around.

Since I haven't had a case on my phone ever, I can't stop looking at it. I love how it feels too!  Plus it was so easy to install, Goddess did it for me hence no photo of the case inside the packaging. She was in a bit of a hurry to try it out.

Wednesday, January 01, 2014

Happy Friggin New Year

Now this is not to say that my title is me being upset, sad, mad, or whatever. I am sincerely at whatever, indifferent.

Being happy is a mindset. I am trying to set my mind to being happy no matter what happens in my life. It is sometimes easier said then done!

Today, I started out fine and it takes one person, saying one thing to just change all that. This is ON me and I know that. Someone cannot make you feel a certain way but it does when they have a lot of influence over you.

Maybe the next time I say something to someone and they snap back with some stupid comment, I will be ready instead of feeling like a bullet hit my chest!

I vow to try to make this year MY best year. I will do what I can to make sure that I AM doing the best I can. AND NOT allow myself to feel like a victim. I am worthy. I am important. I know this so it is time to make others know it too.

My wish is that anyone reading this has a Happy, Healthy, New Year! AND if you are in my boat, I hope you find the strength needed to make positive changes in your life so you can have YOUR best life.